31 July 2004

Father and Son and Son and Father

Jesus came out of the living God – and God said I will be to him a Father and he shall be to me a Son –

And even the heavens and the earth which are a work of his hands will perish but he shall endure and remain forever – always the same and his years will never end –

God’s Son and his sons and daughters who are in the likeness and sameness of Jesus are sons and daughters who will not perish but shall endure forever for when to us God is a Father - and when to him we are his son or his daughter in the manner of Jesus Christ - then we see all else wear out like a garment and be rolled up as a cloak - we see all of his people who have become unhinged from him and his eternal fellowship as our Father wear out – and see all of which they have placed their commitment and heart into roll up like an old coat and fade away like old clothing -

For the Son came out of the living Father – Sonship out of the living word – the living waters –

He came from life abundant and love abundant and was not only given life but held all eternal life – God gave him his kingdom of truths – his empire of dreams – his towering castles of thoughts and wisdom and prudence – gave him all of his love and all of his heart – all of his understanding – all of his knowledge - and all of his creation –

He gave him life and made him the life - he gave him truth and made him the truth – he gave him word and made him the word - he gave him resurrection and made him the resurrection - the Son is the beginning and the end –

For God’s word established the beginning with its presence and word will be here to the very last and then it will move into the everlasting - for such is the Father and his Son – and such is the Son to his Father - for the Son began all things and will end all things – for he is of word indestructible – for what is of the indestructible is that which is of the structure of God – that which is of the consummate fellowship with God –

And to the Son - God was indeed a Father and made him the express image of his being and the brightness of his glory - for he was the fullness of the Father having all of which the Father was, and loved and not only having them but being them – not only having his qualities but being them – being the full representation – as he gave full presentation and full personification and manifestation to him – to be the full person of his Father so perfectly so that whoever sees the Son sees the Father and whoever sees the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life and he will raise them on the last day -

And the bigger picture is those whose faith in him – whose belief in him takes them into the knowledge of him and then the knowledge is given its expansion with the understanding of him – and the understanding of him soars us into a life with him – a life with God – a life with our Father – a life as a son or daughter in the manner of Jesus Christ - and it becomes our will to stay alive on this earth through the resurrection power of Jesus Christ – to stay alive through his name and in his name to be a son or daughter to our Father - and to be a brother or sister to his only begotten Son who through his person cleansed our sins and then sat down in the place of honour at the right hand of the Majestic God of heaven until his enemies are humbled making them a footstool under his feet ~

We are raised up by the resurrection and the life for the last day - so that those who live and believe that Jesus is the resurrection and the life will never die and come into the last day with Jesus Christ –

For through his word of resurrection and truth we come to know the Father of Jesus Christ in the power of the truth of his resurrection and the truth of his life – giving us proper and right clarity to see the bigger picture and to have a heart so compounded and made solid with the glory of GOD that we are of the substance of the last days in our hearts and minds and souls and spirits - we are of the last days - we are of the strength and of the word which announces the last days for we are of the word of the Lord - and he has given us clear focus and God’s perception through the light of his Son as the eternal formation of word comes into the solid light for that is the word God lives in - for the Son who is Light brought us the truth of living in God and with God with his freedom and with his word – he brought us out of the darkness into himself and into the brightness of his Fathers glory – and into the very heart and understanding of the freedom of God -

For we are the light of the world as his eternal word and his eternal life sets us free to live for God – giving us the glory of understanding the heart of the Father and allowing us to move into him with the freedom of the Son - the freedom of one who was with him before the limitations of time - for that is the freedom we can have when the word of which we abide in, also is the word which God abides in – for it is for us to come into the word of which only God lives in – we live in his word given to us – but he lives in all word without limit and all word without limit is the structure of all the universes and all of which is unseen – and all of which is Jesus Christ - for when we see Jesus – we see the word - we see the Father - we see the Holy Spirit – we see the freedom of the Father and the freedom of Jesus and the freedom of the Holy Spirit as it truly is in the eyes of God – freedom given to us for our increased hearing - our increased knowing and understanding - he gave us his word to live by - to see by – to hear by - he gave us the light to travel by while it was in our presence - but now we need the words of God by which to reign by – to rule by – to step out and be our Father’s image by -

