09 October 2004

Extremes of God

We are now moving into the extremities of God as he unleashes portions of himself which are so extreme and yet so needed to be unveiled and established on earth as it is in the heavens of God – for it became extreme revelation when we became extreme listeners of Jesus Christ – when we stepped extremely and undividedly into his words and the obedience they bring – and became extreme in how we listen – and how we focus our attention only on Jesus - and on the whole presence and person of him – on the new commands – on the new covenant - and what it holds and what it expresses of him and what it unleashes of him and what it holds for him – what the new covenant and its command hold for Jesus – as he shows us his expertise on how to use all things and not let one thing be wasted – to use all and everything to bring fulfilment to God’s word – because all and everything belong to God ~

And we are now being shown quite clearly how the Godhead brings all measure to the point of extreme, and then beyond - and that is how it seems to us - extreme - but God is past any of the extremities of his creation - for moving into the extremities of God is God as he his - as he works – as he thinks – as he loves – as he establishes – as he tears down and makes all things new – it is God at his pinnacle – in his domain - in his own house – on his own glorious throne where expression and person and fullness of word and fullness of empire stream out of him in endless flow because he is the eternal flow – he is the fullness – he is the word – he is the empire - and it seems extreme to us because we have never lived in the extremes of God before but have cut him short - and cut him off and lived in only what he holds in his little finger - and we have never lived in the heart of all of who he is, for he is made up of the entire spectrum of all and everything of which he gave form and life to, and all of which has never been created but what always was, and is – for he is not a created being but creates out of himself - and now it is that we who are a part of his creation are being driven back into our Creator because listening to him brought us back – brought us back to the one who was before we were –

For when we come out from the covering of creation we are fully exposed to all of the elements of God, and to what has not been created but just IS - and that is God – God the Father – God the Son and God the Holy Spirit - and we want to know the One who has not been created – for he is different to us - he reconciled us back to himself through Jesus Christ - but he is different to us and it is that difference now we are seeking to know about – know about he who came into his creation but was not part of it - and our hearts which are created are wanting the extreme - he who is the extreme and the extra measure of it, and are wanting the One who is not created but just IS - for Jesus came into creation but he was not a part of it – for all things were created through him and he holds all creation together – but a body was given to him so that he may obey God - for God was not pleased with animals burnt on the altar or with other offerings for sin offered according to the law – so Jesus said
‘Look! I have come to do your will O God’

And that is the opulence of God which is beyond his creation - for his true beauty cannot be created or seen or heard but has to be experienced and felt and consumed –

But we have cut him short - and we have cut him off because we could not bear to come into the understanding of him for it would have certainly changed us and we had become used to the darkness – but the understanding of him in his creation as Jesus Christ changed us – so how much more the understanding of him outside of his creation changes us to the extra of the extreme –

For the lie so deceived the world and so endeavoured to exalt and give promise that it would lead us into the abundance of being just like God by knowing good and evil – but the deception – the disobedience – the sin – and death – had no hold over God – it did not give him an ultimatum – it did not push him into a corner but only served for him to reveal more of himself as the I AM – before he came into his creation - for the giving of Jesus – the giving of his Son who has always been with him and who was sent to us to give us the understanding into the knowledge of God so we do not perish – and the giving of him in the extreme way he did was beyond what Satan expected of him - but God always out thinks and out reaches and out does for he is from above and we are from below and he lives in an existence within a mind and heart and Spirit which is far above what is deemed normal or possible – and he is with strange ways and radical views but he also has the quality and the quantity and the power and the authority to bring them into being ~

And now being revealed to us is what is well and truly deeply embedded in the deepest part of the relationship of God the Creator - which is what the Father has with a Son who has always been with him and with his Holy Spirit who searches diligently exploring and examining everything, even measuring and examining the profound and bottomless things of God - and of his divine counsel and all things which are hidden and beyond man’s scrutiny ~ for they are relationship and without them it does not exist – without them we do not exist - without them the devil who is a created being does not exist –

And what has been embedded and held only in them is of the unapproachable as far as the Lord is concerned – it is unapproachable and untouchable testimony of Christ - testimony of God that only the Godhead has held and known for it is testimony held outside of creation – and before creation – but with our perseverance and our insistence – and with our continued knocking and asking and seeking with our hearts constantly in a prepared state - the rumbling voice of the Father was released and the movement of him could be felt as well as heard - Felt and heard until his word is not a mismatch to us - till his word is not a misfit in us - until his word is not misunderstood to us – until his word flows out of us – until his word brings every wall down – and until God’s Word says it is done !

