27 March 2004


The true loneliness of the journey of Christ ~
The true loneliness of the life of God ~
Is as a ~
Solitaire – a single gem set by itself - a single beautiful gem set alone – surrounded and held with such honour and with such dignity and uplifted poise and authority - for all which surrounds it is only there to lift it higher – only there to give it exaltation – so that its superbly crafted workmanship is perfectly presented, so the solitaire has the full attention; the entire focus; and receives all the glory - as the love of all creation for the solidarity of the fullness of our God, lifts our God into a poise and position in which his exaltation and the honour that besets him, exceeds what is the excessiveness, and is now the epitome of the entirety of love which is of God and which is God, and has now been placed where it can only belong - set and uplifted by those who have placed their loyalty and commitment to the Lord above all else – for it is a loyalty – a commitment that sets our God amid the surrounds of a love which is of the capacity to lift him to the greatest of heights, and to exalt him with the passion of one whose beholding of him has reached it point of unequalled excellence – the beholding of the Lord as he was beheld by the word of his love, and as he does behold the love of his word – the true and perfect exaltation of a true and perfect God ~

The truth of God’s word is a solitaire gem – Jesus the solitaire set apart by himself as the chief cornerstone – set apart as the only foundation which can be eternally built on - for even as he is the foundation, he is also above all else and the only one all else can cling to and be set around and onto – he is a gem of such unmatched significance that once he pierces your heart, with all his qualities and angles and his perfection of cut, and all of which have made him the solitaire, the flow of the liquid properties of his word of truth enters your bloodstream and your blood is cleansed by the entrance of Christ who is the truth of the word, and who is the word of the truth – cleansed by Christ and his word – by Christ and his flow of life, and his flow of blood, and his flow of eternalised proportions and his unequalled dimensions….so as to give that which is without, all of which is.

The liquid properties of God’s word is seen in how he pours himself into us without spilling a drop – for his blood did flow and cover his body and run down every crevice in his beaten flesh and flow down onto the ground, but he did not spill a drop onto where it was not meant to flow - it is how his word runs over us and saturates us and infiltrates us – penetrating through us and into us as its sweet taste stays on our lips – as the sweet thick essence of its honey binds it to our mind and hearts, as it melts into our form and as we melt into its form, and as it powers through us as a surge of rushing waters as it moves always to cleanse and to bring righteous adjustments and alignment to our being and nature - moving so the outflow and overflow of our love is now brought back to its initial pure level, so it now can now grow and develop and be centred in the heart and life source of God who is love, and to take on the more of its properties and to take on its form and demeanour – to take on its light and its transparency as it spreads and covers and fills as all of its cellular activity gives voice to the God of all creation – to the God who is love down to its very finest drop and down to its most infinite and blinding core of which houses the truth of the reality of life - for there is nothing about God which condones and gives life to anything which does not take its link back to unconditional love - which does not take its every action and word back to the original source of its being….
The love of God is to be deeply planted in rich soil and is meant to always be taking on the form of new growth - and as it grows and comes into the maturity of the God ordained use of its qualities, the offshoots from the fortress of its seed will bear the same mighty force and immortal qualities, for it then travels back to its primary source and joins as one with it – not to be separate again and not to even see where it merged and joined its master again, for there can be no inherent distinction between the two - there is to be no distinction between our love and the love of God, for such is the power of it to change all and everything, and to bring all and everything back to their God likeness; and back to their love of God for that is what is natural, and that is what sustains us and keeps us propelled and moving in the direction of light – we may call it a whole lot of other names but it is the qualities of God – it is the love of God – it is God – and to release his name from our lips in a manner befitting his majesty, is a release of love and its power -it is a release of God and the power of his eternal love - for his Name cannot go out from us and not shatter all it comes in contact with - maybe not manifested in our sight – but it has been dispersed forth by the power of creation, and the love of God is what fills his word and what his word speaks of - for there is nothing which is not said by the Lord which has not flowing through it the love of God for his creation and the love of God for his word ~

