13 March 2004

The Newness and Uniqueness of God

Our personal walk with the Lord does indeed turn into its eternal journey when we extend our first step into a walk and then into longer rendezvous as we stay in his familiar presence longer and longer, until we do not even notice or put any length of time on it, for it becomes more foreign to us to be out of his company, than it is to be fully aware of him and his companionship ~ for the reality of his presence is now firmly lodged in our human lives as our human lives become now humanity at its highest – humanity when it has walked into God and found in him what it is which indeed gave us our humanness, and who indeed gave us the opportunity to bring our human experiences into God’s experiences - and who permitted us to bring God’s life into our lives - and now it is that our walk has become a continuous journey with the precise destination being to come into he who holds all the answers to all the questions - he who holds all the astounding grand mysteries of every thing seen and unseen -

And as this flows to fill our whole life – our whole thinking – our whole waking and sleeping moments, then what life holds for he who is life, may begin to find its way into us mere mortals, as our whole existence is solely centred on the Lord and what went before us and did make him who he is – and then maybe life will allow us to see and know how life was dealt out to the Father – how it was dealt out to Jesus and how it was dealt out to the Holy Spirit - and it is when our walk is the fullness of the entire journey into and through the first-ness of God – when it takes us through God’s first garden, a garden which was made full and luxurious because it was planted with all the answers to all the questions – a garden of unlimited growth and renewal and which held the insight to the all the profoundness of God who is seen through Jesus Christ - whose fullness is seen in the fullness of the first garden of all truths -

A walk in God’s garden of himself was a walk into the fullness of the Lord which went unfinished – and is still unfinished - for it was at the beginning of our time on this earth that the Lord met with us to walk us through the extremes and wonders of himself when they were first delivered to us, and he is still endeavouring to take that walk with us - for how can we ever go into the journey of him when we have not even taken our first walk with him – for it was in the cool of the day that the Lord chose to walk with us - and now the cool of the day for us extends into the all of the day – for our walk with the Lord will always be what makes the day called today be able to be lived by us in its original newness - for as we live it as if it is the first day, new and fresh then the Lord can establish us in the life of he who is the first - and the life of he who is the last – so we live life and know life as the one who is the first of life and the last of life.

The garden of God represented so much more of the Lord than our hearts could carry or hope to carry and understand, unless we take our walk with him with a heart set on knowing God in all and every way – and unless our walk is in the prescribed way as it was first established by him to be - we may be standing in his garden but it will reveal nothing to us – for to us it will still be in its unfolded form and we will only see the parts of God which he wants us to see, and only the parts he wants us to know - and if we are to turn it from a walk into a eternal deep journey, then we must walk it with him just as it was intended by him – and not just as it was intended and firstly done by us - it is a marathon walk with the full life of God and the full life of us – an eternal marathon walk because its endurance is its primary factor, for we are to see how, and to know how the mortal and immortal cross over and mingle and are joined and overlap until there is only one life to see – and that is the life which gave us life and it will be then that our lives will be truly one…
And it will be when we have ventured into God to know and experience in full the prologue because we have centred firstly our attention on the theme of the opera - and from there we will see ourselves also as an integral part of the epilogue – a part of the concluding word and as a part which has been added to a literary work of perfection - when we see it as such then we have been allowed to see the whole program and allowed to live the whole program …and we are now where we should be and truly living with God.…and it has not been by might nor by power but by God’s Spirit – for it is the power of God’s Spirit - the power held in his life which sweeps in to lift us when he hears our groans and the unheard utterances of our heart as we respond to his groans and his brooding and his unheard utterances – it is the powerful zeal of the Holy Spirit which will transport us and see us through with his unsurpassed strength of character which desires for all mankind to come to know the life of Christ from before its written and revealed onset – it is the Holy Spirit whose heart wrenches and groans and gives utterances which release the pressure valve of what is held within the Father and which has not yet been fulfilled – for our full oneness has not been fulfilled; our full merging with Christ and what it truly is, has not even been uttered to be heard or understood by us – for we have yet to come to the place of full acceptance of the formation of Christ in us – and until we take in the all of that then the unleashing of what comes after that – what will come from our full life in Christ is not to be even heard by us – for that is not what is to inspire us or motivate us for it is what comes next, and it will stay in its place until the Father sends it forth with a powerful and unleashed word of power and then Christ in us - Christ in his creation – the life of Christ and the fullness of the life of God will be made known - made known because it has become known and lived in one or ones who are mortal and yet have been able to take into their being the life of Christ and the fullness of the life of the Father and the Holy Spirit.
When we are within the realm of this walk into the Lord, it is to take into all our whole person, into all of our senses, into all our God given intelligence - the feeling and the awareness of standing in God’s creation and seeing it for the first time, and drinking it in as God did drink it in when it was brought out of the timeless realm where it had a form pertaining to the timeless, and now was moved into the first stroke of time, where its presence now conformed to this new realm from which God was going to bring about his greatest feat – his mighty miraculous outpouring of himself which would bring him and those drawn intensely into him, into an eternity which was to be left unplanned -
For it could not be held in bounds of fixed plans, for even God’s heart had not been there yet, or held it or felt it yet - that is how new it was going to be – for it would be then a time of the great release of God - and it would be felt and lived by whoever had fixed their sight on him and moved into the all of his life with the strength of untold magnitude - and whoever resided and rested in him with a diligence and determination of a thousand eternities, for that is what it will take for us to remain in the tight enfoldment of God when he takes off in the wild unknown, for otherwise we can not hang on and go with him if we do not know why he wants what he wants - for it is not for us to just tag along with him so as to be seen with him, we have to be of the same disposition – to have come from the same understanding of what life has dealt God and to then have moved by the hand of the Holy Spirit into a position within God’s heart which is so pulsating with the all of life in its uncovered powerful force, that it will crush the breathe right out of us if we do not enter in the fullness of Christ - and that is the fullness of the all of Christ and all which makes him the Christ of God -

