06 March 2004

A Brief Interlude beside Still Waters

When we think life seems impossible ~
God steps in and draws us to Jesus ~
Our Father steps in and gives us the real thing ~
And when we think he has given us all there is ~
Our Father brings out to us and shows us the full extent of what his Son was crucified for ~
And when we think that the top of the mountain of God is well within our reach he sets before us a mountain range which stretches so far into the distance that the sight of it draws out of us either an increased hunger and thirst to pursue what is eternal, or brings out in us the full truth of the level of our hunger and thirst for Christ ~
And wherever we are in Christ it is because the first choice was made by God and not by us - for we did not choose God first but God chose us ~
We did not choose love first but love chose us ~
And when love chose us we became an operatic unfolding as Christ is formed in our bodies of flesh and blood;
An operatic unfolding which brought out of the wings and into the light Sonship – the most exciting and yet demanding journey we could ever have – and when Sonship took its bow, it made room on the stage of God’s vision for the unfolding of Daughtership which held in it a journey which is parallel and yet one with the journey of Sonship.
For not all God’s opera comes through us as music and word for it can come through us also in movement and grace and gentleness - the look in our eyes and in the touch of our hand and the expression in our voice and the love in our hearts.
For Jesus held in him the operatic fullness of God and it was displayed and so divinely seen in his grace and truth, his humility and gentleness of heart – his walk – his stance - his death – his resurrection – his ascension – and also to be heard and seen in him when he return in the flesh - for even though we can not hear the glorious music of it and the words which are being sung, that does not mean they are not eternally present and always in the hearing of the Father.

For how can we hear the personal unfolding of the Father as he unfolds when Jesus abides in him and he in Jesus; how can we hope to hear that intimacy when our ears are deaf and our hearts are mute to the simple sounds of his creation which he placed in the world in full view of us and in full hearing of us for our total enjoyment –
For it is only as we unfold into our fullness of sons and daughters through the growth and formation in us of Jesus Christ, that we can begin to hear as well as see the unfolding of the distance places of our God – where the three persons of God go to –
For God has placed the vision of these places into his sons and daughters, and the Spirit of Sonship makes the deposit of them in our hearts and the reality of them in our eternity - for that is where and when they will be found by us - when we have taken Sonship with our Father and when we have taken Daughtership with our Father and have moved into the deepness of their role in the same way Jesus moves and lives in the deepness of his Sonship with the Father - for that is the only time we will ever see the far off places, or ever see beyond what God is making visually known –for it is through the Holy Spirit that we are seeing and hearing all which is unseen and unheard and unwritten - for these distant shores and far off places sing of the pensive heart and the mellow moods of the Lord, and it is only in our complete fulfilment of the role of Sons and daughters, that its pensive and mellow music can be played out in its full softness and richness, and its deep thoughtful sadness be heard by us - For it will be when it has come into the light of its revelation in our matured hearts, that the true emotions and moods of our God, will be experienced in their full outpouring as they are lain open, and his full opulence is revealed.

For so knowing, and at ease are we to be of the person of Christ in us, and the expansion of the all of Christ and what he holds in oneness with the Father and in sameness with the Father and Holy Spirit, so assured are we to be that we allow the Holy Spirit to take all things out of the way which does not add to our life in Christ Jesus, and bring in all things which do - and from that moment on the only thing we know we can be assured and certain of is Christ in us, and the voice of the Holy Spirit, and the unchanging purposes and desire of the Father to bring us all home –
We count on nothing, depend, rely and trust in nothing and no one except Christ in us and us in Christ, because Christ can only count on us if we freely work actively without hesitation whether in public or in private for the glory and honour of the Father and for the completion of his will –

We move in and with and for Christ, for him to bring about in us what otherwise could never come to light through another body of human flesh - and he desires to overflow and to pour himself so liberally from us as he takes his rightful place in the flesh of his own – and nothing short of Christ being where he belongs in relation to his creation, can bring to the Father what he does so wish for, desire for and plan for –
For Christ in us brings Sonship to the Father - and out of the Spirit of Sonship is revealed the corresponding side of Daughtership - just as out of the male God brought forth the female but the two were one and known as man – such is both male and female in the sight of God and such are his sons and daughters as they come into formation, taking on the full process of reconciling the status of the calling, and the power of the intense drawing of the Father as he takes all which is in our hearts and thoughts, all which is desiring in our souls, and all the responses and the receptive attitude of our spirits to his Holy Spirit – he takes it all and crafts out for himself and for us what is of great worth – he crafts out for himself and for us Sonship and Daughtership, all of which he has carved out of the fullness of his relationship with his Son Jesus Christ - it is indeed of great worth – and it is born out of the Word of priceless qualities and wisdom which has been freely given to abide in us – unrepeatable and righteously so seemingly an unobtainable worth given only to us by the grace of God, so the full glory of his sons and daughters can be revealed - being made known so that the next volume of God’s amazing revelations of himself can move into place to be viewed as the holiness of his intense presence surrounds to protect and keep pure what is being now curtained behind a layer of perfumed silk - for so fine and soft is the covering which shields what is yet so powerful and strong and yet unknown and unseeable in our sight ~

