30 October 2004

The Kingdom Of God Belongs To Such As These

The Kingdom of God belongs to little children and those who receive the Kingdom and accept it and welcome it with the faith and heart like that of a child because God has a heart that only the purity of a child can match - for it is a heart which can receive and accept and welcome the same things that God receives, that God accepts, and that God welcomes into his heart, and into his Kingdom, and into his secrets, and into his discipline, and into his love –
And only these qualities in us can reach out to the heart of God and so identify with it – drawing more of his word into the light that Christ has put in us - for such is the power that comes from such a heart and it is what God searches for –
The power of the Kingdom in men and women mature in Christ and retaining the qualities which adhere the Kingdom to themselves with a surging purity of a heart and power which can only reside in a child, and those who cling to the purity and openness and eagerness and willingness given unto children - seeing them as a light given to us in the darkness of our lost innocence, so as to have resurrect in us what has died and given way to hardness and narrow mindedness and blatant carelessness – for the power that comes from such a heart is the power of miraculous unfoldings for that is how life manifest first unfolded – through the miracle of the unfolding of God’s pure word from a pure heart -
And the Kingdom belongs to such as these because the Kingdom came from such as these - For if God in his Trinity does not have the heart which is of the qualities of a heart which he placed in a child then the Father would not have a heart which relates to and gives his kingdom to what is the innate and astounding innocence and resilience and unconditional love and forgiveness which abides in children and those that have resurrected in them what never should have been lost or put to death but only should have been brought into the maturity of which comes from knowing God – by knowing the one who made our hearts and who speaks into them to bring them back to life as they are created anew by his words – words which always seek to unfold and give of God and his secret wisdom unto those who are one with him in word –
For his heart and the words which abound in it does make the children into sons – and into daughters - into co heirs and into kings – into ones just like Jesus as he takes us into the far distance of where his fatherhood does go - into where his family does go – and into the vast expanse of belonging to God and what belonging to God does bring to our heart and souls as they seek and pant for the one who waters and refreshes us – and brings joy that is so thick and tangible that you can touch it because it has a presence of its own, because it is instigated by the unending compassionate release of God to us - and it is powered by his endless search for ones who have the sweet gold nectar of the kingdom running through their being – a being which is made up of word purified as gold in a consuming fire -

For his heart – God’s heart and all that is in it, will take us into a mature and wise innocence born out of knowledge and given power by a heart which has the understanding of one who knows good and evil, and has gone to the depth of evil and is now able by the grace of God to come into the heights of all of which is good – into the heights of God who is good and who has no evil in him -
For the heart of the word of God is for the unfolding of each member of the family – and it starts with each member of the Trinity - for all of the Trinity has to unfold and give release of the word through each of them - for God’s word is manifold having many different parts and elements and features and forms and operating many things at once and comes through the all of God - because it is the all of God – and it comes through the three of them for it to be of its complete and finished state - for the all of God brought it forth and so the all of God brings it into the fullness of its revelation –
And as it comes through the all of the three persons of God – then the all of what word has to say can pour into those of whom have the deep and receptive and willing heart which the Lord afforded and gave unto children for safe keeping –
For safe keeping and as a witness to what is in the most intimate parts of the heart of God - Given to keep safe within those who drink in from the heart and so who then can forgive from the heart because as they see God in his word - and the word in God - they see how senseless it is to try to contain and bring restraint to what is of the eternal - and only God’s way in retaining and forgiving sins is the eternal way – the eternal way of his word which is always praising and revealing God as it streams out life in torrents - but we caution it and so bring into manifestation only a part of the deluge of its flow - but if the heart of which is afforded unto children and to those who retain the God given qualities given to the little ones of God is the essence of our hearts – then therein lays our greatest asset as the creation in us of a new heart is the creation in us of the Kingdom of God and the secrets of the knowledge of his Kingdom of word –and his Kingdom of the Heart ~