It is to stand in God’s garden which is depicting the life of his Christ and to feel your eyes burning as they scan it and see God in this manifested form – to see his life in manifested form and to feel what life looked and felt like, when it was new and raw and untouched and vibrant and glowing with the ecstasy of God’s released heart, because what was within him, now flowed to also surround him – in him yet surrounding him – and to be in us and yet surrounding us - when God’s word was held out to us and creation manifested and blossomed and bore the fruit of the truth of the life of life - for it to be so tangible in our heart as it was tangible in the heart of God before he spoke it – before he delivered it – and for us to be standing in, and drinking in our creative God in all his newness – the first trees and first leaves and first colours and textures and shapes and forms and fragrances which had only ever been touched and caressed by God himself - feeling sensations of the new creation within your eyes and your heart as your mind becomes released and freely races with the experience of it in its first time presentation – in its beauty – in its untold expanse of abundance - its glorious fullness of foliage and its deepness of colour as God’s voice can be heard echoing out from it as he continuously sustains it with his word - and then to feel its very touch as it brushes against your skin as you move with slow deliberate steps so as to heighten and sustain in your new found senses what is happening for the very first time - for it is feeling God and stepping through him and into him and filling him and surrounding him - it is feeling life as it came forth for the first time – and as all creation touches - the excitement of the new experience rushes through the Lord as the feeling of the denseness and richness of new unsoiled life captivates him, for its physical presence is straight from the heart and life force of the infinity which is within the heart of God.
It is to have put through your senses the feeling of being the first - as a person and as creation – one who was fashioned by God and placed amongst his every thought and every desire and every wish - for we are within his first outpouring of who he is, and what he is now displaying about himself - it is to feel the newness of being the first - as new and as first as the first new garden and all and everything of what it holds, and standing in this place of beautiful freedom knowing as the trees swayed so was God swaying, and as the foliage was soft and smooth so was God - to be touching, looking, and absorbing in God’s aroma for the first time – for the aroma of creation denoted the strength and the undefeatedness of its originality and it penetrates and covers all of it – and untainted powerful pureness filled with the glory of new life emerges out of it.
To feel the power of its nakedness, as it stands never to be defeated as it has no covering of shame or sin, and human hands have not touched it and left imprints to mark it and to take it as their own –
The newness was unique, for it displayed God’s uniqueness, for he presented and arranged it as ordained by his personality - for it was to be in this garden of his life where he purposed to take his long walks into himself in the cool of the day – it was where he would spend the first of his many leisurely moments with mankind – for to walk in God’s magnificence - to walk in his glory was for us to see in his garden of life always the newness and the first releasing of all truth , and it is to go far beyond what we may first see and hear, for it depends on what we are looking to see and what we are listening to hear – for we do not always look to see or listen to hear the full truth of ourselves or the full truth of God - the full truth of what his life is indeed like – and what life indeed handed out to him -