The work of the Son brings glory to the Father and the work of God’s Son was designed to be completed and made whole in one or ones who are of flesh and blood before he again returned to the place where God in his own human body was crucified so as to give his eternal life to those who had no life of their own. And it is still a work which is yet to reach its completion, and Our Lord is not interested anymore in – excuses – blame - unsaid words – uncompleted growth – inconsistent hearts – and half carried out instructions - for all men and women who have gone before us are to be of service to us as we see the path they followed, and then to allow the Holy Spirit to teach us which step they took which was out of alignment with the Lord’s, and which thought they had which put them at a distance from him – and what and where the overflow from their hearts came from when words came forth which were contrary to what Jesus had taught them ; and why and how their understanding and focus strayed from what the Lord was teaching and speaking to them even though they were constantly in the midst of signs wonders and miracles and constantly in the midst of God Almighty himself.
Christ paved the way so the mistakes and misunderstandings of those who walked with him in the flesh could give us a footing to rise higher up the mountain of God, so as there could be the releasing on earth and in the heavens of what had not been able to be released by those who came before us – but the groundwork was done so there could be the release and unveiling of unheard and unwritten revelations - and the unheard and unwritten words of God - as all the languages of the Ancient of Days are released from God’s heart so we may be ushered in to see privately what he has planned for his eternity - for his eternity is our eternity because without him we have no eternity of our own – and we have no life worth living ~

What is of the Fathers and what is of Jesus is made known to us by the Holy Spirit, but it is just how much of it are we prepared to reach for – to stretch for – to walk the razors edge for - do we want to reach for the top of the first mountain of revelation of God, or are we prepared to feel the sharpness of the cut of the sword of truth right through our hearts as we pursue the whole mountain range of God which is so far into eternity it is unheard and without voice, until we are within a nearness which enables us to see the unwritten as the voice of the unheard writes and the voice of the unwritten is heard – for the fullness of it is the fullness of the Lord of Life and he shows us now because it is now we have to be prepared and made aware and have it already planted steadfastly in our hearts - for it is now we place ourselves where we are to be – for we can lose the more now, just as swiftly as we can gain the more now –

But walking the razors edge is not walking close to it or near it so as to just watch it unfold – it is not using our self control to move us off the edge instead of using it to keep us steady on the edge – for then restraint and self control means nothing for the level of restraint has only served to place distance between us and the full experience of feeling the sharpness of the blade of the raw edge of revelation, and of feeling the majesty of it as it touches us and as we touch it, as we keep the balance of our walk to perfection – walking the razors edge is feeling the sharp fine cut of the blade - without blocking it out with over released self control - to feel its fullness and to experience its power as the revelations come with much weight and with a deep hunger to be revealed –and we can walk this way when our hunger for it to be revealed is the same deep hunger, and the weight of our motives is the same weight of the revelation which is released - and we can only feel and experience it when we are where the revelation is being released - when we are on the edge of the razor, when we are walking the razors edge – when we are the sharp edge of the razor for so highly sharpened are we – it is not being near it or close to it – it is walking on the sharpest point of it and staying balanced - and the self control is to be used to stay perfectly balanced and not to try to over counterbalance - and is not to be used to block out the experience – perfect self control or the practise of it is staying on the edge feeling the pain and the joy of the preciseness of the walk – walking in the fullness of the experience so that the full intent of God’s purpose for it is completely and entirely accomplished, and it will only be entirely accomplished when we have entirely experienced it and lived it and loved it.
Jesus did not have one foot either side of the razors edge of truth when he walked his walk in the flesh – he did not live only as the Son of Man or the Son of God when one aspect of either of them came to a point of cutting sharpness - he reconciled as he walked the fine edge of the revelation of the Truth of God - he did not move a safe distance away from the full truth of who he is to reconcile his humanity with his Godliness – he was not man when it was convenient and not God when it is convenient –
He continued walking and he continued reconciling and the blood flowed from the cut of the sharpness of the revelation of the Truth, and from the reconciling of his humanity with his Godliness - the blood flowed not only from his feet which had walked the razors edge but from all parts of his body for the all of him had experienced and come into contact with the fine sharp line of living a life of holiness – the fine sharp line of living a life which is wholly set apart for God - for then whatever flows from loving the Lord our God with all our heart soul, mind and strength, is to be cherished for it makes us love our Lord even more – for love gives us strength – Gods strength - and when he gives us the desires of our heart and our hearts desire is him – then he is in all our desires, and what manifests out of these desires is holy and beautiful and priceless and it only serves for our love and desire and longing for the Lord to increase so that it will indeed fill and overflow through all of eternity ~