To take of the true loneliness of the journey of Christ, and the true loneliness of the life of God is to see how set apart we are when life in its great and it predestined form - when life in its uncut and uncensored form comes to reside and live through us as the willingness and the eagerness of the life in us accepts the more of the life of God, and moves with it to join it, and to flow with it instead of against it – when we block out all the undercurrents of all other teachings, all other words and all other superficial dalliances and come to where it is indeed the solitaire we seek to see, and truly the solitaire who we are becoming so much like - as we move into isolated, solitary and lonely places, for only in this separateness can we feel the companionship we have always craved – only in the isolation of lonely places can we experience the fullness of the relationship we can have with our God, as our desire to be alone with him moves in us constantly, relaying to us an urgency to come to know our Lord more and more - to seek out the knowledge of his life and to take of his understanding so as to tear apart all of which is a false representation of our Lord and his Spirit.
But the loneliness their hearts speak of is the loneliness of minds in full understanding and control - of hearts rendered and in undying out reachment to the far corners of themselves - it is a loneliness from which does come the precious aloneness - and it is an unrewarding aloneness when we base our rewards on what can be applauded by others and what is of a substantial gain to us – but what the reward is to those who seek it, is the reward of living in the now as if we are living in the eternal senses whether in the past or future - the same way God is living, for he is always in the now - for the now is wherever our God is - and he is all and everywhere at all times.

And it is not only the loneliness of a Father for his family, but it is the loneliness of a heart for the return of what has gone out from it – for the return of its own – for there is no part of God which remains separate to him - there is no part of his life and his love which will not return to him, and whether we see its outreach to us in the way it comes to do its work or not – it will return to join up with he who is the source of all things - the source of all love - he who is love - and he who dispenses all of love in the only way that enables it to clear a pathway back to the Lord - for it will be indeed a highway paved in tears and coated in thick blood; a highway to the highest of what God has yet to reveal ; for the revealing of it can only come from the shedding of many tears and from the many coatings of his blood - as we are sanctified and purified and made ready to receive all of which he has yet to make known to us.
When God dispenses his love – when he dispenses himself – that is what opens for us what is the heart of all creation – he opens to us what remains and resides in total loyalty to only God, and in total submissiveness to only God, and what remains and resides in only where he has allotted it to stay, and that is nowhere within our earthly viewing unless God has moved to move all things into where we can see and hear – and that is through Jesus Christ who is our only access point - for Jesus and Jesus alone is the only one who makes any unveiling of God to us possible – there is no other way for us to see what is so pure and holy – and although walking away from him is possible through our gift of free choice – it is also Jesus who makes it an impossible feat for those who have never lost their first love for him – for he alone is what our bodies of flesh are meant to hold, and what our souls and spirits are destined to forever embrace ; and that is the splendour of Christ Jesus.

For the whispers and silent words of the Holy Spirit have brought into our being the unfolding of his splendour – not what looks splendorous but what is splendour – that which is the splendour of God – he brings to us the brilliant distinction - the Godly lustre – the distinctive brilliant splendorous lustre of God - he gives us the splendour through which the deliverance of the Holy One takes his entrance -
The Holy Spirit, the power of all creation – does not cease to bring distinction and separation to the lustre of God - as opposed to the false lustres and glitter of a world in total distress and chaos – a glitter which seeks to hide the disintegration of what it holds so close to its heart – it is made very distinct to us by the Holy Spirit so we can see the difference between God and men – so we may see the difference in what we had in the world, to what we are now being given and do now indeed have - The Holy Spirit is the master of all genius and does in all insight just what the Father desires, and just what Jesus intends - he is always in the forefront moving and bringing splendour into its powerful presence, so all of which the Lord does call forth to come into the sight of all men for the purpose of all men to understand more about him – so it can have its holy point of entrance - for it must pass through the glorious splendour of God for it is to be shown as being distinctly from God, for it emerges with his lustre - and men have to learn the difference - there is nothing from men which is of any offering to God when it comes through their access point, which is a heart set on the world needs and the so called good of mankind - the so called good of mankind is an insult to God when the only thing good about men is when God is abiding in them and them in God – then and only then may they have correct discernment in relation to what is good for all creation – all else our Lord spits out - he vomits it out as many times as it rises up to him, for the only good thing for the world – the best thing – the only thing for the world is the only true God and Jesus Christ whom he sent ~ it is God and the Spirit of his word - the Spirit of all truth.

For his word to us is instilled in us - infused slowly by degrees – drop by drop and makes what is to come a part of us, just as it is a part of Christ - and it cannot be separated from us now as it cannot be separated or be held apart from Christ Jesus, for such is the power of God to bind all things of himself to us when his Holy Spirit has made his dwelling in us to maximum capacity.