In all of God’s original form - in all his exceptional qualities which are without blot or stain, all of his originality was presented in his garden of life where nothing of its sameness has been before, and its newness was to be forever a quality which was to remain - for as it grew and matured into the expansion of the creation - all that God gave form to was to be always of unheralded beauty and statue, for it was always being renewed and given new growth as God expands and gives new life and growth to his eternal life - and as he expanded and extended himself his creation reflected his movements and his moods, but it was, and is, that we do not know what to do with his movements or moods when confronted with them - we do not know what they mean -
And we do not place ourselves within them, to find God and to find ourselves – for when we do God can take off into the freedom of himself - for he wants us fully grown, and we are to be, if we want to move with him to wherever he goes and to give him the freedom to go wherever he wants - for our full growth and maturity allows him to be then where he wants to be - for he then can do no more for us for we ourselves have carved out our own futures by either our desire or reluctance to walk in the cool of the day with our Lord and be shown without covering the full life of God’s Christ which in turn takes us into the full life of the all of God – it is not having our senses our eyes our hearts our minds our flesh covered in a blanket to dull the impact – for then we are covering ourselves by choice – and once we choose to see what we want to see and hear what we want to hear then the Lord will choose not to walk on with us - for in his garden is not where we should be if the life of the Almighty is so offensive to us that we shield ourselves from it - that we deny the reality of it and only stretch out our hand to take of what it only superficial beauty which the Lord has put before us to camouflage what is really being displayed to us.

Jesus was the first of his kind - the first born over all creation - but when he was first seen by us in his oneness with the Father we felt no newness – we did not experience the feeling of him being the first - for to us he was a rebel who was different in speech and teaching, but was not different to us in looks or form. He looked like one of many for we could not feel, or ever feel what it was like to be the first – or to be near the one who is the first and who is the last - the one who is the prologue and who is the epilogue - the one who we are permitted to have grown to full statue within us so we may come to know what it is like to be the first and the last as we live and know it through Christ Jesus.
For to be within the experience of feeling the newness of God’s creation and the newness of God’s life will not happen unless, and until, Jesus and his life is indeed a part of us – so much so that we feel it as he feels it in himself.
The life we live in Christ is to be to us, the life of Christ - that is what makes in us the difference – for it is as if we are living from his life or living his life in our life, and as every part powerfully enters us, it takes of our life and changes it, and rearranges it, and steadies and redefines our walk and determines its course – its right course – its true course – its Godly course – its only course if we are ever going to find the whole way back to the Lord, to our Father and our brother, and back into the life at the great depths of the heart of the Holy Spirit, so that God’s greatness we may also reside in, in the same way he resides in it - in the same way he carries it - with the ease and dignity and humility of one who is living in the truth of God ~
To always feel that part of God and the newness of what he created will take us back to where he was and is the first - and to feel and live always the newness of his word, for Jesus is the same always and his word is always new - for being the first does not change – or age or weary or tire or grow dull - for the word of God is eternally new, vibrant, active, alive, sharp, and revolutionary – it is what makes and breaks things - what creates and destroys - it is what powers forth into new frontiers and brings all which is established to its knees in reverence and in awe as infinity is ripped open, for God and his word cannot be held down or chained or be stripped of its freedom - or made to diminish in power or to cease to bring forth life which will bring forth life - for each new word uttered by God creates more life for God - a new abundance a new joy a new pain and always a new and deeper awareness of our originality within God’s heart – for he creates in us a new heart, and gives us spiritual rebirth so our spirit can become compatible with his Holy Spirit to be able to come into the heavenly disciplines…and the heavenly lifestyle of which there is no comparison on earth, for the two are distinct and separate – the two are to be used and utilised so the life we have in eternity is born out of our heavenly and earthly disciplines, for there is no need for death for us to experience both and to use both for their intended purpose - for the Lord has all bases covered so that we can go ahead with much zeal and with the power of the Spirit bringing into one all which has to be brought together, so those plans of God are fulfilled, and so we can then move on to the next set of volumes, which are plans which have been unplanned and which will rest on what we bring over into eternity with us -

