23 October 2004

In This World We Are Like Him

Christ is better than the best Judaism – better than the prophets and the angels and rejection of him is fatal – and if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there is no other sacrifice that will cover our sins – and there will be nothing to look forward to but the terrible expectation of God’s judgment and the raging fire that will consume his enemies, because it is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God - and it is impossible to restore to repentance those who were once enlightened - those who have experienced the good things of heaven and who have shared in the Holy Spirit, and who have tasted of the goodness of the word of God and the power of the age to come – and who then turn away from God – it is impossible to bring such people to repentance again because they are nailing the Son of God to the cross again by rejecting him - holding him up to public shame.

For when people escape from the wicked ways of the world by learning about our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and then get tangled up with sin and become its slave again, they are worse off than before – and we are not to be fooled by those who try to excuse these sins for the terrible anger of God comes upon all those who disobey him – for he shows his anger from heaven against all sinful and wicked people who push the truth away from themselves - for the truth about God is known instinctively for God has put this knowledge in our hearts and has never left himself without a witness - for from the time the world was created people have seen the earth and the sky and all that God has made – and they can clearly see his invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature so we have had no excuse for not knowing God – for there were always his reminders such as sending us rain and good crops and giving us food and giving us joyful hearts –

For God did not leave us without a witness of himself even after we departed from him and his commands for even when we are unfaithful he will always remain faithful and true - and he will never leave us without a witness of himself because he is with us always even unto the end of the age - with us till the end of the age because God is bringing many sons and daughters into glory and it is by Christ and by Christ in us that he is doing it – and it was only right that God who made everything, and for whom everything was made, and in whose hand is everything, that he should bring many sons and daughters into glory – and through the suffering of Jesus, God made him a perfect leader, one fit to bring them into their salvation – for from the very beginning of our salvation we are made perfect through sufferings .

For it was by the grace of God that Jesus tasted death for the sake of everyone but God – and when Jesus tasted death he had no sin in him to change or alter or to camouflage its true taste and he drank it all and tasted the all of it and he tasted what no man was to ever meant to taste and he took it in its fullness – for when the world does taste of death it has a barrier of sin which does not hinder the pain or grief of it, but it does not allow for the true taste of it to be experienced fully as it was by Jesus because he is pure in all of his senses and sinless in his heart and without any corruption to alter the full sting of death – and he tasted in full strength the taste of unbelief and vileness and cowardice and immorality and falsehood and murder and idolatry and lies - for death was full of all of which was against God - and Jesus tasted of all of which was against him for he not only heard it in our hearts but tasted of it and smelt it as it touched his flesh as he made himself obedient even unto death –

And even though Jesus Christ is God he did not demand nor cling to his rights as God, but made himself nothing – he who is all things – who is the I AM - who is eternal life – who is all powerful made himself nothing in comparison to who God is - so he could appear in human form and then he obediently humbled himself even further – even further our Lord humbled himself as the dust from which we were formed coated him and clung to his body as he set aside his rights as God and died a criminal’s death on a cross – he partook of our flesh to taste of death for all the world so we could partake of his flesh to taste of life for all of eternity – and it is only God and God alone who can and who does make us right in his sight because he so humbled himself so that when he was raised to the heights of heaven and given a Name above all other names - then if we called on that name which was placed so high above us and was the central core of the Kingdom of God - then we would be saved and lifted up and raised to the heights of Christ to live with him forever because salvation is eternal as God and his promises are eternal – and it is accomplished from start to finish by faith in Jesus Christ - for it is through faith that a righteous person has life – for Christ came to give us life and he came to give it as God can only give and that is in the abundance of his name and in the abundance of his word - for out of the abundance of the Father’s heart did come an inheritance for us fit and only deserved to be touch and beheld by Jesus Christ himself –

But there are those who will have none of it - or want some of it – who reject it - and who insult it - but when God closes in on someone there is no escape – there is no escape from falling into the hands of the living God – there is no escaping into the world or escaping into the old covenant - for the world is perishing and the old covenant has been fulfilled – it is done it is accomplished and it is now out of date and put aside - for when God spoke of a new covenant it meant he had made the first one obsolete and Jesus has given us a ministry that is far superior to the ministry of those who served under the old covenant because he is the One who guarantees for us a better covenant with God, which is based on better promises.