To now not see the light of his presence but to be the light which ushers in his presence – to usher in the word of millennial power and structure and formation as we become perfected as instruments ready to play out what it is that God still has on his mind and still has hidden in the folds of his robe - for some of his word was played out in the beginning and some is kept for last and some has reached into the eternity but will now be reigned back into the words of the present - and we move more into the freedom of being a part of the next age when we move into the freedom of the Son who is the King and supreme ruler of the next age – taking up the freedom of Jesus Christ – the freedom to follow God’s word to wherever it may go – the freedom to listen to God’s word no matter what it may say - the freedom only God can give us for only he knows his word and what he calls into the freedom of it –

And what God calls freedom – what God lives in – what he possesses – and what only he can give us and teach us and say to us in true holiness and separation only to him – that is what matters – for it does not matter what anyone else calls it -

He is our only concern - and what he loves is our closeness and our words to him which speak of his Fathership to us - and our sonship and daughtership to him - and it is only in our freedom of being a son and a daughter – the freedom which comes when we call him FATHER and mean it - when the words have the same meaning as they do when JESUS says them - words with actions of a son to his Father ; and with words with actions of a daughter to her Father – and not as a son or daughter to his church or to his people - for we are set aside wholly for him and our response is purely to his word of which holds the complete and entire relationship we have, or can have, or will have with him - for they are not words and expressions you will hear anywhere else except in the deepest of great depths of your heart where word is only for him and from him -

For what he loves is our use of his word and our devotion to his Son and his commands and our devotion to his Holy Spirit and his guidance - and for us to long to hear where his heart is calling him into so we can go before him and prepare a place for him – for gladly he treats us like sons and daughters but is it with the sameness that we are to treat him as our Father - for it is all held in Jesus Christ and we have to access it when our desire for the Father is of the sameness of desire as the Son ~

For He gave us the freedom to be like Jesus – to be a son to him – a daughter to him - and to live in his word which loves him and follows him wherever he goes - he gave us the freedom to follow and to make mistakes for his word is of such an edge that to practise what it does and where it goes is the only way we too will be sharpened and come into his holy refinement - for who else can sharpen and polish us but the finest edge of God’s word – for each time we move into it and practise its truths, we are sharpened and we shine and become more like it until we are so like it, that we know where it is going to go - and we know what it is going to do before it executes it - for we are free to move within the word and free to move before the Word – we are free to go first to walk before it if we truly know where it is going so as to be there before it - for even when Jesus told his disciples where to go next they still could did not walk before God’s word without becoming lost in direction –

But the freedom was there – and the freedom is here for us to light the way for the Lord’s return and to prepare a place for his return – by moving into his millennial word and work to make a blazing trail through the darkness which is coming and which has come – because the freedom Jesus gives us is without limit when we are fellowshipping with God as he does - for the Father made him the word and the truth and there is only one word - God’s word and only one truth God’s truth – and the freedom Jesus has with the Father and his word and with the Holy Spirit is the freedom we have if we believe and put our faith in what has already come directly out of the Father’s mouth – to have faith without having to see the way we want to see – the way we think we need to see - to believe that the Son is exactly who his Father has said he is – and that the Father is exactly who the Son has said he is – and that the Holy Spirit is exactly who Jesus did say he is ~

It is to have faith in God and in Jesus Christ and believe all of his unseen formation and information and what that can manifest out of us – for Jesus sets us free to move into his freedom - so what he is freeing us from is swallowed up by what we have been set free into – being set free into God can only swallow up that which we thought was freedom - but it is that we keep looking at what it is he has released us from, and we then stand frozen like a pillar of salt – unable to move into a freedom of which has been given by God so we can live in his eternal word – set free from death so we can live in the resurrection - to be free to know and understand God and his word – God and his Holy Spirit - God and his power – free to understand God and the Fathership he offers us - and we are being raised up and can only be raised up and given full resurrection so as to come to him within that freedom of word - where there is only the expression of word between us for all is word whether it is spoken or unspoken – it is to come within God’s freedom to resurrect fully and to be raised for Jesus and by Jesus right now within God’s powerful word of resurrection and life -