God’s full desires are being poured out to us – his private life now and in eternity is being revealed to us - and if we are ones who have dared to look and then have turned with the intent in our hearts to indulge in eternity as we reach out to take it for our own – then we will not hear his secrets anymore, or see his visions anymore, or feel his word come to life as he gives in depth detail of his person – and we will not even know we have lost access to his rooms and halls of intensity – for even the memory of it will be lost and irretrievable by us – for it will not be for us to remember or to ask again for the more, for there is no prescribed way then to ask, for what we have been now denied access to is due to our own side stepping into self – for they were the Lord’s private and sealed rooms – for such is their value and worth and such is the giving out of them to us which is in accordance with the purity of our hearts and cleanness of our hands …..
It is for us to receive it, and guard it and care for it in all holiness – for our God opened his heart to us and it was made vulnerable to us - and once we lose our footing in that part of his yielded heart – once we lose our footing on that steep rocky outcrop of his mountain, we ourselves have put a distance between us and the more of his superb mountaintop view – for we have then lost this view of our God, for it is given only to those who the Holy Spirit can move into the deepest of the unwritten thoughts which are on God’s mind, and which are filling every vein in his heart – and only given to those who will remain silent, as their shared private moments with the Lord are savoured only in their hearts the same way the Father savours his private moments with us .

What Jesus birthed us with, and what he birthed himself with – and that is the mortality of flesh and blood – is what is to be used by us for purposes which only attain to God’s will - our flesh is not to be pampered and soothed and made beautiful to the world - but it is to feel in its every pore the hunger and thirst of Christ for his own to come to him - that our very mortal flesh feels the mortality of Jesus the Son of Man as each remark said in a stinging rebuke against him, is felt not only in our hearts but felt in our flesh as a reminder of who we are, and the reason why we were birthed in flesh and blood , and to remind us of who we have asked to know, and what we have asked and volunteered to do - for we have asked to know the Son of Man and the Son of God and so now it is time for us to put our flesh and blood on the line –
Our flesh and blood is not immortal, but Christ in us is – and as the immortal one rises in us and fills us and grows to proportions which will challenge and change the all of us including our flesh – we will have to be always moving with the will of the Father and not the will of ourselves - for if we do we may then begin to see ourselves as standing separate from Jesus once we are fully like him – we are to be like him but we are not him – we are not Jesus Christ – but we are to aspire to take on his likeness if we wish to be sons and daughters who have all his outstanding qualities, which make him the perfect Son for a Father to have - and it is only the perfect Son who can teach us to become the perfect son and daughter, for Jesus holds all attributes within himself as his perfection gives him the power to live and be as the two made one - but for us we are to come to a place where we can reconcile within us the role of a daughter and taking that wisdom and knowledge and understanding as we are fully counselled by the Holy Spirit – we are then to bring into us the fullness of the revelation of the role of a son and then merging both revelations into one - For complete fellowship with God does rise above gender and go far into the extremes of God’s oneness with Jesus - for in their oneness there was not one thing missing, for it is a perfect relationship - for Jesus brings to the Father the divine outpouring of the all of what a full family could give to him – and they desired to share it with all of God’s creation by showing us how to relate to our Father as Jesus does.
Yes, he is the Son but he also carries and knows the essence of daughtership and that is what we are given – the essence of sonship and the essence of daughtership - for the two are one and the one are two - for it is the extract of the essence of the two which flow forth onto and over and into the Father, as he then feels the full flow of family within him - for they are to mix and merge and give unity in the oneness and the sameness as does all of the persons of the Trinity ~
It is with our perfecting of our role within God – within the family, that we are able to rise above the world’s teachings of sons and daughters and family – for the very basis of our family life with our Father is indeed Christ in us, and when Christ is so complete in us our outpouring to the Father is with the most refined and delicate essences of Christ himself - as what we have had drawn out of us and what we have to offer is mingled and flows through his perfection of love, so as it now comes to our Father, it is beautifully crafted and reminiscent to him of all the times he has watched the sunset, and all the times he has watched the oceans bounding and leaping for the sandy shores, for all and everything he looks at and focuses on reminds him of the love and unity of family – how beautiful and boundless it is - and reminds him of the love of Jesus and what it holds in it, and how it is so complete above what all men think it can be – and how men have made it so divided and have lost in it the unity of the oneness of the Father and the Son –
It is a oneness, held and captivated in our souls before our gender was made known that we give to our Father, and which is full of unique exquisiteness because it is without any manmade issues to contaminate it – and the voice which goes out from it is of the dynamic fullness of all operatic range, for it is so mastered with the uniqueness of perfection … and so goes forth manifested as the most beautiful and clearest of musical renditions which is held in supreme and perfect formation - for so it is as when Christ goes forth from us and when his formation has been perfectly completed and is without any contamination, but has the exquisite essences of God’s sons and daughters, giving the formation of Christ in us the unveiling of the miraculous oneness of God’s heart with all he has made, and especially with all who have their makeup reborn so as God in us can take his shape and form and be seen in all his fullness of spectrum through us as we take on and take pleasure in our roles as sons and daughters - it is always God being revealed in us and our unification with him is irrespective of male or female attributes – but we are then the manifestation of his attributes visually seen and felt by us in this form of male and female, so we may know now in these forms of flesh all the individual aspects which go into bringing the magnificence of Christ to his full unfolding through us – for we are visually what he holds in himself in completeness - but the difference is made distinct to us for he made us male and female so we have the completeness and understanding of the reconciliation of the two within our hearts –
Our sonship and our daughtership is in our hearts, and we each visually manifest our role as it comes through our individual personalities - but our family role is one for there is no division in our family life with the Father……
For Christ releases out into us the separateness and yet oneness of sonship and daughtership holding them at the same time within himself - and brings us to a place where he can release it to be known and seen and acknowledged, and then taken with perfection to where it its meant to reside in perfect unity and oneness and sameness – to the place where individuality and uniqueness and perfection resides.