The Kingdom which is God comes from out of his heart and that is why it can only be formed in our hearts, and if anywhere else then it is not the Kingdom of God - for then we try to form it ourselves as we separate his word and divide and cut it into what is received accepted and welcomed, and what is not - and we want to see it somewhere else, but not in us as we try to form it separate from us to view it from a distance, with speculation to its worth and its measure and its content as we try to take from it and seal it unto us alone without Christ as our Lord and cornerstone - and we take the denarius and try to compare its content and worth to that of the Kingdom and put value on what can not have a price attached to it, as we compare what can have no comparison lodged against it – and we try to manufacture it ourselves out of deeds, and from the teachings of blind guides - and it may seem to be a reflection of God’s Kingdom but it is not the Kingdom – it may seem to be similar because it bring us satisfaction and acclaim and praise but it is not the Kingdom – we may be copying what may be duly seen of God and try to plant it somewhere else but it is not the Kingdom –
Because God’s Kingdom cannot form outside of us – it cannot form out of deeds and blind teachings – it cannot form outside of suffering, outside of perseverance, outside of patience, outside of sacrifice, outside of obedience, outside of love - it cannot form outside of God’s word and outside of God’s Spirit and outside of God’s heart - and can never be separated from God’s Christ - and there is no Kingdom which can form in us in the same way and which can take rightful and righteous possession of our hearts and souls and minds and spirit and flesh and blood and be of a constant passion and purpose, and bring us to a repentance and a determination, and be of unparalleled love and sacrifice, and be canopied with patience endurance unto to death - as does the Kingdom of God –
No other Kingdom sacrifices the heir so as to have co heirs that were once enemies – no other Kingdom sacrifices the only begotten Son and the King of the Kingdom so that the enemies may be reconciled to the Father of the Kingdom so that they may be co heirs with the heir and Son of the Father – no other Kingdom will stand against all else which takes away the rights that life in abundance has - and make lack and greed and unrighteous accumulation be seen for what it is and bring it low and make it cower as God does make it cower before the feet of our Lord Jesus - as He, in all of his great power and wisdom holds himself in perfect grace and humility as what cannot help to overflow out of him pours out profusely before the eyes of all men – the wealth and riches and glory of God – the kingdom pours its riches out of our Lord with such immense humility and dignity and grace as the truth and power and wealth of God cannot help but manifest as its full revelation even from eternity past is made known as the mystery of God is revealed and the overflow of the abundance cascades through and out of every part of our Lord – out of every part of Word manifest as it flows and flows with such a holiness as it covers all and everything that is made by his word, and of which the power of his word sustains and maintains and nurtures and gives life -
There is no other Kingdom but the Kingdom of God - for all others which take the name and are called a kingdom are not the Kingdom of God even though many are given status by the Lord and rise to take their place within his purposes as kings and kingdoms but is only as they wait for the Lord to bring all into the one and only everlasting Kingdom of the eternal God who is eternal Word Complete –