It is for us now to always feel that powerful quality which is held in being the first born over all creation - Jesus Christ was and is the first – and is to be first in our hearts, in our lives – for he is the first word, and holds the first love and instigates the first plans - to have that in us so we may through him experience not only his walk on this earth but his life before he came to this earth - he came as he is, and if we are fully engaged in him and with him, we will feel in the way we relate to him, and in the way we have so merged with him and we will feel as God releases it to us, the way it was for him and is for him and the way it will be for him - and how in all of its realness it was when Jesus was at the Father’s side when the earth was taking its formation – what Jesus felt – what the Father felt and what the Holy Spirit felt and what they all thought and spoke - to know as it was when the Lord made his decision to say yes to sharing eternity with the ones who are without even a complete life span because of their first choice of sin – to move through what it was like when he prepared to be born into a body of flesh, and what he felt and what filled his every thought as the Father Son and Holy Spirit talked about what was to come and what would be done –
How all their lives would now be different and how they would now play out – For Jesus had never been manifested in the flesh on this earth before, and he was going to experience it just as we did – right from our first moment when we breathed our first breath and then grew and moved into the world of flesh and blood and death and sin - for God did move into a world of flesh and blood and death and sin - and he did feel and carry in his flesh the weight and the pain of the sin of the whole world as he continued his eternal journey with the Father, and remained without blot or stain as he lived on the earth as the Son of Man and did the Father’s will out of the heart of the Son of God.

It is out of our realm and into the heavenly realms, but it is as real as our move here on earth, as real as our next conversation with someone here on earth -
We are the creation – we came after they did – we are the new additions to their lives – we are the ones who are different to them but at the same time we are made in their image – and have been so made that we may come into their sameness – and it is to know that all of the heavenly ways and heavenly life style and all of it which is brought into the earthly ways of living, and all the earthly ways which are brought into all the heavenly ways gives us intense incomparable growth and incomparable insight in God’s life past present and future – it is to feel intensely identifiable with them – to feel so unified with their way of life and their thinking and talking and planning - to fully feel more at home in the heavenly realms with them –
It is to be taken out of this mindset which is lodged deep within the earth, and to have let it be taken into and with the Holy Spirit as he converses and makes known to us all which is of Jesus and all of which is of the Fathers -
To not only hear what he is telling us, but to be with him when he receives this outpouring from the both of them – to be at his side when he is taking what is to be made known to us and seeing the process – seeing the prescribed way - it is having a deep interest in their conversations and how they converse -
Not to exploit them or to stain or blemish what we have heard - but to bring ourselves into our full and formal position – to be a confidante – a trusted listener – a knowing listener, one who knows the worth and the power of these interchanged words – it is a conversation which gives us insight – development – wise counsel – knowing silence – strong attitude and unwavering true purposes – for how can our growth and our attitudes and our presentation of ourselves as a part of the family of God go forth in total maturity - for this is why we are brought here ; to be trained in the way of the family thinking – the family grievances - to know the family business and the family heritage – to know what came before us and to be respectful of the life of all of our God and the three persons of him – to know not only what came before us, but what will come after we are taken from this earth and given our dwellings with God – it is being faithful and true to the truth and reality of our existence and to bring to our God the honour and respect due him, as we in royal reverence wisely understand the privilege which has been so highly bestowed on us - and to understand that we would have to come to our Father with more than the ideals and dreams and hopes and desires of only man – for to leave out our heritage of being gods is to leave out God once again –
And when we come to him and we ask to be taken in fully into the family life, the family business, the family confidence, we have to come to him with much more than the pride we have in our good works and our good intentions – and much more than the pride we have when we think we know Jesus and say we know Jesus, but we really only want to be seen with him to elevate our own position and our own accolades in the world.
And how far each of us have to dig down, to bring out what our Father wants from us, is for all of us to find out for ourselves –
But don’t ask for what you are not prepared to give up the all of your life for – For when we give up the all of our lives to move in close and to join with him in all aspects and all parts of his life eternal, even though to us we see it as very noble and a huge sacrifice - to God in all his greatness it is just us readjusting our garments before we dare step closer to his full glory - as his flowing robe which is saturated in the purity of being all knowing, and all powerful, and all present, sways and fills the room as it comes into its full length and its full width and its full depth –
But that is not to say that God does not see it as nothing that we give up everything for him - that he does not regard it as of no worth – but it is just when we put it against him, when we put it against what he is going to have his hand filled with when he stretches it out to us from within his flowing robe to take of the exchange – that when we put it against this, that whatever we have done or have to do pales in insignificance – for such is the exchange he gives us - we give up what he has given us as men and women who live in this mortal earth to receive what is not given normally to those who are mortal and still sinners – he holds in his hand what he would give to his son Jesus, and what he would give to one or ones who are just like him – one or ones who are God oriented and Holy Spirit filled and have the formation of Jesus filling all of their every cavity, and all and every cell of their being – and have now been lifted up from their lives of mortality, to see the life of immortality through the heart and eyes and minds of sons and daughters who have lived in their core, the fabric of the life God has already lived and is still living – and who desire to also live the life he has left unplanned and which he had yet to live himself…..
Because they have walked that walk and have listened to hear what they know is unheard, and have seen to see what they know is unseen – they have taken the walk into the garden of the life of God with God and have been such with him that all which was held in his plantation of great worth was released to them, for they learned how to make a step into a walk, and how to make a walk into a journey, and how to make a journey into and with our God into an eternal experience which makes them disperse into a shower of true unfolding light –