Yes - the doors of great royal and regal standing are now closed and all the chests and vaults have been locked again as the Lord watches to see what we have done with what he has given us out of what is of the eternities of God – out of what is of the indescribable, out of what may come to us as incoherent – of what may come as a display which outreaches what our minds want to hold, and what our hearts can bear to carry – for it is the private collection of the Lord – it is God as if we are looking and partaking of him through the magnification of a microscope and knowing what we are seeing and taking our journey through is but one inch of him, is through but one drop of his blood, and one touch of his finger – and one revelation of his eternity.
It is the Holy and righteous Lord’s private collection of himself – collected and held private by he who has seemed to be the only one interested in knowing what there is to know - the only one who is interested in living all there is to live, and the only one wanting to be really alive to live what life has to offer of itself and not what the world has to offer of itself –
For the Lord did see and live amongst what the world had on offering - and he lived what life in its pure form had on offering - and he is the only one who knows the road to both, and what the consequences of each direction are – for he did live in the purity of life’s qualities, and he did live what the world had to offer - but what the world had to offer was taken in by him and put where it belongs by the obedience of a man who knows and loves God – for Jesus was able to take of the world and what it was and what it offered men – and instead of condoning and living in the flesh and heart mind and spirit and soul all of which the world typifies and all which the world uplifts and loves – he took the world and all which was in it and reconciled it back to the Father – that is how he lived what it had to offer – that is what living life is – that is what living God is - he took of it and gave it back to the Father by paying the ultimate price which has to be paid when we live in the world of sin and depravity and fail to take our whole being to the Lord in full repentance and reconcile our life at the level of our humanity with life as it is within the Lord – with life which is the Lord himself.
We live it without God – Jesus lived it with God – and the Lord’s way is the only way we can stay in the world without it consuming us – for it gives nothing back to us but death – as it only brought Jesus death, but he used what he knew the world would give out to him and turned it around so that death was defeated and the world was conquered and life and truth as always reigned supreme –

It is the all so private collection of what is held in life as only God knows it – and as now we can know it if we come through Jesus Christ - for out of the sacrifice of Jesus the man and Jesus the only true God, did come a private collection that did come from the Father, and was put into action by the Son, and given its release by the Holy Spirit – a private family collection that can only be held in the protective power of the Lord, who spread out his hands to open the way for us - for it is of such a divine nature that what we see the Lord showing us as he unfolds each finger of his hand - has in itself a cavalcade of mighty new dimension – a new realm of now new entrances into the word of God –
And what he did speak to us to make known and heard on earth and in the heavens - now has now had released within it a new realm – a dimension which holds to the maximum - and then the more of it soars through into the extremities – it holds the many hard teachings, the more hard lessons, the multitude and variances of Christ who is the endless themes which are woven into and through his word – he is the endless message of the good news of our salvation - he is the endless message of what is yet to be known about the all of what God holds for our eternity – he is God’s word of perfection - he is God’s life of perfection
And he brings and gives us the hardest of teachings so we can abide in the revelations yet to come - for they will come and not only be disbelieved and thrown to the side as so many other revelations of our God, but will come when we least expect them – for so perfect is the timing of the release of his word to us – a perfection which sees the due release of what it is to be perfect –
To enter into where there is no place for injustice, or indecision, or division, and no place to say no to life – and no place to say that God has not already done everything for us – lived everything for us – gone everywhere before us – and that he has not already made way for us now to live a private collection of the more of him while still living on this earth – for within his private collection – there is his private collection of each of us if we would only look through the album our Father has of our growing years, and how he has matched each of our years with that of our brother and his growing years on this earth, so we can see where we are in relation to him and where we are in relation to our abiding in him – this is his private hand made collection put together by a heart which sustains all things, and by a heart which lives all things - and it is the life of God and the life in God which sets before us the solitaire of our life – setting it in such a perfect setting – for all he presents to us about himself and about us is set in complete and perfect love and understanding of us, so powerfully perfect that it takes us daily to cross of Christ - for it is the power of the cross that makes life in us what it is meant to be – which allows God to dwell in us and to be who he is meant to be – it is the power of the cross which gives resurrection to our God and then it is our God who gives his resurrection to us –
But can we bear it when he speaks it to us - when he steps in close to surround us and to take us into the full embrace and then into the full life of he who is the Resurrection ~ can we bear to hear and know all of what the Resurrection has given life to ~