And no one can ever be made right in God’s sight by doing what his old covenant law commands - for the more we know of God’s law the clearer it became that we were not obeying it – but God has shown us a different way of being right in his sight – a way which was promised in the scriptures –
And we are made right in God’s sight when we trust in Jesus to take away our sins and we all can be saved in this way no matter who we are or what we have done - for all have sinned and all fall short of God’s glorious standard, but God in his gracious kindness has found us not guilty – the Godhead has found us NOT GUILTY – and God has done this through Jesus Christ who has freed us by taking away our sins and by taking away our guilt and making us the righteousness of God – but we still live like we are guilty, but God sent Jesus to take the punishment for our sins and to satisfy his anger against us and to set us free to come into his Kingdom and to be reconciled with him – and we are made right with God when we believe that Jesus shed his blood sacrificing his life for us – and then it is for us to pursue with haste and without pause or turning back a life in that freedom – a life in his word without guilt or condemnation - for there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus, for the power of the life giving Spirit has freed us through Christ Jesus from the power of sin that leads to death – for the law of Moses could not save us because of our sinful nature - but God put into effect a different plan to save us – he had a different plan to save us and he sent his own Son in a human body and he destroyed sin’s control over us, by giving his Son as a sacrifice for our sins and he did this so the requirements of the law would be fully accomplished for us who no longer follow our sinful nature, but instead follow the Spirit –

Jesus fulfilled all of which we couldn’t do so we could follow the Spirit and so we could be enabled to represent this new covenant which is not of written laws but of the Spirit - for the old way ends in death but in the new way, the Holy Spirit gives life - and oh what a life he gives us – what a great and wonderful life he gives us as he gives us privileges we could never have before Christ came to free us – even the privilege of suffering for Christ - for that is the true privilege of a life in Christ and with Christ – as is the privilege of being reconciled back to God and having come live in us God the Holy Spirit, who leads us into where all truth becomes our manifested reality and is brought to its climax at the return of our Lord in the flesh – when word in the flesh comes again to bring us our salvation -

And God has every right to exercise his judgment and his power -
For many do not understand God’s way of making people right with himself and they will not go along with his ways – but it is that Christ has accomplished the whole purpose of the law – the whole purpose of why the Law was given has been accomplished and fulfilled by Christ and so all who believe in him are made right with God - for he is a sure, and firm, and tested, and precious cornerstone that is safe to build on - and whoever believes need never run away again -
For anyone who believes in him will not be disappointed for we all have the same Lord who generously gives HIS riches - he gives HIS riches to all who ask for them - and all who call on the Name of the Lord will be saved – all who call on the name of the Lord will receive the riches of eternal life which is held in Jesus Christ our Lord ~

And how can we call on the name of the Lord to save us unless we believe in him, and how can we believe in him if we have never heard him, and how can we hear him unless someone tells us of him, and how will anyone tell us if they are not sent – and how beautiful are the feet of the one who was sent – how beautiful are the feet of Jesus Christ who was sent so we would hear him – and believe him and so call on his name and be saved - confessing with our mouth that Jesus is Lord and believing in our hearts that he is raised from the dead - for it is believing in our hearts that we are made right with God, and confessing with our mouth that we are saved - for God alone made it possible for us to repent of our ways and to be in Christ Jesus - for he is the one the Lord possessed at the beginning of his works – the one who was the first of his acts of old - and it was for our benefit that he made Christ to be wisdom itself – and he is the one who made us acceptable to God making us pure and holy as he gave himself to purchase our freedom – to attain our acquittal – declaring us not guilty -
And it is by his boundless mercy that he has given us the privilege of being born again and has reserved for us a priceless inheritance kept in heaven pure and undefiled and beyond the reach of change and decay, and God in his mighty power will protect us until we receive this salvation because we are trusting him and it will be revealed on the last day for all to see –