And the Kingdom holds it all - all the purposes for all the words and actions of God way beyond what we now know and understand ~
For there has to be a purpose to the Lord’s suffering and a purpose to ours as we follow his lead - there has to be a purpose to his sacrifice and to ours as we take up his word and obey and practise it - there has to be a purpose to hanging on a Roman cross when there was power to dissolve that cross into nothing, and a purpose to our hanging on with all we have in us, to all of which the cross of salvation brought from heaven to earth and then from earth to heaven -
There has to be a purpose to God revealing the mystery of himself – there has to be a purpose to word becoming manifest and light being given so we could see what was always there but was only always unto God - there has to be a purpose to walking on a razors edge which is so narrow and so sharp that each step cuts into our being and spears up into our hearts – a purpose to pouring out our jealousy and love for God and what belongs to him - a purpose to why we yearn to fully feel in all our senses our belonging to God – and he fulfils all his ways and purposes with himself, and fills our every sense with himself, as he gives to us as yet unheard of words and as yet unfelt of gestures of his soul so we who need his comfort are comforted - and we who yearn to be where we are to be and with whom we are meant to be with are given through all of our senses the total and complete sense and purpose of who we belong to - as he speaks into us the purposes of his heart as he draws all parts of the Kingdom - gathering from all of its far reaches so as to give unto us what will make it a reality for us - pouring into us revelations from the Father because we as a part of is word, need the Father of word – need to have the closeness of our Father wrap himself around us - and we have the revelations from the Son because we need the Son of God and to listen to the words of his wisdom – we need the Son of our Father who is our Saviour and our Lord – the King and Heir of the Kingdom of God, who gave his life to bring us into a salvation that offered co- heirship with him - because he who was dead is now alive forever and brings us into that same life which will never cease and gives us the offer to live it with him - because he is the true light of the world and came so the word of God would be seen and heard and felt and known so no one would miss out on knowing the purpose of why all things are as they are - and know that it will lead to where all things will be as they should be - as we now move into the revelations from the Holy Spirit: because we all need the Spirit of the word which is life and which is the truth of God - we need the fullness of the threefold God to unfold to us, and to see far into the mystery of why we were spared - to see the all of it, as each detail of it goes deeper - for the one who deeply examines and explores the heart and mind of God is speaking now of what he holds in himself - for the threefold God reveals his word to us through each of their hearts - for God and his will to be made known in extra depth - for the Father speaks and then the Son and now the Holy Spirit speaks and we have the full dimension of God in full array and made known to us - and that transcends and outweighs all of what comes and goes in the lead up to the fulfilment of God and his word -

And even as we look at what we are, or are not, presenting to the Lord and doing for the him - and see that no matter how it seems to us that it is outweighed by the consummate weight and power of the Lord - for he is our ability to hang on to even the smallest thread and to not let go for even the smallest thread, the smallest word of God has the power in it to make our thoughts captive to only Jesus and Jesus only - as we hang on to the one we belong to because he not only lights the way for us but is the light and the way for us –
For it is not hanging on to the visible displays of great power or great anointing but clinging to and hanging on to the heart of the word which the Spirit of the word exposes to us - and extends liberally and graciously and willingly to us just as he does his outstretched arm and open hand which he reaches forth through all of eternity so as to reach unto us – he parts eternity, he parts the heavens, and he parts the seas and he parts the earth to get to us and so we can get to him - for that is how we are reaching out to him when in our maturing process we have the heart and faith like that of a child, who does not know when to give up when they see before them the one their heart yearns and pines for – for that is the maturing process - it is not going backwards into our childhood but it is only in our maturity in Christ that we can ever have this type of faith and heartfelt and open and willing response to God with full acceptance of him without any doubts or disbelief – and so be far away from a heart which is without such a refinement and which spurns such a comparison to that of a child - turning away from what seems to be just a childish fantasy of kingdoms and kings and lords princes and wealth and riches beyond measure – but he who turns away will then himself be turned away and cast into the outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth -

For as the refining process of our walk in Christ increases, it makes us truly walk the fine line that only one with the heart like that of a child would ever walk and pursue - because it is that type of heart which only sees the Lord and not the suffering and not the sacrifice and not the pain and not the grief and not even the miracles – they do not refuse the suffering and sacrifice and pain and grief or trials or miracles - it is just that it does not take precedence and stand in front of the Lord and conceal him from sight - so that what we are looking at is fragments of him and not the all of him as he is one - to see only Jesus and see all as in the context of Jesus Christ and his eternal life of word – that it is all one - and what is all one has already been made perfect - so we are not perfecting through suffering what already has been perfected - but it is that we are in the word of God, and we are of the word of God, and held together by the word of God as the truth of Jesus is made manifest in us - who in ourselves are of the manifested physical existence of God’s word - so it is that suffering is not the only focus or sacrifice the only focus or pain or grief or trials or miracles or anointing the only focus - but Jesus in the wholeness of word is the focus – just as this type of heart of which resides in a child only sees and hears the Lord and has no doubts or disbelief or idolatry - no rebellion and no pride and has no ulterior motive because they are motivated by Jesus entirely and not by the power or glory or riches - and they come to where they belong - and to whom they belong and it takes only one word from his mouth and one utterance from his heart and one glance from his eyes – for nothing kept the Father out of the view and hearing and heart of Jesus – and nothing is to keep Jesus out of our view and hearing and heart for he appeared to us in the oneness of word which made up his physical manifest presence – and he is the whole and complete word of God as spoken by the Father and as spoken by Jesus and as spoken by the Holy Spirit –
All of which is the Word of God is in the manifest presence of Jesus Christ - and the Father gave him the words to speak out which would dissolve all other words which brought physical and spiritual manifestations which were born out of words without the power of life – and Jesus spoke the words which would manifest in us healing and life …words which restored and resurrected us physically and spiritually -