For God’s freedom is the freedom of Word UNCUT and word uncensored – the freedom to live a life without end – the freedom to live our life by God’s word and not men’s word – the freedom to go for the all of our God and to not settle for less – no less than knowing the greatness of our Lord in the fullness of his stature and the fullness of his personality and the fullness of his power and in the fullness of his eternal being – it is the freedom to say no to men and to say yes to God – the freedom to be one who goes before his word so as to prepare a place for it – the freedom of asking and then knowing what our Father wants and being free to give it to him - it is the freedom our Father looks for in us to see if we are truly our Father’s son and our Father’s daughter – it is the freedom to come into the fullness of the stature of Christ and the freedom to live in the full stature of Christ - for God’s word of truths and his commands free us to hear what he is saying – free to listen to his voice and to allow him to be a Father to us. !

And it is not his words which need to be altered or changed to give men the freedom they need - but men cut from it and change it to get the freedom they want which is really not freedom at all - and they take out God’s freedom and his ways of freely receiving and freely giving and they replace it with nothing – for there is nothing which can replace the freedom the Lord is giving us to move in to where Jesus alone stands and where the Holy Spirit alone ministers and moves in the full power of life - and to have the Word of God come into us as it does into Jesus – it is our living passport to the impossible God – for how else can we get to him if we do not come to him in the freedom of his word – for it is our living and active passport into the power of his impossible world – and is only comes into us when we live in the freedom of all things being made possible with God - we live in it – we walk before it – we wait for its arrival – and we celebrate it when it comes ~

For God was free to dispense of his word as he saw fit – in Jesus – and he still does for he is free to do with it whatever he wishes, whatever he wills, whatever he desires - And when he sets in us his word of freedom it is not for anyone else to interfere with it - for the freedom they pursue to take from those who live in the word of the God of freedom is the same freedom that they refuse to step into and are stopping other from stepping into also - for it takes us way into where men can no longer reach unless they are within the sameness of the word as well.

And men love to be in control – in control of God – in control of his word – in control of his people-

So how much more will they pursue to control and subdue the matured sons and daughters of God – how much more will they stone and persecute the millennial sons and daughters of God – how much more will they rise in effort to stop the sons of the Father and the daughters of the Father - when they crucified the only begotten Son when he came in his Fathers name – the one who is the only Word and who is the only Truth and who is the only eternal life and who is the only hope of Glory - how much more will they rise in anger to stop the ones whom God has raised to move swifter than the light to pave a way for the Son of Man to return – how much more will they try and come between Father and Son –and Father and daughter – but if we are sons and daughters in the sameness of Jesus no one can come between us and our Father and our Lord and our God - and that is the relationship God is counting on from us and which will make us endure until the end just as our Lord did -

For we are our Father’s sons and daughters when he sees himself in us – he loves to see his passion and his drive and his eagerness and his anticipation – he loves to see his jealously - and his love to step into the darkness and say let there be light – he loves to see the words come from us which he alone holds in his heart – He wants us to come alive in our hearts and in our spirits and in our souls and to live the return of our Lord - just as he loves to see us live the life of our Lord – We are our Father’s sons and daughters when he not only sees himself in us but hears himself out of us as well – and when it is not with reckless abandon and with self righteousness that we move into where we think we will receive praise and glory - but it is as we move within him and take on his attributes - as we move within his word and take on its truths - as we move into his glory and take on its form - as we move into his light and become all light – it is when we move into our Father and become of his nature – when we move into his Son and be of his Sonship – when we move into his Holy Spirit and be of his heart and have fellowship with his power – it is when effort is no more an effort – but perhaps only an effort for God not to get sick of us and our wanting to be everywhere in him and with him - and to know everything of him and his word and to want to be all things to him as he is all things to us – it is to have so much life in us – to be so much wanting to be able to live with our Father and in his full word so we can be just like him because we love him – and our response to him is instant – and we admire and respect all of who he is as he pours of the sameness of himself into us - for no man has the strength or power to stop us if the LORD has already given us his freedom – if he has already given us the ability to please our God – to please our Father with what we pursue to do for him – it is knowing what is pleasing him and what is only pleasing us - for he is of such a greatness that we can get lost in it if we do not always be in a steadfast holding onto our Lord so he can take our enthusiasm and our boundless love and longing and pining and energy to be with our Father and our God - and he teaches us and gives us the very self control we need to master such a relationship – for it is and holds so much that if we do not match what he is giving us with a Godly and holy self control – a self control so unique that as it controls, it enhances and adds to our zeal and our great love of him and our determination to be just like him in all of his ways and words and manner – it is to be like him to even a higher level for with his self control that is how we reign in and bring to its peak his power –