For the Lord did hold open many doors to us so we would see what he had for us to yet see – so as what he had for us would come full on into our sight and hearing - so as to take its position in our hearts, as our minds worked overtime to bring all into some sort of order – to bring what was never to be contained or held down in vessels - into vessels which would encircle it but never restrain it or be adverse to its nature of total freedom.
All the concealments which blind us to all of which is of the Lord’s were held open for us by the hands and fingers of one whose patience endurance stands alone by itself – one whose unimaginable grace has yet to fine a suitable partner – and one whose mercy is beyond what cannot be sustained without love which is untamed and knows no bounds and is not lead by lust or jealous greed - for it took the wind of holy enlightenment to sweep in and clear the way and make all ready for the ushering in of who is without blemish - the ushering in of the unspoken eternities of our God, and to make way for the yet to be revealed glorious and sometimes shocking details which go to make up and bring to completion the full revelation of Jesus Christ.

The length of time the doorways to the heavenly features of our Lord stayed ajar and remained in their controlled state of openness which allowed insight into what they would always live to conceal and keep protected and shielded in holy places of untouched glory - was a proportioned length of time when a great release of our God was indeed a greater release for our God - as the roar of his Spirit and the pain of his flesh and the splendour of his presence made known its intentions.
For the mighty doors which yield to no one but the Lord and those who are just like him - may be sealed – may be locked and covered in silken glory but on what side of these towering magnificent partitions which guard the Lord of life and his word and his pleasures and his delights and his core of powerful raging inferno - what side of them did we stay on when they came back to their meeting point – did we stand back as they came to their closure – did we stand aside to let them pass us by leaving us only feeling the rush of air as they came to join and meet with the Lord - or did we realise that they were opened for us so we would step into the more and not just look at the more, and admire the more and hope for the increase of the more from a distance - for all is at a distance if we have not gone ahead and now stepped into it - we are to have remained behind the closed doors for they did open to take us in – for the Lord opened himself to take us into himself - and as we remain in Christ and as he remains in us, it is for us to stay inside the rooms and in amongst the hiding places of our God – for we cannot explore them from the outside, and it was for us to take our entrance through the priceless opening made available to us by Jesus Christ when it was presented to us, and then for us to continue to stay there with our Father and to continue our walk and our journey as we took our now starting point from where we had asked to be brought to, and from there where we had asked to go – and it will be only through our excessive submission to the Holy Spirit - done in obedience and humility that we will be able to do this, for we have to have full guidance from our God as he takes us through himself for what we will see and live is without doubt what sent our Lord to the cross - and is without doubt what is held in his resurrection ~

When the doors opened it was for us to move with the Holy Spirit over the threshold – and now into a new existence - for it is the Holy Spirit who can only move us into what is going to be freefall, what is going to be more and more the walk of Jesus - and we have to go in his movements and it is only the depth of our commitment to Jesus which makes it possible for us to move as one with him, because we are going so deep into the all of our God and his Christ, and into areas of the Holy Spirit which have been held at a distance from us – that it is imperative we know that we are asking for what has not yet been released – what has not yet come into the light of revelation yet – for we will find ourselves on the same road with the same dust over our feet and our bodies as Jesus did - and will hear exactly what Jesus heard – and feel unimagined anguish and pain as we see and feel what only the Lord could see and feel in this world of such sin – it will be the realness of the real walk of Jesus –
We have to be lead by the Holy Spirit to find where our hearts and love does belong - we know they belong to the Lord – but it is now can he take them to places we may not want to go because of the deepness of what he is now telling tell us -
Knowing the all of God is much more than having his power manifest through us.
It is for us to stay in the secret places of our Lord for that is why he opened them to us for he knows what is yet to be spoken and heard – it is staying there and waiting for him to move us on – to move us where we need to be for he opened them to us because he is ready to let us see first – and then the world see what and who he is – to let the world have a taste of what is perfect and what does comes from perfect perfection – a taste of what is the original – of what is and will never be held back – God is unleashing on the world what is undesirable to the world – what is unthinkable to the world – what seems impossible to the world for it has for so long been under the guise that it marks out and controls its own destiny – and what it says goes – and what it does is permanent and durable – it has no conception of what is real and what is not - no understanding of the chaos and the destruction – nor of the life which is to come.