All is coming to a time when the superb full voice of God through his Holy Spirit will increase in volume and its contents will be extended - for he will be talking simultaneously with those who are at different levels in their climb with him - his words will be few but in the few will the many words of insight and revelation take their place – different words and different interpretations to different hearts ~
And as the darkest of times come, so does come the deepest of most powerful of truths which will be our survival power, and which will certainly be our survival victory -
For it does not go unnoticed by God the everything and the everyway the world has changed and harrowed us - and he does not underestimate what it took for us to make such changes in the only things we knew - it was God of course who made the impossible possible, but he also knows the immense desire we have to have - the enormous hunger and thirst we have to have – the face of flint and the courage and the turning from all of what and who we know – he knows that to mere mortals it is gauged as impossible and not worth knowing about, and he knows that indeed the hardest part was from us - for we had to use all that we could find as we dug down into ourselves to see and find what it was Jesus was telling us we had – for even though his word to us cleanses us and makes known the truth to us, our Father knew what it would take each of us – to make the choice for Christ - as we battled against the only family and family values we knew –
For all that God did for us and we know now a little drop of what he did do – he still wants to let us know that even though it is Jesus alone who gives us all things through him – that there also was a need for us to bring out our own courage, our own strength, our own commitment, our own little drop of hunger and thirst, and even though all we bring out of our own it only a drop compared to his – but to him the magnificent beauty is in seeing how we listened and how we searched in our brow beaten hearts, and minds which have been so used to what the world tells us – how we still searched for what we knew was missing in our lives – and how with our hands still dirty and hearts still hardened and closed, tried to search for the minute threads and drops and grains of what we could still find in ourselves which was still untouched and not destroyed by mankind - and when we clung to the little of them as the larger part of us was still wrestling with dark pain and discouragement and bitterness - and it was then when he heard and saw the groaning and the pains such as labour pains in us, even as we first endeavoured to turn while all and everything around us and in us tried to contest God’s will for us ; but it was out of this that we made our choice for Christ Jesus, and rested our faith and hope in him that the truth of his word to us would indeed give us who he said we were to come to know, and that indeed our Father truly longed to have us back again - and so in our brokenness and in our filth, our repentance flowed to God and he started then unlocking all the doors which held sealed untouched truths - for his heart of deep sorrow was now unlocked to us and our return to him through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ was now possible - for he had given his Holy Spirit to indwell in us to bring us all the way home once we had turned to hear and see and believe what Jesus was telling and showing us, and when we did, then for us to then look back at ourselves to see the truth of our sin and the need for our repentance and our acceptance of Jesus Christ into our hearts and into our lives -
And then God saw in us - his strength, and his courage and his zeal and his jealousy and his life and his power and his full word and his full revelations and his full mountain range and his full glorification - as our mortal flesh was now raised from the ground and slowly and surely our stance was straightened and our walk was corrected as we followed the voice of Jesus and held tight to the truth that he was the only Son of God and he was sent by our Father, and he was leading us back to our true home, and to the one who chose us first and the only one who loved us first.
And the Lord wants us to know he marvels at us and does see what it took us to lift our hand to meet the Lord’s – and what it takes us to keep holding on – and what it will take us to come into eternity and to go the full infinite way with him - and he tells us he knows we can do it – he knows we can hang on - he knows what we endeavour to give back to him as he watches our struggle which brings his heart to tears and yet also to joy - for our pain is born out of the pain of Jesus who went before us to pave the way for us as he went to the cross for our victorious salvation – the pain of salvation – the pain and yet joy when we see for the first time – when we hear for the first time – when we believe for the first time – that is the mighty power of the light of Christ when it does appear to us on our road to Damascus, as it powers down to release and set free all who are held in bondage – at that moment for all of us there is so much mighty power being generated when Jesus is first seen in our hearts, and we first come to see through the curtain which has been torn before the world began - but which became manifest to the world when Jesus showed the world his love for his Father - when a Son showed the world there is no distance too far to go when in truth we say yes to our Father and then do it ~