For his power comes as the very ways of our Father rise up in us as we yearn to be just like him in all holiness of heart and motive and love and it is from this - that the power flows as it did out of Jesus – and that is the power we want – the power between a Father and his Son – the power between a Father and his daughter – the power of his Fathership to us – and our responding relationship with him - the power that it takes to bring into perfection the relationship between Father and Son - and then the power which issues out of that perfection – for that is what fills our Father’s heart – the passion and desire to be of the fellowship with us which gives him the freedom to be the Father he is to us - and for us to have the freedom to be the sons and daughters who are produced out of such a powerful and perfectly holy and complete relationship - one which will never perish or wear out or get rolled up like an old coat – but one which will never grow old – nor its years end – but will be of the everlasting ~

And for our years to never end with our Father and Lord and God he gave us words which would set free in us what it takes to be just like him – he set free Jesus in us to give us hearts which are just for him – and they are hearts set free to go into more word – to take more of the release of him being a Father to us in the way he wants – to take more of the persecution that is aimed at our Lord and God for we are in him and we take all of which is his - so we can be all of which he is – as we stand with our God for his Fathership to us is that we do not leave his side unless he casts us away from him – and for us to remain in his words of strength and courage we are given resurrection as it was given unto our Lord - For it is God’s word which raises us so as we can go forward ahead of him –to go forward ahead of him because we have come to him and come to the Father through him and so go ahead to not merely to do our will – but it is that the will of the one who sent his word, is now also the will of those who received his word.

His word of solid glory – for Jesus is the only one who is solid – solid glory – solid word – solid light – solid truth – and once the glory he gave us becomes full and solid in us it changes all else giving us the same steadfastness and immovable formation as our foundation – as the rock on which we have built our house –

Giving a new dimension to our faith our knowledge our understanding our love our motives – giving the fruits of which we bear a maturity unknown before in this world for it is taken far into the maturity and completeness of fruits which can only be born in the eternity - but are now given full fruitage so as to be taken into the eternity in fully grown sons and daughters of the God most High.

For when the glory Jesus gave us has reached the form it is within Jesus – when it is solid and pressed down all else changes onto a different level even our believing – our faith is not just a step to knowing but changes into a huge platform on which can now take more weight – more knowledge more understanding more revelations of which the word brings us - for when we believe without seeing – when Jesus has so permeated our hearts with a pervading presence which we have taken in because it is to us, and holds for us the anticipation of now finding out all of everything of which our hearts has already accepted and made a part of us already –

For the word God sent, if it found hearts which were still open could bring to that heart and mind such a revelation of the Lord - for it is not in the seeing of Jesus that we obtain our faith in him - it is when God’s word is sent to our hearts and we have in an instant all of which cannot be told to us until time has taken its course - but his word bypasses time – it does not need time to reveal God for it was before time began –

God was before time began and the revelation of him is timeless - and when Jesus said to Thomas blessed are those who have not seen and have believed – it was that Thomas had said that unless he sees his hands and the marks of the nails and puts his fingers in them and puts his hand into his side – THAT HE WOULD NOT BELIEVE - but it was more blessed for them to hear his word and believe than for them to have proof as given by their eyes – eyes into not his word but into his wounds that is the proof Thomas wanted – he wanted physical proof of the resurrection for the word of God was not enough for him – and was not in him to reveal to him what only the Father can reveal - and what nothing which can be seen in this world can ever reveal – we are blessed when we believe God without seeing God – for he sent us himself in his word which will give us all of which we need to put our faith in him – our solid faith in that which is solid word and solid truth and solid glory and solid light - and out of our faith which is as solid as what is of the physical - we see God - for until we see the Lord within his dwelling place we are not going to see him anywhere else - for he is more real within our hearts because it is our hearts which manifest him for us -