And for us not to stay in the secret places and hard teachings of our Lord is to do and think as the world - and to walk away from any part of him is to leave a part of our Lord out of our life, and to allow the world to move in – and to walk at a distance from the Lord is to lead a part of our lives separate from the all we have been shown – and that part of our life would be the all of our lives, for whatever and however we lived from that point on would be of no measure, when we had been given everything and believed and accepted only half - when we have been presented with the solitaire and craved for all else which falsely glitters around it – there would be no measure which would compensate – no amount of formal word in us will fill the gap left when we had been given access into the private world of word both spoken and written – and word unwritten and unspoken – and have been given access into the heart of the word himself to see past what is written and to see into what is yet to come into the life our God and what he has yet to live for himself - we have been given access through the cavalcade of new entry points which have appeared and begun to spread their wings as they opened themselves up as the Lord’s voice gave his permission for them to spread their glory so we could see through their feathered outstretched wing span - these are new entry points which the Lord has brought into existence for the sole purpose of raising the elect of the Holy Spirit to where they can go into the Lord and bring out in the same way as the Holy Spirit – so we are ready to take our journey into the greater things when the Holy Spirit takes his leave from us –

For the Holy Spirit is freed from his dwellings within us – for it is the word in us which sets him free – the intensity of the revelations of the word in us sets him free from vessels whose containment of the word and their mastery of the word – is in the sameness of the Holy Spirit as he is in the sameness of the Father and the Son - for we have been given all entry points – and have all access to the revelations which still have to come to their fulfilment so as to bring completeness to this age so the next age may make its entrance.

So it is as the Lord’s chests and vaults came into our view it is not only for us to stand in amazement – and to gaze at their beauty – and then to have a look inside as the Lord raises the covering for us – but is for us to see into their beauty and see the face of that which is plain in appearance – for in the face of plainness is hidden the true beauty which is beyond what we could first see – what we could first take in - for its beauty is beyond appearance and there are no words to express or give expression to what we see – just as it is that within the plainness we have to search out to see that which is of beauty to God - for out of the ordinary is what comes the extraordinary - but if we cannot look with a heart centred on only the truth of God we will never ever see what the Lord truly sees – and we will never be able to sink to the depths of the Lord and be submerged in what is not - to see what is - and to look into what is - to see what is not – for within the pattern of the Lord’s elaborately carved chests is the pattern of all creation - and in the ornateness of his vaults is etched the winding road of his complex emotions – and in the aloneness of his high and wide and deep doors is the loneliness of the journey of Christ and the loneliness of the life of God - for all of the Lord is crafted into everything that is him and everything that belongs to him - for he has to give expression to himself, but we will never see what he has hidden and how he has hidden it, if we do not see him and look for him in all and everything that he presents to us – for his word has already been spoken into his vaults and chests and rooms and doors and hallways and empires and his word is there for us to see – it is a work of art; God’s word –
It is the only thing which can be seen in unlimited ways and each way a different and new insight – it is to run our hand over what it has crafted out – to run our fingers through the carved out features, is the Lord’s word taking us to forbidden places which cannot be expressed or spoken out – to wind our hearts down the etched winding road of his complex emotions, is to go into an area which is explosive with word, but with word that is of the liquid nature and can only be felt as it expresses the solitude, the aloneness and the loneliness which does come with life – which does rest in the pockets of life and all it is – and of all its journey we have to take ourselves through – sometimes without company – and standing apart – isolated – and remote from human habitation – standing in a loneliness which is seated in the deepest part of our God – and only standing in it with Christ are we enabled to have its full shattering effect brought into holy and perfect understanding within us –
The loneliness of humanity is separate and at a distance from the life of the Lord who sustains all creation – when the Lord walked with us – he felt the loneliness in us – the loneliness of all God’s creation to its full degree –
We feel it when it is covered in sin, and then we move closer to the world – the Lord felt the all of it and moved us closer to God - for us to feel the all of it would have killed us – we would not have survived what wrestles against us when we are completely separated from God – we are numb to it – for we are so covered over with what is of unimportance – of what has been born out of our separation and denial of him, that we do not even feel those nails in our hands and in our feet – we walk around and we feel nothing - we do not feel the lashes against our backs or the crown of thorns which is ripping through our skull – and we do not even know we are bleeding to death - we don’t hear the insults made against our Father, and we do not know of the cross which is lain across our backs – we are so numb to our separation from God that we did not even feel it when we witnessed Jesus taking the fullness of our punishment for us – what we had on us was manifested in Jesus – the nails and cuts and wounds and the floggings and the thorns – but it made no impression on us and we felt no compassion and we saw no reflection of ourselves and the full depth of our loneliness - we felt no love and we did not see any familiarity with him - our brother and our Lord was a stranger to us – and we felt nothing for him and did not even know that as we stood and jeered him that it was us we were seeing – we were seeing the condition of ourselves – of what our separation from our God does to those who are not meant to live separate from him – we were seeing in all its plainness – in all its truth, the magnificent beauty of our God – for his magnificent being was changed in our sight for us to see our wretched condition, to see manifested what loneliness does to us when we take of it and move closer to the world, for we think that there is something in the world which can resurrect new life in us – new love in us – but Jesus came and stood in the gap so when we went to turn to the world for our resurrection and our life and our love, we would see he who is the Resurrection and the Life - and we would turn and repent and follow him out of the loneliness and into the aloneness with the Father - that we would follow him and never stop or turn back to see what we left behind, for if we did we would have taken our eyes off the resurrection and the life and all we have would now be taken away from us.