This is what our flesh is born to feel as we raise our hands to meet that of Christ and as we climb and hurt and bleed and groan and cry out that we know we need Jesus - and we cry out our thirst for him, our hunger for him - and when we take the cup that has been placed in our hands and say with truth that if this cup cannot be taken away from us then not our will but your will be done Father – These mighty words of eternal love which came from his only Son were a prelude to the words which would come out of mouths whose bodies of flesh were being moved and changed so they could be discarded as they gave way in great honour and with great satisfaction and with a sense of completeness to our new bodies - knowing that our bodies of flesh had been used for their full purpose – for their full and complete purpose of glorifying God in the highest way - and as we receive our new glorified bodies we know we have accomplished what had to be accomplished with our humanity - for Jesus came in a body prepared for him – a body of flesh and blood, for there was a specific purpose for this flesh of mortality, and his body was used for Gods divine - and so for us our glorified bodies are given at a purposed and a set time in God’s plan - but we want to be ones who have used our first bodies we were birthed with and which were prepared for us by the Father – we want to be ones who have used them to the fullness of their intended purpose – for the full reason not half not a quarter or less - but to be used for all of the reasons why they were selected for us to come into the world - and then for our flesh to have bore all the marks of Jesus Christ as he grew in his fullness in us while we were weak in the flesh and harrowed and in struggle in heart with the process of reconciling the flesh and the spirit – that is when we have walked the walk in this flesh to its full calling - when God does not see the pampering of our flesh or the pride in our flesh as it remains beautiful to the world, but the beauty he sees in our mortal bodies is that we proudly wear the marks of Christ – he sees the beauty of struggle and the beauty of the fight for the truth and the beauty of the determination to hang on and bring resolution and reconciliation of our flesh with the indwelling of the fullness of the power of the Holy Spirit – the beauty he sees in us is hearts set on going into eternity and reaching for nothing less than what we reached for while we were still on this earth – nothing less than what we were given life for – nothing less than what we are capable of – and that is nothing less than the furthest extremes of life in the full, for that is what we have put into motion on earth the moment we said yes to Christ and no to the world - when we said yes to Christ and then go ahead and did what had to be done to fulfil what was held in that yes to him - when we said yes and accepted our salvation and believed in the one God sent to us to give us the words of life – the one who gave us the words repent and believe -
We said yes to the fulfilling of the purpose of why we were salvaged - of why we were given the gift of eternal life – we said yes to so much more than we realised - and we have to find out what we really said yes to and then be a person true to the fulfilling of our word, just as God is true and faithful to the fulfilling of his word – for all which is brought to us, is to bring out of us all of fullness of he who dwells in us - so our oneness and likeness and sameness can comes to full manifestation.

The language of which the Holy Spirit and Jesus and the Father converse will spill over onto us as the scriptures continue to be fulfilled and as Christ reaches full maturity in us – we will hear what is spoken with maturity, in the same way the Father and Jesus and the Holy Spirit hear and speak – and what has changed is the way we hear it - for now we hear the way and the truth and the life in the way and truth and life of his voice - as it is now interpretated to us by a heart matured in Christ – we are hearing in the simple word the complex revelation of it at the same time - and no one else can know what the Lord is saying at that extra level of revelation, unless Christ is in his full statue in us, and when we are like Christ and no longer reaching, but have reached the top of the highest mountain of God which he has placed before us - and we are now leaping over his mountain range of the infiniteness of Him - and there is no one or nothing which can diminish the fullness of Christ in us when he is fully in us and we are fully in him - for there is no other power than God’s power - there is no other power to bring him down or to make him less than who he is –
And so it is the same for us when we have said yes to Christ and have then gone ahead and allowed the Holy Spirit to have his full and complete and perfect way in us ; and it is a great miracle that God has permitted for Jesus to take his formation in us - and for him to be presented back to the Father in all our different ways of presentation – this is God’s creation presenting back to him, himself, for him to see every piece of his craftsmanship in us as it is highlighted and magnified by the presence of Christ is us – for it takes Christ in us to reveal how God made us all so individual – and it takes Christ to unveil the aspects of himself God put into every one of us – for that is how diverse he is and how individual we all are – and it takes his presence in us to give it its holiness and purity, so when Jesus is presented through us, it is by the Spirit of holiness and by the Spirit of power.