For there has to be an attachment of heart and soul to the Kingdom of our God which is word - an attachment which is so strong and powerful that it overrides all of which comes in to overwhelm and flatten us and bring our hearts into focusing only on the suffering and the grief and the trials - and not on the heart and words of the Lord with whom all things are possible -
For it is his words which give purpose to the sacrifice and to the suffering and to the pain and trials and even to the miracles and the anointing - for even though we can feel the interference and the intrusion - we find we can only hold more fiercely to our Lord who is our focus because Jesus is our sure and true foundation on which we have built - and because if we do not have the eternal foundation of Christ we are swept away by what may seem easier and what we will be made to think will still get us to where God wants us to be - but it is that God made Jesus the focus and the foundation for us – because we need to have a focus for our heart and minds – for our spirits and our souls which is God’s focus and God’s sure foundation on which to have his word built and formed in us – and he made Jesus the entirety of his word for us because we need his entire word to know and understand him - so as to come to him and to know he who is word himself - so we can merge as word with THE Word and survive what is only the prelude to a life in the fullness of the Kingdom formed and built on word – and he made Jesus his manifest truth for us to take us through the times of struggle when our fingers are torn and bleeding from the grip we have on the sharp edges of his mountain as he takes us to the extreme sharpness of his word - because to walk the road of Christ and to climb the mountain of the Lord takes the truth of the Lord made manifest in our lives - just as the Father made Jesus the manifest way for our lives so we could see as well as hear what is the right direction for us to go in - no matter what our mind tries to tell us and persuade us to do – and he made him the manifestation of eternal life so we could physically touch him – he made Jesus his manifest focus – his manifest word, his manifest way to the truth of the mystery of God - and without him we could not even be near the mountain of the Lord let alone ascending it far above into where word becomes what we are breathing in its pure and solid form -
For without Jesus we cannot breathe in the words which replace the air we are used to breathing - for when we meet them in their own territory they are solid in power and in authority and without a shadow of a doubt without Jesus Christ we are eternally at the foot of the mountain and lost in the desert of sin and completely blind and forever lame and crippled – and without speech and without power and without heart and without word and without breathe and without God and oh so far from his Kingdom of eternal life -
For He is the purpose and the focus and the Kingdom which surpasses all - for the voice and the actions of men are not born out of a kingdom life nor any regal or righteous upbringing which gives them footing into the life of a King and the heart of a King or the ways of a King or the words of a King nor the sacrifice and suffering and patience and wisdom and knowledge and understanding of a King who has an eternal Kingdom – but Jesus who is the King of all kings is born out of the kingdom of pure word - and that is what draws us to focus on him even when we are not aware of it – as the power of the unseen makes itself known, for what we are drawn by is the Spirit of the word – the pure Spirit of the word and the pure Spirit of the Kingdom and the pure Spirit of the eternal heart – the Spirit of who we belong to, and he is what our hearts and souls feel even though the greater understanding of it only rests in the Lord - for it is to focus on him and all is within that focus - all within that intense meditation on what his word is saying to us, and performing for us, and unveiling to us and allowing us to witness of God himself -
And many place their attention on the many things which they believe they are doing for God and they take their eyes off Jesus himself and look at their so called great sacrifice and their great trials and their great anointing - and that will be what kills them - for focus on the Lord in his oneness is what keeps us alive to stand in God’s powerful word and the power of his word which sustains and maintains all things - and we are to dwell in it, and with it and to sustain its presence in us for that is the Kingdom of God which dwells within us - and to have the Kingdom of God within us is no small feat for our Lord even though nothing is too hard for him to accomplish - because sometimes the things he has to say are hard for him to say - and the things he has do are hard for him to do – for even though it is easy to do in his power it is hard to do in his heart – but he does it out of necessity – for it is done to us in accordance with the idolatry we have set up in our hearts – and so he does what has to be done for the good of the Kingdom and comes to us in the ways he has to come to us for the good of the Kingdom - for even the ways he comes to us is in accordance to what we hold up in our hearts - but is now that the end is near -