For it has to be such that the full walk in God’s garden is indeed finished to God’s satisfaction – as he did indeed intend it - and it is from this completion in God’s eyes that gives us access into the infiniteness of what is held in the outer reaches which extend out from his gloriously filled plantation - this is then the walk which will turn into a journey which will turn into flight which will never reach its end -
But we have to stop crawling and stand and take our first step if we are ever going to turn those mortal steps into eternal movements upwards and outwards and onwards, and for them to become without form as we step into what is prepared yet unprepared – what is held in God’s heart but which is not yet been felt in his heart ~
We have to have taken our full walk with him and have gone wherever we have to go, to live what he show us of himself, and to know what he shows us of himself, so when we say we know God, it will only be the Lord who will really know the truth of what we are really saying - the full truth of what we really know.
For the knowledge of God and his Christ has many doors - but the one which takes us into a knowledge which requires all of the heavenly disciplines which have to be reconciled with all of the earthly disciplines - is a door we will not find unless we take our walk in the garden with the Lord in the cool of the day and then take it into its real and true context - and search and seek out the profoundness of what that seemingly simple forthright walk with him holds –
For taking it from a walk to a journey and then into an eternal experience into flight, is when we start our move from our foetal position - and lift our eyes and our hearts to see and be grown into the fullness of all of which his garden does hold - for it was birthed from the originality and newness and firstness of God and is where we first saw him in all of his manifested form – where he first called to us – but now it will not be where we hide from him, or hide from anything that is there for us to see in the brightness of the light of his presence.