All that Jesus, the Son of Man and the Son of God contained and had to reconcile is what we will have to bring into our hearts and meditate on as we walk the walk of Christ now more than ever before – for all which the Lord encountered we will encounter – and all coming to us at its highest level as his return draws nearer – for as his nearness increases so does the nearness of those who are opposed to him….
And what the Lord endured in his flesh and his spirit and his soul, so we too will have our own journey of endurance to bear up under - we are not Jesus Christ but we are to be so much like him that we are to feel the walk to the cross in the walk we take to the mount of olives - for only then will our walk with our Father’s first Son, be seen in his eyes as the most amazing and the highest and most deepest of revelations he has ever watched come to pass – let it be the very best of revelations that the Father sees come into its manifested form within his creation; a creation which succumbed to sin and fell into the darkest of despair but were redeemed by God Almighty and washed clean by his Word of Truth, and now have formed in them to full stature their Lord and Saviour - Jesus Christ the sinless one – and they are now flesh which has been changed by Christ and they are blood which has been purified by the shedding of the pure blood of Christ, and they are manifesting in full power in the same world which tried to kill the word of Truth, and in the same world which will abolish the word repent from God’s written word and so deny that there is any need for repentance in the Name of Jesus for the salvation of our souls –
The word of truth to them will then become closed for they had been taught and they grew proud and turned wise humility into believing that Jesus is now replaceable by them – not that they have his full statue but they have formulated their own statue of him out of their own devises - for the Lord had left a long time ago when they first took a holy truth – a pure revelation and it made them proud, and Jesus then took the back seat as he let them go on so as to test their true foundations and they proved to be built on many things, and those many things dislodged the cornerstone -
And now their house would crumble in its duplicity under the extreme strength which is needed by us for the end days to be survived – and the strength of Christ we only have when we have continued to abide in him and the truth of his word, for then he continues to abide in us and the truth of our word.

For when we chose for our walk to be with Jesus our hearts were to become the same as his – our thoughts were to become the same and our purposes to become the same –for if our walk is steady and fruitful and goes on uninterrupted then the full statue of God’s Son – the personal attributes of Jesus - will burst strongly unhindered out of us – for who can stop him when we have given ourselves over to his formation in us – our willingness of heart and mind and soul and spirit gives the Lord right of way to move through us and to come into the world now in the flesh and blood of his own – for we too have reconciled our flesh and mortality with the formation and growth of Christ in us – for if we have not reconciled the two, his manifestation into the world is not at full power as it was when God was in his own body of flesh and blood – for he reconciled the two with perseverance endured through the suffering, as the dust of the earth rose up to cover his feet and penetrate into his garments as he felt the tiredness and hunger and thirst of a mortal body of flesh while he still moved forward in the oneness of man and God - and the reconciling came to its completion when he was lifted up in the sight of all men on a Roman cross - for that was the time when the reconciliation was at its most powerful – when the world was reconciled back to the Father and when the Son of Man was fully reconciled with the Son of God – and it was when God’s power to save was displayed -
And shown in all its magnificent glory, was the need to reconcile the two for our salvation to be eternal - and that is what we have to do, for there will be a time when all we have been instructed to do and speak will be put to the ultimate test and then Christ in our body of flesh will truly glorify the Father just as the Son did in his own body of flesh and blood –

As we go from one mountain of revelation to the next all which the Lord is revealing goes into a higher pitch and moves on to a note which we have never heard before, as the mountains of the Lord reach to such an elevation that it is only our full maturity and the perfection of the power of the Lord within us which will enable us to reach into the unknown and unseen heights of God to see what is at the extremity of the extreme top of the highest and deepest point of him - and what makes it the deepest and highest point is when we have allowed the full and perfect formation of all the revelations of God which we have ever received to take their place in us – for then it is the coming together of all in their holy righteousness - all the mountains of God as they move into one - and it will be earth shattering - like a massive earthquake which has erupted as the mountain range of the Lord moves and merges into one as all his mountains which are in far off places - unseen places, move in and merge themselves into ones which are in their visual nearness - such is the full revelation of God when all the revelations of Christ in us come together and move into one as the formation of God in us reaches its completion – the completion in us of the reconciling and bringing into perfect harmony the fullness of the statue of the revelation of God as seen in Jesus Christ.
And as the revelations increase and the mountains of the Lord rise to greater dimensions – it is only by the eternal Spirit that we can even begin to assimilate it all into ourselves or know where they are to fit into our person and our walk with Jesus Christ – for the Holy Spirit takes of them with us and explains them and places them where they are to be placed as we continue to learn how to merge in total harmony all which is of the Spirit and all which is of the flesh – For this is our walk now as we continue living in the weakness of mortal flesh which is temporary, while growing and being taught how to live in infinity with God ~ a huge job and a huge joy ~ an immense task but an enormous and wildly exciting journey that is not to be missed.