For there is no voice which can be heard from such a deep level unless there are extreme disciples searching into what is buried deep into God’s cry for mercy - deep into his complete passion – deep into what his love drove him to do – deep into his wild extravagance and the plan he came up with – and deep into his reasonings and what is so deeply buried within his great reward - what he has buried deep into the depths of his Son and which could not even be heard by us – What we could not even bear to hear was what our God could not even bear to do but he still DID IT – and he still bears it -

What we cannot bear to hear is what we need to hear – what we need to acknowledge and bear the fruit of – we need to bear the fruit which gives rise to testimony of Christ which extends into where God did first speak - for Jesus Christ is surely supreme – God in his creation is surely extreme and surely without doubt supreme in his existence apart from his creation and is showing us his ways are far above ours, and he is giving us the truths of that more and more - We need to hear the truths of what the Lord is saying - and to bear up under them and understand what he is delivering of himself and he will not be crucified for it again – we now need to hear and then to bear what it is that the Lord has kept lifted up from us and what he alone carries with the Father and the Spirit – because heaven is coming to earth and we must take the weight of it and be matured and be complete in our obedience and see in the face of Christ what no eye can see – what no eye can bear to see - and what no ear can bear to hear and what no heart can ever imagine - what no heart does not want to imagine – or even dares to imagine -

For the Lord has to speak it to us – because he is WORD - and it has to come from a heart which did bear all of which was spoken to him – for what is in his face which we cannot see, or hear, or imagine, is the all of which God has prepared for those who love him in complete obedience and it is not only what is still to come that he has prepared for those who love him – not only all of which is of spectacular splendour – and what will take our very breathe away because of its uncensored and surreal beauty which comes from God giving expression to his imagination -

But what he has prepared is all of which has come – and all of how it came so what is still to come could come – and what came, came with a rush of power and a torrent of extreme and radical ways as the Holy Spirit who performs all the tasks of God, searched the bottomless thoughts of the Father and gave form to what he found and formed the formless thoughts of God – and that is how he is bringing us into knowing him – as the I AM and know that God in every measure that he takes – that he is all of what it takes and he gives it its full measure - and we are to take all of him and be the measure of him, if we have dared to step into where there is no turning back from - for he surely went to hell and back – but that is the extremes of God - destruction and salvation – heaven and hell - the lake of burning sulphur and the incredible New Jerusalem –

And right now earth is our pivotal point - for what had to be done to salvage our souls is a portion of the extreme and he continues to move from extreme to extreme and for us to bear it - is for us to hear it – and for us to hear it is for us to move into a higher honour and exaltation and respect and love and knowing of him – for much of God has been deliberately exposed – it is not by chance – and it is not by accident that the Father lays himself open to us – that Son lays himself open to us - and that the Holy Spirit lays open himself to us – so who are we that we would trample the Son of God under our feet – for how terrible the punishment will be for those who have trampled on the Son of God and have treated the blood of the covenant as if it were common and unholy – for such people have insulted and enraged the Holy Spirit who brings God’s mercy to his people ~

For certainly the Lord has left no part of himself unexposed when he set about preparing an earth for us – preparing a life for us – preparing his Word for us - preparing salvation for us - and preparing his Holy Spirit for us - for the Spirit searched the Father diligently as he opened and yielded himself to his creation and went for the greatest outcome - the only outcome for a God whose power is made perfect in weakness – and no part of his mind went unchallenged and no part of his soul went untouched and no part of his heart when unsearched - and all of which we cannot bear to hear or know or understand or feel or touch or taste because it is so far above us and our concepts - is all of which will give us knowledge far above all other, and understanding high above all else and move us from our own misconceptions and into the truth of the concepts of God –

And move us out of hiding amongst creation and into disrobing in front of God and letting the infilling of him who is our Creator change us to the extra of the extreme – because whether we know it or not that is what we have been asking him for – for that is what listening to him unleashes - and if we turn our backs on it now and close our hearts to what is very graphic and way above what has been preached of Christ - then we do not have any rights to go any further – we have no rights to even touch the hem of his garment - for he is allowing us to touch and taste not only his flesh and blood but the heart of which made them possible – which made all things possible - for we who are created are touching on he who is not and have now been permitted to feel the difference -