For we look now at what is to be seen and this time we learn – and give our ears over to being trained to hear the whispers of God in all and everything - and we hear what he was saying to us and as we listen we are transported into the ages past and into the knowledge of the life of he who is the ancient of days - for in every word which is exchanged between Father, Son and Holy Spirit is a word which holds in it all of their lives, for God is held in his word, and the expression of it is our vantage point to be travelled through the eternal life of it and to find ourselves where word was free flowing and without sentence formation or without any set fixture – not only unwritten or unspoken but wildly free to roam and to explore - when God’s word was indeed a sword which cut and sliced through and made God’s dreams a reality and his hearts thoughts the grandest display ever to be revealed – ever to be made seen – when the unseen was heard and the unheard was seen and his sword was indeed his word – and it is when God’s word was not even word – before word has to take its formal place - when it was wild and free and doing what it was and is always meant to do – to set us free as it sets God free so we can go back to the untamed wildly beautiful expanse of him where he once roamed and soared and escaped and felt the warmness and the pleasure of dreaming and wishing - as he did before he spoke what was in his heart and thought what was in his mind, for when he released what was in his heart and in his mind, manifested life came into existence to share his life - and his life he did give us – but the all of his eternal life – the all of the best of his eternity he has kept in reserve – for this is life at its untamed and powerfully vibrant level – for it is unplanned and yet to be experienced or felt and it will take our God into his eternity and into the best of what is yet to come of the all of his passions and the very all of his undreamed dreams and unthought of thoughts.
And it is for us to hang on to the newness and the firstness of the all of him – once we hang on to our first love of Christ and feel it in his word, and his work, and his ways and to feel where it came from - that he is the first of God’s works, and when we start to be drawn into him more, we will be taken into his full life more, for there will be no division in us or separateness between us as he grows and forms in us -
For to have his complete statue, his completed person, is to have the entirety of his life, if we have taken on the all of his undivided heart and all of his steadfast and brilliant mind – and all of what is eternal and all of which are his experiences, as we live and personally encounter life through him, and live and devour the life of him - for it takes in all and every way - taking in the actuality of his life right from the beginning and the beginning will be for us where in Christ we want to be – for we will determine it with our hearts for that is where we join with the Lord - for there has to be full submissiveness to the Holy Spirit for him to have his way in us, and we have to willingly desire for all of the teachings and ways of Jesus to be grown and matured in us as we give way to the only way it can be done - but there is an unlimited willing submissiveness which goes past and beyond this level of receiving, for even though this is a total willingness, it is total to willingly receive what is written in God’s word and to the measure of what is written in our hearts - this excessive submissiveness, this humble deep obedience to receive and have made a part of us what is not written - what cannot be written – and what is yet not fully determined by God, and what God does not reveal but only lives, and is only made known to those who are living the full life of Christ with the fullness of the life of the Father and the life of the Holy Spirit – to know and feel and live all of their lives as integrated with the all of our life is to take our walk into where our feet will not be moving along the ground, for his garden of answers and truths of his full life as it was dealt to him, will have lifted us to see within the cloud of ascension, to see also what is held in the cloud of descension – the clearness of it – the faces in it and to receive the strength and power from it as we remain on the earth to move in and through this world in a greater knowledge of God than all others put together and magnified to the degree of an eternity - and this gets us to the battle - but is really to get us into God in eternity in a way which is on the outer limits even for God to reach for.
For the very best of God which is the very all of God will go unseen and unnoticed and will always be passed by, when we hold to belief that it is our lives with that of Christ’s – instead of Christ’s life with that of ours – for we have missed the newness of the all of God as it was on the day he created and made manifest the all of himself which was to be seen - we have passed over the sensation, the experience – we have walked past God’s life and looked for our own – but our own was only given so we could come into his - and to come into living the life of God is not just starting it from now and taking on the signs wonders and miracles and last day mandates – it is taking more of yourself and stretching it to now go right back into the Lord and be where he is before our life began – to be in his life as he is the first and then to travel with him as he takes us through turbulent waters and fiery tears and struggles and all the wrestling within himself – living as Christ and the Father and as the Holy Spirit as we are guided into how to live the three at once, and to finally come to where we are standing in the garden of God and now seeing for the first time as one looking now at God from another vantage point - as we stand in the midst of the manifested form of him and know just where it was born from – and how and why it manifested in this way and what had to come before this outpouring of God so he may be seen by us in this way – to know and see in his garden of his person, where every aspect of him is, and why it feels as it does - and to know the place of everything and where all the access doors are, and we know why we have to know and experience the all of our God’s life if we want to be even in the ballpark of being just like him - and to even know what the words just like him truly do mean -
For how can we hold in our person, not only what is written and heard concerning Jesus and the Father and the Holy Spirit from the beginning of his written word – but to feel it and experience it through the life we have now - and to live it within ourselves as if we were and are indeed there – for the perception of it and the realisation and feeling of the reality of it is in Christ Jesus in us – it is his formation in us which does change to include and bring into us all of the hidden manna of which we do not receive unless we are one or ones who have so seen the light of God and the concentration of him shining fiercely in and through his word – for we may have to read 6, 12, 24 , 1000 copies of his written word just for him to show us the brilliant light of himself in one verse – or in one word – so we see the extra – so we see with a revelation so piercing to our hearts that all powerful dimension of him which will open doors which have been concealed and which have merged in with the surroundings of him –
It is that monumental extra dimension that is hidden in his all revealing garden and plantation of his word - and when it pierces us we take of it and run with it – it is for us to run so fast with it for we have seen God’s visitation to us through the light of his word – for he did light up his form for us in that one word or verse or chapter and so in our heart of hearts we are to acknowledge that we have experienced the sensation of the newness of the first occurrence of God’s visitation to his creation – for in this way he has allowed us to experience in our hearts and souls his first walk into us and to feel the unique newness of it – for it is Christ in us which brings us into the power of the realness of it – and it is what is in the Holy Spirit and what is in our Father, and it is in the knowing and feeling and in the living of the all of them - living them as they live our every breathe, and every joy and every suffering and every word, as we are held and sustained in the word who is Jesus Christ our Lord –