For on the cross Jesus did bear the full degree of the unbearable pain of the separation from God – Jesus took the loneliness which the world did reside in, and he suffered it, and he changed it with the glory to an aloneness with God – Jesus reconciled our loneliness with the peaceful solitude of God and brought us into an aloneness which is being set apart in holiness so as to partake and now live in the solitude and wilderness of the peace of God - for we can never begin to live it if we have not accepted that the loneliness and the separation that the world offers has been taken in its full measure and been lived by Christ for us – and at the completion of the suffering of it - it was changed with his splendorous glory into an aloneness and solitude with our God – giving full view to the innate beauty of the place of solitude - for it is seemingly so plain and ordinary – without fancy garments or sparkling alluring jewellery or the sounds of gaiety but is so extraordinarily captivating – for to be in the lonely places and the places of total solitude with our God is to see the intricate beauty and detail in every thread of a thought which is balanced and held so delicately in the Lord’s mind as it takes its passageway to his heart – it is to see lonely places as they are – that they are the opposite to how the world sees and lives them –
It is the reverse of how the world sees them for when we are in Christ they are the grandest and most exciting places we could ever be – for out of the lonely and solitary places did come the greatest of gift to us – for out of the lonely places did Jesus always return to continue his journey which had a destination of where no other man would go for the love of the Father – the gap between us and God was too extensive for anyone else to fill expect he who fills and brings life to all things.

The Lord took what is unbearable for us to stand up and endure under - he took it and paid the price - and then he turns that which is unbearable back into its original form, and the unbearable becomes the purposed suffering and divine knowledge and understanding of the Holy One - for our blindness has been turned into sight, our deafness into hearing, our flesh into usable vessels, our minds into the mind of Christ our hearts into the heart of Christ, our loneliness into the superb aloneness of God and with God, and our numbness into the magnificent and excruciating pain of Christ as he lives more and more in us and us more and more in him – there are no limits to what God bears for us and there is no lonely stretch of road we can travel without the Lord at our side, when the Lord is the road we are travelling down, and when he is every avenue and every pathway and every mountain and every deepest of depths we submerge ourselves in – when he is every vault and chest and room and vision and dream and wild expanse and eternal wilderness and all and every ravine and canyon spring that we bend to drink from – when we see that he is the highest point of our existence – the pinnacle of our eternal life and the one and only perfectly cut solitaire –
And that once we have stepped over the threshold of all which is of the Lord’s we find they are of no fixed form - that they no more seem of the confines of a room or vault or chest – for their appearance on the outside was a refection to us only of what we saw it to be – and it was only what we could see until we stepped into it, for they did not portray or give any insight into what they were indeed holding in the greatest of honour and highest esteem – it was a reflection - an outward display of their truth in the only way that God can masterfully portray and give manifest presence to them - for he is a connoisseur of all works – a virtuoso in any field and gives liberally as well as holds in tight concealment deep insights - the revealing of which will depend on our hearts desire for full and complete unification with him - for within the unification the flow between us and the Lord is like the flow of blood within a heart – like the flow of blood within one heart –