The word manifested out of the heart of the Father and Jesus was given physical stature and when we manifest word in our hearts as the Father has taught us then the word will manifest - and if it manifests all at once and in its full power and in its full truth then we have the manifestation of the heart of God and will see what our hearts have already seen but in much more detail and with much more intimacy - the heart of faith and believing – the heart of knowledge – and the heart of understanding – we have a heart which can nurture the glory given us from God’s word for then the clarity and the vision and the steadfastness is increased - for we are not basing any of our relationship with God on only what is seen, but we are taking all of which is of him - which is unseen - and taking our foundation of Jesus Christ and letting it now expand and swell for it was our faith - it is our faith and our believing in what is not seen physically but certainly seen within us in the expanse of his eternal word in us –

For what we have within our hearts is the kingdom of God – what we already have within us is his kingdom of word – within us and known as the unseen but is really what is truly seen – for it is so more advanced for it is without limit in us who are of the same word - for we can take in more of his completeness within our hearts than we can with our physical eyes - for what we see with our eyes only goes to give enhancement to what is already planted in our hearts - and it is that our hearts always outrun our eyes as we can see more of the Lord and go more places and know more of him - for in our heart we move into the farthest of outreaches and no one can stop us except the Lord himself, for that is where he dwells in us – and our true fellowship with him cannot be seen by anyone else for the truth of it is beyond our human ways and nature – the truth of it beyond what is seen - it is beyond what we manifest in this realm – for our devotion to him - our true devotion – our true calling as he is calling us - is the place where he is in true and full manifestation – and the place of where he is really manifesting – his greatest manifestation is already within us where in spirit and in truth he is who he is - for their within our hearts is his word and his kingdom – the kingdom of who he is and where we see into the unseen of him – unseen in our realm but not unseen in God’s realm – for in the realm of our Lord it is solid and more intense and rich than anything of which our world can give portrayal to – and its only our faith which will take us into where he will spread out to us the solidness of knowledge and take us down the road of understanding - for there are no roads in this physical realm which would take us anywhere near where the Lord is taking us - for the Lord himself is the road to the everlasting – the road made for us by God being a Father to his Son and by the Son being truly a son to his Father - they laid the road of pure transparent gold for us that we too could walk it if we stepped into Jesus - for then we too can be truly a son and truly a daughter to our God who is waiting to become a Father to his son of the everlasting and a Father to his daughter of the everlasting .

For as Jesus is our solid foundation it still needs for us to let it be of its solidness in us - as with the faith which can move mountains we hang on to him with hearts which speak to the rock and do not strike it - with hearts which drink from the rock and do not ignore it - for no truth will have its footing within us if our faith is not solid and rich and dense - for Jesus is already to us solid and real and no matter what we do see - it would only confirm and add to what our hearts have already been changed by - what they have already been filled by – filled by the unfolding of Jesus – the unfolding of the Father and the unfolding of the Holy Spirit and all of what they know and understand and all of which is held in by their self control and their perfection -

For Jesus is the witness and the living revelation – the one who is alive forever and the person of the truth of our faith – and if our faith is not immovable and indestructible as the one in whom we have placed it - then nothing else which is of the solidness of God will have any foundation to be grounded on as he takes of the archives of ages past …and joins it with the age to come and gives release of truths which are so weighty and powerful that if not founded and set securely on Jesus Christ then they will crush us for we are not the foundation of them – Christ is - and when we place our faith in the truth – then all of the truths can come into us for what will hold them and exalt them and send the power of them out into the world is the one of whom they testify of – and speak of - the one of whom they reveal – the one of whom they exalt..

And if we would only take our minds off ourselves as a stand alone creation and see the truth of God in men and men in God - for just as the last day will present itself – the last hour the last minute and the last second – so we who were born into the realm of time but have now been resurrected into the realm of eternity will have to be of the next age presentation – as we present out to him the kingdom of which is within our hearts and display what we have done in it – with it – for it – and to it - has the work he has given us been finished before the finished work of God – Jesus Christ – returns to take up his reign on this earth.

And it is now how much more will the Lord – the Lord - the Lord put up with from his people….