For out of the hearts of men did come what God could not even bear to hear – or see or contend with – but he did hear it and he did see it and he did contend with it when he used it to turn all things around – to make all things glorify him through Jesus Christ the one born of the Spirit and of the flesh –

For the heart of revelation is hard to hear and bear for it gives much insight into God which we turn our face from – for if we do not see it in our creation then we do not want to know about it or deal with it - for it is revelation desiring and desperate to be at its most revealing – at its most graphic – at its most vivid – at its most frank - when the life God has in him appears in all of its vividness – strong and distinct, bright and brilliant and intense as it quickens and gladdens and matures us into a maturity which can bear what the immature cannot bear –

Jesus bore the whole truth in its most graphic and revealing form and he was full of the power of that truth for it was God in his full opulent splendour – for whether he is graphically torn to shreds or whether he is in his glory and seated upon his throne he is in his opulent splendour always - for his heart is always the same - always of Splendour - for he is the eternal sign of beauty in all forms because his word has in it the extremes of life and the beauty of life which is God - for life is God and we are asking for the extremes and he is giving them to us – and what we are seeking is most graphic – and we are knocking in a way that what is opening to us is what is most vivid and what is most distinct in the face of Christ if we look hard enough as he comes nearer and nearer in the flesh and in the Spirit - for we are drawing his face to us because we are listening to him and we are asking and we are pursuing all the details of him and it is written in his face - seen in his face - and it will tear our hearts out at its frankness and it will be most graphic and distinctly way above us as it continues to pull aside the torn veil and to reveal our Almighty God – but we are to reach for it – for it will inspire and astound us with its unabashed desperation as it stands before us in full revelation glory wanting for us to see all as it really is – it will expose depths of Christ that we once hid from – and that he once hid from us for it could not even be shared with us but only shared between the persons of the Godhead - for only they knew and understood, and now what is being exposed is to bring us into where our young and still tender love for Jesus – our love for God - develops into a mighty and strong love for him so increased in depth that it will take us into the unconventional and radical - for that is our Lord and his love - and ours is to accelerate in its performance and in its fulfilment of his word with the power which is coming from the full unmasking of the Glory of the face of God -

For he is doing a powerful disrobing of himself and the beauty of it will certainly be in the eye of the beholder - in the ones who are beholding of the cutting truths of God as seen in Jesus Christ for each one of those truths brought physical cuts to his body but eternal glory to his Name ……and we will find ourself where the Spirit is longing where the Spirit is yearning – where the Spirit is pining and groaning and grieving but yet in full power of revelation and judgement as he, with a great stampede of Glory goes forth with his presence now unable to be cut short or hindered or denied because he is the power of God that saves souls – he is the power of God - and he makes way for the King of kings -

So how much can we not only bear, but how much of the unbearable are we desperate to now bear and to listen to - for we will not only be listening to hear but will hear what we were told to listen to by the Father - listen to Jesus - listen with our eyes only on him – listen with a heart open to him – listen with a heart open to the voice of the seven thunders - a heart open to the shout of the archangel – a heart open to the Spirit of God – and listen as God listens, for when we do then we have heard Jesus - truly heard Jesus and what we were told to listen to -

And then we hear what is in God’s word and are completely cut off from all else which is not listening to him –

Listening to JESUS cuts us off and we are being filled with revealing information about him – and it is meant to cut us off - it is meant to make us radical because Jesus is radical – sending him was radical – the way he was sent was radical – the way he had to die was radical – and the revealing information is meant to make us as just like him and meant to make us radical and meant to make us unbending because it is filled with the power of his love of which is so radical and so unbending that it abides in places where nothing else exists or can exist or wants to exist - but God can exist everywhere and everywhere he exists is filled with the glory of his presence and it puts us into where we all should be –