There will be a time within his mighty unfolding and revealing of his masterpieces, when we will take our rest in the Lord at the side of a lake of beautiful peaceful clear blue water, which has a golden iridescent tinge to its surface, a glow which is radiating from the face of the Father as he centres his attention on those at rest in Christ - a most beautiful tranquil lake of waters where we will pause to not only drink and quench our thirst, but where when we bend to lift the waters of life and truth and holiness to our mouths, we will be caused by God to see the reflection of the one who grows in us in the surface of the stillness of the waters, as the Holy Spirit hovers and moves over the surface of the holy deep, as we see Christ in us and the full truth of his formation and the level of his matured growth within our human bodies.
The Holy Spirit is brooding and hovering and moving and giving protection to the formation and birth of Christ out of us as he did at his original birth, and it is he and his awesome and far reaching power who leads us with mighty force and deliberation, giving us counsel now at a very refined and deepened level - for as we bend to drink at these waters of revelation, the Father will cause us to see and understand – and we will be then drinking to satisfy the thirst of the Father - for we will be doing under the guidance and power and knowing wisdom of the Holy Spirit, exactly what the Father is doing in that moment, and only by his pure and holy and perfect power will we be drinking to satisfy the Father’s thirst for Christ in us to be fully formed and to come to maturity – for his thirst is beyond what we can hold in our bodies of mortal flesh and blood, and we can only do so when the Holy Spirit draws the pure waters into himself as he resides in us - for so holy will this encounter be when the Father himself comes and bends and drinks of the waters born out of his Son’s sacrifice and his Son’s thirst as he hung on the cross -
For only in total solitude and aloneness are we permitted to dip our hand into the waters with our God and drink as he drinks – for as we drink with the Father and feel the consuming depths of his thirst, so he will tell us in the hearing of our hearts what the real thirst of Christ is -
He will speak in a voice of rushing waters as the clear waters fill and rush into and flow over his voice his words his heart – he will tell us our true hearts desires and where they may or may not lead us to - for he will speak to us in a voice which is the same as the waters we did drink from, telling us plainly and clearly as only our Father can, where our life in Christ will take us - and make known to us where Christ in us – where Jesus in us really wants to go – for it may be that the degree of Christ we have now formed in us is where in our hearts we truly only want to go to – and with such gentleness and love will he explain to us what in our hearts we have yet to acknowledge or understand about our walk with Jesus, for even though the Lord aims to take us all the way as he goes all the way - for some of us all the way is at different stopping points in Christ – and that is where the Father will give us peaceful acceptance and settle us – for his word to us will give no rise in us for a defensive attitude or disbelief, but it is pure acceptance of what he is showing us because the intensity of the revelation will only serve to bring to the Father an increase in our praise and worship of Him as his greatness is magnified, as we now see in an increased manner the true depth of the significance and magnificence of Christ, and how completely insignificant we are when compared to him and his splendorous love for the Father – and how Christ being formed in us is so much more than hoping and desiring - for when we see the truth of the statue of which we have to be grown to - when we see with eyes the Father has now touched – when we see how Jesus is so beyond magnificent in his full statue – that how can we ever think that it does not take such a commitment by us which will match what is done in us - and what he did for us - for we have to see the precise degree of his glorious form if we are ever going to understand and respect what a mighty and miraculous work God does do in us so the formation of his Son is made manifest in the world once again before his final return –
And if we do not co operate to the level the Father Son and Holy Spirit co- operate with each other, then Christ in us will remain unmanifested and not fully formed - and the Father will continue to thirst for what never was birthed out of us - for what was never finished in us - and he will take this into eternity with him unless we satisfy his thirst for Christ to be fully matured in us – and satisfy his thirst with the pure waters which will then flow from us and out of which will emerge the fully matured – and the fully formed sons and daughters of eternity - the sons and daughters of the eternity of the eternal God ~
It is a brief interlude with the Father beside the still waters, for we are looking into wisdom and holiness where the only reflection can be that of Christ Jesus and all that he holds within him ~.