And the Holy Spirit who breathes out God into all of us - when he speaks out of his own heart, all of which he has brought into manifestation for the Father and for Jesus is felt as he felt it - and he speaks now because the one who manifests all things has stepped forward and in voice of the third person of the Trinity, and is now to give manifest of what is in his heart and expose what is in ours -
And what is in his heart is the culmination of all from eternity past - to what transpired from the time the first words were spoken by the Father up to and including now and then into what is still to come -
For when God the Father, and God the Son speak, the Holy Spirit does respond in power and action but also responds in his heart and converses with the other two persons of God within the closed sanctuary of that silent heart - for all of which the Father had in him has been poured out – poured out on all flesh - and all of which Jesus had in him has been poured out for he has authority over all flesh - and now all of which the Holy Spirit has in him has to be poured out for all has to be released on the earth as it is the heavens of God - for the Spirit brought creation into being and prepared it for Jesus as he went forth and fulfilled all of which the Father had in his heart and all of which he spoke - and now he is going to prepare it again for Jesus by all of which is in his heart and all of which he has yet to speak - for that is the way they work – that was the purpose of his period of silence and solitude which brought what was kept in his heart to its full measure by only speaking what he heard for the prescribed duration of time, and keeping all of the third person of the Trinity held within the heart of the Kingdom of word - for all of which he has controlled and kept in the holy sanctuary and kept in pure silence and solitude and encased in the power of self control – when it is released we will see the power which it takes to bring back the Lord Jesus Christ, the second person of the Trinity in the flesh – we will see the power which it did take to bring back the Lord Jesus Christ from the dead – the Holy Spirit is now going to issue his full power for the world once more to see the resurrection power of God as it remains hidden no longer -

And all of which he has held in his heart - as it came into its overflow utterance and groans could be heard - and now it is at full of measure and it is time for it to come into its release - for his time to speak as well as to be the power source of the Trinity has come - and is in increased power because the power of God which is the Holy Spirit of God, now speaks on his own as well as acts on his own words - as they are given forth in full and ripened fruitage as his voice is now heard and his heart is now felt and his presence now made fully known -
And within their complete and perfect oneness the great and Almighty God of heaven and earth will speak as he has never spoken before because the last of the revelations are to come not only through the Holy Spirit but given by him as he gives further unfolding of what has already been spread out - and takes the scriptures of God and opens them into their threefold release - giving full revelation as the Spirit himself speaks the Spirit of the word - because it takes the three of them to give full unveiling of God for the three of them are God – and the three of them do speak and have words which have to be spoken and heard for complete fulfilment of his word to take place –
Jesus is word manifest but the all of God is word and all have words which have to be spoken into their eternity to make eternity the eternity of God …
And as we take the pure words of God in the old Testament and join them with the pure words of God given in the New Testament and feel their texture as the unwritten and as yet unspoken words of God the Holy Spirit are added to their weight - as we start to feel the full and true weight of the all of God – the all of his Kingdom - for it may be unwritten as in a form we know - but written nevertheless in the form of God and the forms of which he takes but with the entire contents not inspired by the Holy Spirit to be given their written script by men and for their content to be read as we would read it - for when he inspired the scriptures he was not speaking on his own but reminding those who wrote for him what Jesus had said and done, and what the Father had said and done, giving them their oneness and giving the Father and Son their distinctness as two persons - for that was to come first so that we had firmly founded and planted in us our true and sure foundation which is God’s Christ, so that when the Holy Spirit came in his power, and in his word, we would be able to stand and not have the mighty wind of God which precedes him level us to the ground -
And just as the Father prepared us for Jesus so Jesus prepared us for the Holy Spirit – for it is only because Jesus came and did become our only sure and firm and eternal foundation and the only cornerstone on which we can build, and on which will see us remain standing when the Holy Spirit gives the full venting and the full unveiling of God Almighty - as he steps forward to speak and to act on what will usher in the return of the second person of the Godhead once more –