On the mount of Transfiguration with the Father’s command resounding in our ears and the sight of Jesus commanding our full attention …being cut off from all and everything and everyone – being lifted out of the crowds who are only asking out of their own hearts … for even if Moses and Elijah were still on the mountain we are only to see Jesus and the only one we are to hear is Jesus for all else distracts us from seeing the truth of him - and distracts us from hearing what will transfigure us - ….for what the Father’s beloved Son of whom he was pleased with had to say will transfigure us if we listen to him – transform and change our outward appearance because all of which is inward has fellowshipped with God in extreme ways which have come from a heart totally and extremely set apart for only God and his word and that is what transfigures us - and that takes great revelation from his Son – it takes a great opening of his heart – and a massive outpouring of his Spirit to bring massive outpouring of truths that shock and extend far into his word and take us right back to before creation – truths that are graphic and vivid in detail and cut through heart and mind - through religion and relationship dividing to the left and to the right - and is what still has its greater portions still not released from the heavens where God resides - and with every opportunity which presents itself to the Holy Spirit – with every listener of Jesus and every extreme listener of Jesus the revelations of Jesus Christ will pour out – they will sky rocket and the all of the unbearable for man to bear will be released, and it will remain unbearable to those who find it unbearable and it will be bearable to those who can bear the full witness of Jesus Christ as the Father and the Holy Spirit only know it and did witness it –

For that is the truth of Jesus in the heart of the Father and the Holy Spirit - that is the truth we will hear if we LISTEN TO HIM – for when we listen to truth we hear the voice of truth and that voice is the voice of God ~

For if we do not hear and acknowledge what he has in himself to say and what he wants out of ourselves after he has spoken - then we cannot perform and do him justice - we cannot excel and fulfil his commands - we cannot be the extreme voice of him if his extreme voice is unable to come through us who are not of the extreme truths of Christ -

For when he places life in us we are his for life – and then more some - but how far will we go for Christ - what will we become for him – what will we be made for him – after he was made sin for us –

How far will we let the Holy Spirit go in us – the Holy Spirit who if we blaspheme him in our mature state then we move into the unforgivable sin - will we go as far as he went for us –

And how far will we go for the Father - will we go as far and more as he went for us – and do it as long as it takes! –

And if we take the step to be completely cut off through listening to every word of Jesus and taking him at his word – it is only because Jesus has already been cut off before us and has gone as far as it took - and we step into that revelation which can only shine forth from matured transfigured hearts – hearts which seek to bear the full and true emotions and moods of God in his full outpouring as his full and complete opulence is revealed - for our God is surely opening a part of his heart to us that requires us to totally yield ourself to what he is saying – for the most graphic of truths and revelations are in relation to the times and our understanding of the times and our asking for the more of the understanding of the times of our Lord and all of which preceded and proceeded his entry into this world – an entry of which he has now given us in more graphic detail allowing us to see the heart which did mastermind it and the heart which did carry it out and the heart which did bear all of the consequences of the entire plan –

For every part of Christ is relevant to every part of what is happening then, now and forever – for each time the three persons of the Godhead show us that there is no distance too far to go when in truth and in weakness and in love we say yes to our Father and then do it with an attitude which lifts and exalts and gives honour to the command – and the heart of the one from whom it came ~

For Jesus not only said yes to the Father and did it but so did the Holy Spirit –

For he is the one who did the hands on work so Jesus could manifest in the way he did – all of which God the Holy Spirit could not contend with or put up with or dwell with - he worked with to bring about the greatest plan – Jesus crucified – and Jesus crucified seems so foolish to the world – but the foolish plans of God are far wiser than the wisest of human plans and God’s weakness is far stronger then the greatest of human strengths -

And we are to feel the consuming depths of that plan and of his weakness and of his strength - for we have to see - he wants us to see – to see the precise degree of his actions – the glory of his work and the glory in his work – even when it did not look so glorious but that was when it truly was – that was when it truly reached its peak - even when it looked like he was touching on areas which we consider not even fit for him to venture into – but even though our God is holy he is not above himself - and what he does is what makes him holy and above everyone else - For he does go to places where the holier than thou will not tread and he does use all which is against him and all who are against him to bring forth the salvation of all – and it is by the extra ordinary way he conducts himself as he forges through and makes a pathway to the sinners tax collectors prostitutes publicans all those who are more willing to hear the voice of truth than those who have searched the scriptures because they believe that the scriptures will give them eternal life, and yet they refuse to come to Jesus so that he can give them life everlasting – for the scriptures are pointing to Jesus but they have missed the point – missed the pinnacle of God – which is the person of Jesus Christ - who dwells among the humble of heart and the meek in spirit and he will never be understood by us until we have gone the way of the Spirit - and can say my heart is ready Lord – for our flesh will never be ready until our hearts are fully lead by the Holy Spirit – for only then will we have the miracle, of a heart and mind which work inside and outside of creation - and that is to step out of ourselves and into God the Creator through Jesus while being held together by the Holy Spirit -

For God is beyond our flesh and blood – he is beyond our heart and mind – he is beyond what we have had to contend with and bear – he is beyond creation – he is just beyond everything !