There is no way to cover or hide what God has made or how he has made it – or hide or cover who God is – for there is nothing to conceal God from us if we are looking with the same heart as Jesus - for inside the word of truth there are no locks or concealment – just as once inside the rooms of God the rooms have no door or walls or floor – for we are inside he who is without form and without limit and once inside there are to be seen no access or entry or exit point ……for once over the threshold of the world of God there is only the full unhidden truths of who he is - the blinding realisation that the truth of God is the truth of us – that everything we see in him is everything about us – that he is trying to tell us he is who we are, and that we are allowing our former lives which we led before Jesus came and stood in the gap – we are still allowing the residue of what has been put to death to come between us and the Lord – that we still have moments when we flash back and feel a familiar loneliness or an all too familiar pain which always seems to tear our hearts in two - and we attach it back to the world instead of taking it and reaching into God with it to go deeper into him, knowing that the reconciliation and the payment of it has been fully made, and that what we now feel has been changed by God’s glory into its original form, and we do not take it back to the world anymore but we offer it up to the Father as the sweet fragrant offering it is – the offering of suffering which is the price we now pay – the privilege we now have if we want to come to know the all of our God – and when we take it to him we know him a bit more, and live as the world a bit less – We have to come to see that as we looked at Christ on the cross and saw all his flesh had endured - it is what we did look like to our Father, and when we come now through Christ, and as we take on his appearance our wounds of the world are now transformed in the sight of the Father to the wounds of Christ and he begins to see Jesus in us – the love of Jesus in us as it takes on its own presence - the all of Jesus in us as he sees his Son again walk this earth through his chosen vessels - the suffering of Jesus in us as he took on our loneliness for now our tears are truly his tears - it is when the cross of Christ is now carried by the true sons and daughters of God – for it is never too late to acknowledge our brothers visit to us – our Lord’s visit to us - never too late to repent that we did not recognise or know him – never too late to be jealous for every word said about our God, and never too late to let ourselves feel a taste of the true loneliness of the journey of Christ ; and the true loneliness of the life of God; it is only ever too late when we have the all of God surrounding us, and we are surrounding the all of our God, and we then take it to where we think we are the replacement of Jesus Christ within the heart of the Father - and so then begin to live this dangerous delusion out in the natural realm - but it was not us who did hang on that cross – and it was not us who did stand in the gap for our God when he did look for someone - it always has been and always will be Jesus who is the solitaire of the Father’s heart ; and it is always us who are there to exalt and honour and praise him, as we come to learn to watch just as the Father does - for then we will see in the same way what it is in all of it complexities that which is in our Jesus which makes the Father want us to be just like him - and when we see it with the heart and understanding of the Father we will be just like him - for the knowing knowledge of it will transfigure us - for he and the Father are one and our oneness in Christ is our oneness with the Father and so it is when we see Jesus we see the Father – and so it will be that when the Father sees us he sees Jesus and when Jesus sees the Father he sees also us watching from within him for we too want to sit and watch from a place of solitude – want to watch he who is the solitaire of the Father’s heart.

So we are now to reconcile what we have done with what is of the Lord’s - and what is of the Lord’s is every tear and every drop of blood and every heart wrenching cry of agony as the word of God is forsaken and left in abandonment – when every avenue of betrayal has been walked down and given exaltation to – and when the God of all lets his voice be heard us, and his arm be seen by us, and his risen body be witnessed , and his wounds be touched - so we may believe - so we may see the way of repentance and glorify him instead of abusing him - so we would learn the value of honouring him and not despising him – so we may feel the pleasure in praising him instead of ignoring him – and the privilege in living every second with him instead of wasting our time denying that every second of our life comes from him – so we may see the value and the great reward in loneliness when that loneliness had to be lived to bring us into an exquisite aloneness with God and in God, which would supersede and give meaning to the path of loneliness as it was in the world, for the worth of it now cannot be compared because of its enormous impact on our coming to know our God and what he carried and lived for us - for once he lived it for us we could live it through him in but now not in the way of the world - but in the way of the truth and life of Christ - and we see loneliness and the pain of separation as a gem which does go to surround and give exaltation to the magnificent solitaire – for all which is privileged to surround it will have been brought down a pathway which makes them eligible to uplift the Lord with hands and hearts which now are familiar with the suffering of Christ and have a deep awareness of the depth to which it runs - and our praises and honour and thanks and exalting of him is in its increased measure, for the increase is heard in the heavens for the magnitude of the increase is a sign of our full realisation of what life with Christ and in Christ and for Christ is really all about – for the all of it is now flowing down without any hindrances for we gave our heart and our love to the Lord and meant it when we said it was all his and he could take it wherever he may want to go with it -