And God is entirely fair in this present time when he declares sinners to be right in his sight because they believe in Jesus –
For Jesus is the only one by whom we can be saved and we cannot boast that we have done anything – for not one thing can we do to be accepted by God – because our acquittal is not based on our good deeds but on our faith in the Son of God – and if we wish to boast we should boast only on what the Lord has done – for his extreme kindness is free and so undeserved – and what a joy it is for those whose rebellion is forgiven – whose sin is put out of sight – those whose record the Lord has cleared of sin – and whose lives are lived now in complete honesty and truth – and in complete devotion to Jesus Christ and the example he set for us to follow and adhere to

For when we bow down before the Lord and admit our dependence on him he will lift us up and give us honour - and it is only when the Holy Spirit controls our lives that we remain humble before God - and know that he is the all and everything of our life - and only he enables us to produce the fruits of the Spirit in all their vast abundance if we are living by the Holy Spirit in full measure and manifesting his full power as we follow his leading in every part of our lives, because we who belong to Christ are to be in full submissiveness to the Holy Spirit and allowing him to lead us in all areas of our life –

For if God identified us as his own by placing the Holy Spirit in our hearts as the first instalment of everything he will give us –
If the Father gave us the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of Jesus - who is the power of God, as the first instalment on the vastness of which is held in the promises of God - then as yet we have not seen the full unleashing of even that first instalment – for God gave us the deposit on the all of him and even though the Holy Spirit is the all of God he gives us small amounts at a time, as the will of God and his promises and his desires for us and our growth is released - for the full and maximum power of the Holy Spirit - the fullness of the promise of God cannot come through us and to us until we have taken the fullness of the promises of God and given them their earthly release in the manner God desires and that is through us being the fullness of the stature of Christ while on this earth - for then his promises which extend far into the eternity of life as they are released in their purposed measure on the earth - can then be released in their fullness into the eternities of eternal life as the Holy Spirit moves in all of his power as he moves the heavens and the earth to make way for the new heavens and the new earth -

For we cannot say Jesus is Lord without the Holy Spirit enabling us - so how much more do we need him to take control of our lives and our hearts and our attitudes, to bring in the release through us of what is held in the name of Jesus –
For it is a privilege given us to say the Name of Jesus just as it is rare for the Holy Spirit to hear the name of the Lord spoken and for it to be coming from a heart drenched in his word which is the glory of him –
For the Holy Spirit hears it all and even though we are all to call on the name of the Lord and so be saved - there is a way that the Father and the Holy Spirit say the name of Jesus - and when we can hold and say his name in our hearts in the same way which will make his Father and our Father melt at the mention of his name as it comes to him devoid of any expectations, any rewards, any self use, but said only in the deepest of love which has come from being changed by his word in us through the power of the Holy Spirit – when it is Jesus and only Jesus coming from our hearts and only Jesus that we are setting before the Father with the same gentleness as Jesus with the same humility as Jesus and with the same deep and endless passion which made him not cling to his rights as God but to humble himself far exceeding the humility of men and to die a criminals death so we could live the life of a king – the life of co heir to the heir and King of the kingdom – giving of his great love for his Father, so we could know of such a love - and that was to be the way he chose to save us and bring us back unto himself for the world had to know that Jesus loves his Father and he does whatever he commands him - and salvation came by way of love and it is only by the Holy Spirit controlling every part of our life - and every part of our heart that we can ever give expression to the Father of what it is which is held in the name of Jesus - for only he alone knows what is held in the name he gave his only begotten Son – and only he can share that with us -

For anything which pertains to our Lord is under the control of the Holy Spirit so anything we are wishing to say, or do, if not out of a heart which is only for Christ then the Holy Spirit will disperse and confuse our language and put his fire into our hearts to bring it into meltdown, if what is in them - and what comes out of them is contrary to Jesus Christ and the Father who is in him and who is one with him…