And he is taking us to precise moments to see the precision of himself and to learn the extra – he is taking us into startling revelation for us to see the measure of himself - and even though the road to him is narrow the mind of him is wide and the heart of him is bountiful and never ceases to amaze and defy all else – And he is taking us into where he can show us the exact time – great defining moments in which came great changes and giving us his thoughts at that time and why he did what he did - and why he spoke what he spoke - and why what he did not speak is just as relevant – defining moments where it is as though he makes time stand still as he shows us situations when God did come face to face with men - and then takes us through the outcome of such a confrontation – so we can imitate his great craftsmanship of mind heart Spirit and power and how he resolves and reconciles and saves and accomplishes - and how he leans always to those who are oppressed and have already been given up on by others –

For even though all he spoke and taught were revelations to bring us back into order and into our salvation and into reconciliation with the Father and his ways and his truths as we entered into the new covenant – it is that he has already taken us there and now he is going past it – but firstly we have to have gotten there with him – and we have to be in a full and personal relationship with Jesus coming into the fullness of the knowledge of him on all levels for him to move us into the next quantum leap into his being – for that is being taught by God and being lead by God – it just keeps moving and accelerating as he who is the original and greater than all - allows us to imitate him and to become just like him if we are willing to go the extreme distance of which he will take us, and to go the distance into what can only lead to more and more for the end is never in sight -

For if we can see an end to it, then our hearts have not been fully ready for him and personal interaction with him will have been like a tide ebbing in and out -

And it is, we will just not get it – we will not understand it – perhaps the theory of what he is saying we will understand – But it is what we have formed and established with him apart from the theory which takes the theory of him and turns it into what is life – into what is the voice of truth and we live in that truth and hear only that voice –

For the foundation of Christ which God gave us - the lasting strength and power of what he has given us to begin our life with him in the full - can never be replaced by theory alone – for it is a living foundation we have been given just as is the foundation of New Jerusalem – a living foundation that cuts us off from all of which has its foundation on the Law – ‘listen to him’ cuts us off from the law but our disobedience to the command gave it no manifestation and even if we drink of the wine and eat of the bread in remembrance of Jesus - it is the obedience to the command which has in it the power to change the wine to the blood of Jesus and the bread to the flesh of Jesus -

It is our obedience to God which gives us power through listening to him – it is our obedience to the command which makes ‘LISTEN TO HIM’ – take us into where listening becomes raising the dead – listening becomes moving mountains - listening becomes walking on water - listening becomes walking through walls – listening becomes all were healed and all gave their life to Christ –

Listening becomes to us is God in all of his extremes - because listening to Jesus takes us all and everywhere within God – into his holy and private domain and into the treasury of full on fellowship with him - where beauty is no longer in the eye of the beholder but God’s beauty is within the one who has beheld him as he is – beheld him in every way he has shown us – as our once young and tender love for him so increases and develops and grows strong and powerful and unyielding as he takes us into the fullness of experiencing the difference between we who are created and he who is not - taking us to where we can touch it – feeling what is only holy unto God and God alone and that is what will transfigure us before our Lord as he was so transfigured before us ~

For touching and feeling what are the extremes of God transforms us – but the extremes of God - the extra of the extremes of God are not for the faint hearted – because he is different to us but it is that difference now which will make the difference in us - which will see us not only go the distance but the distance that we go will make all that is different between us and God the beauty that is seen when we love one another as Jesus has loved us – for then the world will know that we are his disciples – but let us show the world that we are his extreme disciples and let all of what Christ died for be released in its maximum strength and let all of which was unbearable for us to hear be heard and all of which was unbearable for us to bear be now bore by us so the praises for Jesus are increased and the glory given to God moved into its measure of the extreme - as all of the extreme of God now takes centre stage so the only one everyone hears and listens to is JESUS and the only one everyone obeys and follow is JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD – THE ONE AND ONLY TRUE FAR REACHING EXTREMITY OF GOD ALMIGHTY - AMEN