When we allow the Holy Spirit to call to us into total excessive submissiveness and to fully debrief us then we will know where we are – and what is happening, and what we are seeing and what we are feeling – we will know indeed on what side of the threshold we are standing …and know where it is that we now belong and have to be if we are to continue in the ranks of the Holy Spirit’s elect -

To know that it is in the solitary places where our hearts and the completeness of our being is taken into the light of the glory of the revelation of Christ, and we are at peace for we are in peace - and we are living in peace with God – and living in solitude in the peace of God is a part of the continuum of our work when we choose to reside and live only in and for and with Christ.

For the solitary does reveal more to us than what the world sees as so alive and full of activity – for how can we live in the extraordinary constancy of God when the busyness of the world is what we are comparing and seeing as the same as the busyness of God – that what we call brimming with life from the worlds point of view is to God a lonely place to be in – the world is a lonely place to God unless Jesus is in it – and now again he is to be seen walking this earth through us – until he again walks it in his own body of flesh –
And it is that what the world sees as a lonely uninhabited place, is for God the true and real centre and core of what is the power and sustenance of all life – for the continuum of the work of the Father is of no comparison to the work of men when men are not working only for the good of our God – with only his interests filling their hearts – for the best interests of the world is already under the full control of our God - and it is now who is looking out for and working for the full and best interests of our God –
And what is best for him is what drives us unrelentingly – the urgency of the return of our Lord is rising and can be tasted if we have come into his closeness – So taste it and feel it and live it and let the loneliness which we had in the world before Christ was seen by us – let us feel that magnificent moment when the glory changed it into its magnificent original form – when the blood of Christ washed it clean and out of it did emerge – covered in the splendorous lustre of God – did emerge our gift of aloneness with our God – our separation now not from God - but our separation as now being set apart for God –
Let not the world which God created out of love be a lonely place for him anymore - it is for us to display Christ through us in this world God so created – so the Father can watch and enjoy and take pleasure in seeing his firstborn come into fullness of his perfect character and glorious nature – to see the earth having walked over its surface the feet of he who is the beginning and the end – to see his presence in the world one more time – and this time through the creation he holds together by the power of his word – it will be the last time Jesus will be seen and speaking through his creation in this way before he does return to take his place beside and with those who will welcome him just as the Father welcomed him when he returned back to his heavenly dwelling after he had presented himself as the lamb of God - and after he was slain and after he was risen –

So did we step back as the doors of God began its movement to come to a close - or did we step forward and follow our Lord when the opening extended out to us – so that when the entrance was closed we were standing where the Lord was standing; right in the centre of all of life – right in the midst of the heartbeat of the Father and right in the core of the Holy Spirit …as he then soared us right to the centre of the heart of the one who suffered separation from the Father so the Father would not have to suffer the separation from us any longer - for our Lord is allowing us to come to a point where we know him so well – so well that as he carries it always so do we - so the truth of the pain of Christ is the truth of our life without God – for he carried it and then dragged it to where it would be nailed to a cross of reconciliation - a cross of the resurrection of the life of God for he was dead to us and is now alive in us ~ he was dead to the world but is now alive in the world through us …
The resurrection of Jesus Christ reaches into far off solitary places which have yet to witness what God did do through the death and raising up again of his Son – through the death and raising up again of himself –

For we have yet to see in his fully unveiled glorious splendorous form the full depth of what he paid for – we have yet to see the fullness of the lustre of who the Resurrection is - and what his resurrection made possible for us - of what his resurrection does carry until it is time to set it free as the revelation of it sings out to the heavens and the revelation of it plays out in the heart of the Father – for it will play out in his heart the full and superb private collection of that which is the resurrected opera – the beautiful rendition of Christ resurrected – of Christ Jesus the Resurrection and the Life ~
The beautiful and astoundingly amazing and gloriously detailed opera of God which was once dead but is now alive forever and now in its more powerful resurrected form ~ a form which will now see the completed masterful purpose of the eternity of the Resurrection ~
Always perfect timing – for the release of God’s all so perfect revelations of Jesus Christ are timed to perfection and released according to he who is the perfect one - the one who can only bring into existence all of which is of total perfection and of eternal endurance.