For there is no escaping from God – God the Father – The Son or the Holy Spirit - for it is the Kingdom of God in which we are meant to live and apart from it we are like a fish out of water – and were totally out of our element the moment we pushed God away and were determined to call what was not our own – our own – cowering away from his word and its kingdom of life and truth and being vile and wretched and poor and offensive and blind and naked in the sight of the one who is the Father of all, and who lives in riches and glory which fill and overflow all of the universes and all of the eternities – and he sees those who refuse Christ, and sees the lack of good courage they have to face the truth and to accept salvation and to walk and live in Christ and to step into the Kingdom of God and into eternal life and eternal riches through his word of Truth …because it takes good courage to live as Christ and to listen to Christ and to follow him everywhere he goes –
It takes an attitude which defies and overrides the attitude that brings disobedience and rebellion and defiance which is always before the face of the one who can destroy both body and soul in hell –
It takes an attitude which comes when we are fully lead by the Holy Spirit and have become so much like him that our attitude is the attitude of Christ Jesus - who though he was God he did not demand to hold to his rights as God but took the humble position of slave and appeared in human form humbling himself to the depths of death so as to raise all to the heights of life -
It takes an attitude which brings transfiguration and makes our face shine like the brilliance of the sun and our clothing to be as white as light, for we are clothed with Christ and dressed in salvation and are the glory of his name - and none of this can the world produce on its own, or out of its own accord, or out of its own attitudes or out of its own desires or for its own glory –

For we need the Holy Spirit to say JESUS IS LORD - so much more do we need the Holy Spirit to stay in the Lord and to wait for the Lord and for him to find a level of faith waiting for him when he returns which will send those eagerly waiting for him up into the clouds to meet with him -
It is the attitude of God we need and his Holy Spirit is his download into us – he is not only the deposit of what is still for us to receive - but he is the download of all of the attitude and zeal and jealousness and power and anger and wrath and destruction and love of God as he elects and divides and gives notice to those who are not walking the narrow road nor walking the razors edge of his word –
He is giving notice – and he has given notice - and he who is the deposit which was set in our hearts giving us the assurance of what is to come is now manifesting the promises of God before our eyes
And we have to sharpen our attitude and sharpen it on his word and sharpen it on his power and sharpen it on what he is showing us of Jesus and the Father so our attitude is as sharp as God himself –

We have to get real and get ready and are prepared –
For Jesus is what happens when we are making our own plans and our own preparations – Jesus is what happens when we are least expecting him and he is the one who turns all plans into God’s plans and makes all of which is not found in him come to nothing – for if it is not already something in the eyes of God then it is already nothing in the plans of God -

And we are sinners who have been lead by Christ into repentance - the same ones that Christ was sent to buy freedom for, and we have the Holy Spirit to allow us and to give us the privilege of saying the name of Jesus - for it is a privilege to call on the name of the Lord and it is an undeserved privilege to be saved and to be raised to all of which his name holds - and we have to take a new grip with our tired hands and we have to stand firm on our weak and shaky legs and let the Holy Spirit mark out a straight path for our feet that we do not veer from - and we have to stick to the path and stay with Jesus - and not get side tracked - and above all guard our hearts for it effects everything we do – for whatever is in our hearts determines what we say - for what was in the heart of Jesus is what we heard in what he said, and what he did – for we are listening to a sinless heart one which only can, and did speak out of what was not corrupted or had thoughts of self or desires which were contrary to the ways and thoughts of the Father - and that is how we do what Jesus did and are able to say what he said - for only the Holy Spirit controlling our lives will we be able to say what Jesus said and with the sameness of his heart, for that is how great the words and actions of our Lord are –
For we are not imitating that which is not full of the full power of God Almighty and so if our attitude is not the same as Christ Jesus and being not demanding to have the promises of God fulfilled to us - but take the position of brother and sister and co heir to our Lord and brother - and for us to raise our Lord above all of which men have lowered him to, by using the power the Holy Spirit which he will dispense to us when we have allowed him to step into our heart and make it as great as the heart of Christ Jesus - for then God the Holy Spirit can take vengeance - for out of no other heart than the heart of Jesus can the Holy Spirit execute his power on earth at the level of which it has to be executed - for he is ready to avenge but are we ready to have that vengeance come through us –
Have our hearts been truly circumcised and cut free from the flesh which is still slave to the world – a world which has no fear of the Holy Spirit of God – no fear of his power - no fear of his anger - no fear of God’s judgment - no fear of his raised arm -
No fear because they have no knowledge because they want no knowledge but that excuse is past its used by date - for God has never left himself without a witness so all would know him - and he will now move as the Spirit of the fear of the Lord and let the attitude of men be the attitude of men - and let the attitude of Christ be the attitude of Christ - because God’s patience has come to its full measure and it is time that all who profess to belong to Christ show themselves to belong to Christ – and since Christ suffered physical pain we must arm ourselves with the same attitude he had and be ready to suffer too - for if we are willing to suffer for Christ we have decided to stop sinning and are now only anxious to do the will of God - for suffering is only part of what God has called us to – for Christ who suffered for us is our example and we are to follow in his steps –