So how far out is it, to have the same life and the same way of living - to have full conversation with them and be fully engaged in their thoughts and their plans and in their emotions –
And to know all of the how and why it was chosen by them to be displayed in a manifest form in the world - and how it was when it was still held in the unseen and how the unseen touched and what was born out of that touch or out of that interaction and exchange –
To really be full in the Lord and full of the Lord and the wholeness of his life - it is to know and feel and remember it as he does - as if we are a part of him in all the reality of it – for we are a part of him; and this is him in us which enables us to carry the full measure of the all of Gods life - not as an onlooker would share it, but to be it with him as we take our eternal life which is now and move it up a couple of eternal notches…

Jesus reconciled all of humanity with the all of God within one body of flesh and his sacrifice sealed it and now comes where we consume the full intake of his sacrifice and of his life - his life leading to his humanity - his life during his humanity – and his life after - for when the truth of humanity was to be reconciled with the truth of God Almighty he had to come to us and live and experience our humanness for all to be drawn back into one – for there is no one who is not a sinner except God himself – and when he came as we were meant to be, and that is without the sin - he merged and made us one with God as he took of our sin and received in his flesh which was the same as ours – received in his flesh which represented our flesh the punishment due it - and so it is now we can take of God’s life and merge our life with his and make our lives one – it is reconciling God’s life within us who are of the same flesh and reconciling it with our humanity – and until we can understand and experience the life of God – and the power that is held in being the first and the last – and his newness – his eternalness - we have no idea what we are reconciling –
We have a superficial merging and reconciling in our minds and in our theory but to take of his origins and see it as our origins - and have our heritage and the mind and heart behind our creation firmly planted in us as we are transported into God – that is reconciling God and us - taking of his life and reconciling our walk in it and through it - as we deal with our humanity and see it out of God’s heart and where he wants to take it to – it is taking our humanity through the garden of God and seeing Christ emerge and walk into us as we meet in the completed garden of God’s person as purposed and intended by him.