A time to meet all the needs of our God is now - it is now we have to be able to rise with the full teaching and guidance of the Holy Spirit to meet all their needs and to answer all of God’s callings to us -
We are now joining up with our Lord on the road to Jerusalem for he did call us from our individual places where we were in the world - and we have listened and learned and followed him and have begun to cater to his needs – his need and request to be ministered to was a call, that we both men and women responded to and so the reconciliation process began - reconciling the attitude and responses of both men and women as they followed him, for they began their walk with him with split agendas - their own agendas - one for men and another for women - and they never reconciled them making them one with each other and then reconciling completely their one agenda with the Lord’s.
And even though it seems out of time sequence, it is to Christ in the perfect sequence, for our walk with him is to offset and bring reconciliation and completion to the walk of those of ages past -
For this is the last walk on this earth we will have with him in this way - and it is now these matters have to be resolved and finished, for no loose ends are brought over into the millennial reign of Christ –

We are desiring and endeavouring to combine and reconcile the divided walk of men and women when they walked with Christ on the earth - we are joining it - all has to come to one - the joining of the male and female in their walk with Christ - in their attitudes in their reactions and responses to him, for Jesus has no division in him – it is time for all things to be put into their right and perfect position and now as the world has been reconciled back to the Father we are to reconcile the actions and thoughts and desires of male and female – but the essence of what we each hold individually will always remain uniquely separate to each of us - but there is a need now as Jesus is moving so fast to bring to completion to the Father’s will - that all which had not been done will be done - all which had gone unfinished until this moment in time will be finished - and all which the men and women of ages past could not complete we will complete and share with them - for when we listen to Jesus – when we follow the command of the Father – if we let it take us to where it is sent forth to take us then we will be reconciling what is left to be reconciled, so our Lord can return and find ones who will be distinctly different because when we listen and obey and follow and do and respond, we move back to where we should be and Christ moves in us as the Holy Spirit takes us on a journey where no man has gone – where no male or female has gone - or will go unless we take the gender and division out of it and respond and relate to the Lord as his own firstly - and then he draws out of us what it is he has especially put in each of us to use in our family fellowship with the body of Christ and ultimately in our fellowship with the Father.
This is allowing the creator to come into his creation – for the first time he came was to bring us salvation through the word of truth – to teach us how to reconcile man with God, and now it is to bring into manifested glory through bodies of mortal sinful flesh what God could only then do through the sinless body of Jesus Christ – and which is done as a glorious prelude to the return in the flesh of Jesus Christ Himself.

Glorious unlimited word is what is waiting in the deep pool of the still waters if we are looking at Christ - unlimited word of such repose – words of dignified calmness and peaceful tranquillity – the unlimited word of life and power and truth - and the unlimited word of eternal dimension and unwritten proportions.
Words of priceless qualities – unrepeatable and righteously so, seemingly unobtainable and yet given fully over to us as the full glory of them is revealed.
The waters of life wash over each word as their glorious full meaning appears, and the unmanifested book which holds in it words which are unwritten can hardly remain still when the Father picks it up and spreads it open in his heart as he speaks words which are yet to receive any form.

And it is a far off place within God’s eternal kingdom of himself, where within Sonship and Daughtership, we know before it is written and so it is not written, and we have seen before it takes on any form and so it remains formless –
And just as the Father knew us and saw us before we were of any form, so in his unmanifested book and in his unwritten word is the fullness of his sons and daughters - the sons and daughters of the eternity - and what is left unwritten by the Father and unspoken by him is what will either take us into the outer glorified unwritten presence of him, or what will give us our life within the spoken and written word of him ~

The true sons and daughters are to be revealed but it is only when in their oneness with Christ that the sons are seen; and only in when in their oneness with Christ that the daughters are seen – for Jesus was seen when he came in oneness with the Father – and he came to show us all things are one with God firstly and lastly…. And what comes, and has to come in between as we live this life on this earth, is to experience what God has given each of us out of himself, and to savour and enjoy and cherish the unique part of himself which has been set into our hearts in the core of our eternity – and then to allow the Holy Spirit to merge it all so we then come into eternity in the greatness and grandness of knowing and having lived all our separate qualities, and having lived and merge with the higher qualities of Christ, as his formation in us was made complete - It is being fully at ease and fully unified and in total oneness with Jesus and the Father – and then taking our existence into where no man or woman goes – into where no son or daughter goes unless they know what is not written and they have already heard what is unsaid and have already been where only God has been.

Our walk now is has to be on the sharpness of the edge of the full truth of our salvation and all of which it holds in it for God – walking it and not side stepping it – feeling it and not ignoring it – loving it and living it and not allowing the powerful revelation of it cause us to move from the edge of it to the side of it - as we allow the Lord to skilfully craft in us sons who can reside in full Sonship, and daughters who can reside in full Daughtership – for as he carves and crafts and makes all into his own, he is indeed himself walking down an eternal stretch of an unformed road – for it cannot be made in form for it is too precious and exquisite and has now gone beyond what a Father’s heart has ever held – and has moved into the extreme of the extreme greatness of our God and into what his heart is now going to feel and experience – for it cannot and will not ever be able to be seen, but only felt and experienced – for that is what will bring us to where our Father and our God becomes fully our eternity and where we become fully his ~