And it is a sin not be crucified with Christ and to give over all of which is to be nailed to the cross of salvation so we can be fully resurrected in him for the glory of the Father and to go from being disfigured by sin to being transfigured by God as we become a blank canvas ready to be written on by the finger of God and ready to used by the Holy Spirit of God who we have allowed to control and possess all of our life - for that is how life in this form and in this age will come to its end for it is only by the undeniable power of the God - the power that resides on earth with us – in us – which is ready to do the will of the Godhead – when it can come through ones of this earth and of this age to bring all into the age of the millennial reign - and God will do it through ones who have submitted to the Holy Spirit and allowed him to make our hearts in the greatness of the stature of the heart of Christ himself for then the work will be done - then the work will move into it where the Holy Spirit can depart - for the all of him can only be downloaded into the all of us - if we have the heart and the mind and the attitude of Christ - for in no other way can we take the fullness of God the Holy Spirit and for it to remain in us for the duration of it purpose in full measure and in full power until the Lord decides to shut it down - and that is the calling of God - that is what his heart is calling out to find and to have respond back to him and it comes from his heart to our heart as we take our present troubles and then move them into the greatness of God’s heart and his plan, and to know that they will produce for us immeasurable great glory that will last forever – for there is joy in the endurance of many trials – trials which test our faith to show it is strong and pure because it is more precious to God than gold - for because of our faith Christ has brought us into this place of highest privilege where we now stand and are confidently and joyfully and boldly and with an attitude which only Jesus had looking forward to sharing God’s glory for we also desire to share in his sufferings – for we have been given not only the privilege of trusting in Christ but the privilege of suffering for him – for even though the battle is the Lord’s we are in this battle with him if in this world we are like him – if in this world we listen to him and obey him… if in this world we are true and submissive instrument of the Holy Spirit... if in this world we are rejected and persecuted and called names for sake of the name of Jesus … if in this world we are able to move with the Holy Spirit when he is ready to move in the greatest power – in the greatest love – in the greatest judgment… and in the greatest plan of God the world has ever seen…

And if in this world we can see what it is that the Father has in his heart as he pulls aside the silken velvet veil of his great majesty for us to see what it is that he holds in the name of Jesus - what it is that he holds in the love in his heart and what it is that he holds for those who do not hold to and demand the promises he has spoken of but take on the attitude and the heart and love of Christ Jesus and humble themselves unto him - so he can raise them to where no man can ever be raised – so he can bring them into where no man can ever come – so he can give them what no son or daughter would ever have, if Jesus who is heir of the family riches had not gone before us in all things and executed the will the Father and moved all of which was outside of the Kingdom of God into where they need only call on the name of the Lord and be saved -

For repentance is given to us by God but repentance has to be spoken out by us to make it active and alive and that is what we sharpen ourselves on daily – our constant repentance before our Lord and our God – for all of which he gave us is to make us all of which we are -and repentance is the first cut that is made in our hearts to circumcise it and to make it able to be infilled with the glory and word of God as the Holy Spirit through his massive unshakable power brings many sons and many daughters to glory -

For the love of a Son for his Father saved us and now the love of many sons and many daughters who are coheirs with Jesus Christ will give unfolding to what has been saved and kept holy and shielded in the Father’s heart until coheirship with the heir of the Kingdom came into its full measure – and all and each of us separately are to be that full measure – so if it is one or if it is of the multitudes the Father will have coheirship with his Son in its full and eternal measure for his enjoyment and for his pleasure and for his rejoicing now and forevermore ~