Jesus reconciled man to God - and we are to reconcile God to man as we live through Christ, God’s life and see it as we look out from him as he takes us through volumes and volumes of word and empires and empires of visions and brings out to us detail after detail as the journey continues without ceasing - for our senses have to become accustomed to abiding and living the life of the three of them at once until we are brought back to the same moment we left to travel with him … – we know it will be sharp and it will cut us and bring a flow of blood which will only go to wash us as his word is in our blood and when we walk the walk of Christ and take on the full life on the cutting edge, our blood is the blood of Christ – and our wounds are his wounds as we walk down and along every pathway which is a pathway to the edge of our God – it is giving up all we ever understood and all we ever stopped at – and it is moving forward in the Lord to where no other feet have trod, for not all other feet can walk on the fine cut of God’s word which is what the garden of God holds in its… for the first of mankind could not walk on the edge of God – the smooth sharpness of the firstness and newness of Him as it was presented to them - and since then this walk has never been completed – for it will not be God who adjusts it to make it duller or the edge more rounded, it is us who have to adjust for we have to be as sharp as the Lord himself if we are to walk in him and he in us -
The merging has to be complete in all areas for there is no room for error or unreconciled differences - for all heavenly and earthly disciplines have to come into one and it is not until we have walked it and felt it and lived it and loved it and experienced its edge as it slices into the all of us – not until then have we reached to where we will move through God and his eternal gardens of finery and have our feet not even feel the ground - for beneath them will be the very finest of the finest of the gloriously held accomplishment of having while still on this earth, travelled with God and fully taken on all what we have asked for, and been given – the accomplishment of moving with the Lord into the life of God past present and future and living it as it as our own – so we can come to a place of complete resolution and knowing knowledge of what God wants out of his eternity - and then to be able to give him the freedom to live it - as we release him from his work in us for we are now fully grown as he has so desired for us to be grown, and the full statue of Christ Jesus in us gives him free flight to move into his unknown wilderness, for his will has been done and now has emerged sons and daughters of the eternity and sons and daughters of the new frontier who have been raised to the fullness of all of the eternities which are held in Jesus Christ - and so now all eternity stands ready to be ripped open to make way – to make entry for the greatness of God – for the great unleashing of God through one or ones who know the power held in being the first and the last, for they have experienced the sensation of living as being the first and being within he who came first and who will be the last - it is experiencing our origins – for we were not birthed from a weak and powerless God but he is a God who manifested himself to us to display His first of place in our life, and his first of place in the whole of life and in the all of eternity – for what is held in being the first and the last is what makes us who we are – it is what will keep us alive to meet with our brother – Christ Jesus is the first and the last and within that phenomenon – within this truth - this occurrence – this marvel – comes the power of the perfection of life – where human nature and God’s nature is brought and unified into one - and as we live it as the two made one, it unleashes the power held in sameness and for to get to this place we have to have been where we have watched the measurement as God poured from his oneness into the cup of his sameness and remained still with Gods breathe of life in us.

For our God has left a part of himself which is unwritten , and that is what his eternity is – unwritten and unplanned and with the freedom for him to be who he is, and go wherever he wants and to go - and to explore all he has never felt and all he has never even dared to dream of – Eternity is for our God, so he can now live his life in the full freedom of now choosing to take his escape into the new wonders of himself, and into the farthest reaches of his heart which is so full of freedom and truth and glory - all of which he will now take and shower forth into and through his eternity -
For the nature changing power of his love and the freedom of his word is now to be used in all its Godly proportions - and for all its Godly eternal purposes – to be now used for God himself, so he may swim in it and take pleasure in it and enjoy all of which he gave to us to set us free – for it is now for him to take it and use it for his own - for he did send it forth, and it did accomplish his will – and then it did return back to him, for it its place is in eternity with God who is the creator and the power source of all Life.
So it is time to get up from our foetal positions and to live the life of Christ – for he has already lived our life for us – we are to live the life of God so we know what we are talking about - so we know what we are doing - and so we know what has to be done in the same way God knows and does - so Christ Jesus can return and so the Father can have his freedom – he sets us free with the Truth which he gave us and until we live the truth and until we are the truth of God, the Father cannot be free to soar into the unknown regions of the new frontier - because we are to be all brought home first before he can then live his eternity – before he can then travel down the road which is unformed and unknown – and so he can go to where it stretches to and to experience what is waiting for him to yet hold and feel in his heart – for it will be a heart which has reached a fulfilment in relation to his creation - but a heart now which has to reach a fulfilment in relation to the entirety of who he really is and what he has not yet still felt and what he has not yet still lived……for him to be who he wants to be, and go where he wants to go, and to do what he wants to do – for how can we know what God Almighty still yet wants from his life – if we have dared not extend ourselves and lived through Christ the life of God so we can be one or ones who can bring our Father into his eternity which he has yet to live to the full extremes of his power, and to the full extremes of the depths of his heart - which is now set free to go where it is being drawn to, because we are sons and daughters now who are full grown in every way to the complete and full measure of the statue of his First Son Jesus Christ - and it is when we are seen by him in our fullness of Christ that he is set free to now move into the joy of his eternity - for he has seen his Son in his fullness in his creation and all is now how it should be ~