~ For it is God ushering in God –

And he is going to reveal and unveil himself because the third person of the Trinity has to be revealed in full – his heart has to be emptied in full – bringing to us fullness and completeness of all word and revelations of which he is the Spirit of, and of which has been left to be spoken out by him – and as he speaks it he will act on it – for there is no more delay!
He will now do everything he has threatened because his words will not be delayed any longer but whatever words he speaks will be performed –

For the Holy Spirit is now going to speak the unspeakable revelation of the Spirit of all word – the Spirit of all utterance and all groanings and all yearnings which are too deep to have ever been described or uttered before in the scriptures - he is now going to speak and the power of those revelations will guard us - just as they will sweep us away if we are not standing firm with our eyes focused on Jesus Christ – for what he will say is what words could never before express nor speak nor utter nor describe –
For The Holy Spirit has always come to our aid and helped us in our distress and bears us up in our weakness – because we do not know what prayer to offer up nor how to offer it worthily – and he has always gone to meet our supplication and plead in our behalf with unspeakable yearnings and groanings too deep for utterance - with groanings that cannot be expressed in words – because the Holy Spirit prays for us with an earnestness which cannot be described – which cannot even be uttered – until now - because all of which his heart holds has to be of its release – all of which has been kept in unspeakable silence is to be expressed in words which will give expression to what was heard as an utterance - to what was heard as a groaning - to what was heard as a yearning – words of the Holy Spirit which have been kept in indescribable and unspeakable holy sanctuary –
But now his utterance will be clear spoken words – and now his groanings will be great and massive power - and now his yearnings will be the venting and unveiling of the third person of the Trinity - and now his earnestness will be the miraculous unfolding of the text of the heart which was written in power and sealed in the destruction of what is not of the eternal word of the Kingdom –
For the Holy Spirit is here to take away all of which cannot stand in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ because he is going to reveal the power which it takes to bring back the Lord Jesus Christ, to this earth as he comes in his glorified flesh and uses word to change us in the twinkling of an eye – the same power which it did take to bring back the Lord Jesus Christ from the dead and to raise him to the heights of the heavens – for the Holy Spirit is going to issue his full power for the world once more to see the resurrection power of God but this time in full view of men and in full view of all of which they hold in their hearts and continue to raise and place before the face of our Lord Jesus Christ – for what is hidden will no longer remain hidden and what has been concealed will now be revealed -

Because the kingdom of God is not to give us human satisfaction or to reflect what is not held in God - or to glorify those who do not glorify God or to reveal to us what is not of the fullness of the Trinity – or to condone our acceptance and use of any words which have not come through the sanctifying process of God –
But it is to blow us away like chaff if we have not Christ as our continuing foundation – and to bring us down if we do not work for the glory of the one who sent us – and to discipline us with the truth on which the Kingdom of God is built – and to give us the true meaning and truth of a Kingdom which only exalts God and reveals his truth in every way it turns to face –

The KINGDOM OF GOD is the KINGDOM OF WORD and it is about to have the last word spoken and declared for the Glory of he who is the King of the Kingdom and he who is the Word of the Kingdom and he who is the Father of the Kingdom and he who is the Spirit of the Kingdom and the threefold God who is the Kingdom itself -

So get ready because there is no more delay!
The Lord will now do everything he has threatened because his words will not be delayed any longer but whatever words he speaks will be performed –