For it is now that if the workers have put their tools and equipment to rest and have stopped the work of God and have gathered themselves into groups – and have filled their hearts with words which are not God’s word - and if they have grievances against God and speak blasphemy and make idol threats - and if they profess his name but will not come to he who is the name above all other names to have life in him – if they show that they are not for him and are so against him – that it will be that God will raise up the very stones of which they place their tools against – the very stones which are a witness to what men are saying in the hearing of God – the very stones will raise up and strike and crush the ones who blaspheme and spit at our Lord in their hearts and with their tongues - and God will give the stones life and they will do the very work of God – for God –

For even out of the stones of the earth can God raise up workers to finish what has been started – for that is how much the Lord has put up with from his people - but that is what he will put up with no longer for if God will give life to the stones of the earth to do his work how much has he already put up with from men who are made in his image ~

And it is that we who yearn to be a son and a daughter to him in the sameness and likeness of Christ Jesus have to take ownership of what we have been given and present it back to the Lord and for the Father to see himself and hear himself in it -

We will have to take ownership of our relationship with God and not to let it be tampered with by anyone else – to take ownership of our part we play in the Lord’s return and not to let anyone else steer us into another direction –

We have to take ownership of our eternal life and come to know the one true God and Jesus Christ whom he did send and to settle for not one grain less than what God has given his word of freedom to take us into –

We have to take ownership of our excessive humble submissiveness and our commitment to our Lord and become even more excessive – and even more submissive - and even more committed – and even more humbled before him –

We have to take ownership of our Sonship and Daughtership and to see it and live it to the edge of our humanness - and then to let it fly free into the eternal life we have in us, as it goes all the way into the expectations of the Father and then the more - as it takes even the Father into places of his Fathership which he has not been before -

It is to take and own our freedom in God and his word and to not give it in exchange for accolades and praise from men – for it came to us from our Father and not so men could praise him as they use it for their own purposes - but because only in freedom and with freedom of choice – freedom of heart and freedom of word can we be prepared to go before him and to prepare a place for him – as he did for us ~

For the will of God for his word – the will of God for his truth – the will of God for his Son - the will of God for JESUS Christ is the will of God for us -

For as God said to Jesus I will be to him a Father and he shall be to me a Son –

And even the heavens and the earth which are a work of his hands will perish but he shall endure and remain forever – always the same and his years will never end –

And it is his words for us – that he will be to us a Father and we shall be to him sons and daughters – and that even though the heavens and the earth will perish that we will endure and remain forever his son and his daughter – always the same and our years will have no end ~ our fellowship with him as our Father and us as his son and daughter will never grow old and will never come to an end.

Let us all be to him the sons he wants - and the daughters he wants as he raises us up to be just like the Son who fulfilled his dream of eternal Sonship – who fulfilled his word of truth and who is the fulfilment of his eternity ~

It is our will Father that the freedom you have given us in Jesus Christ – the freedom of eternal life that we begin now – that we use it in full measure to bring to you all of which you have set us free to do – all of which you have set us free to say and to declare and to proclaim – and that we bring back unto you the hundredfold return on the freedom of which you have given us in the name of JESUS CHRIST - the Son of whose likeness and sameness will be seen in all of those you have given to your Holy Spirit to prepare for the day of his return – when he returns in your Glory and with your holy angels and finds faith on this earth – solid faith – enduring faith – faith to the measure of the one in whom we have placed it ~ solid faith in God and in Jesus Christ – the faith of which Jesus alone brought into its fullness as soon as we let him come into and manifest himself in our hearts - for that is where all of God takes of its manifestation even our faith ~ for we may think we know him – we may think we understand him we may even think we love him – but if we are of no faith – if we do not believe then we cannot know and we cannot understand and we cannot love him as a Son loves the Father and our fellowship with him will grow old and will come to an end and will be rolled up like an old coat.

But those who have the glory, as it becomes pressed down and made solid it will transform our faith into the same solidness so that it is in us that Jesus finds the faith he is looking for – the faith he wants to see in those of whom are now coming into the millennium with him where they will now see him and reign with him – for it is the faith of believing without having seen – believing in his resurrection without having seen it – that is what he is looking for in those of whom will stay and be with him in his full power for HIS 1000 year reign –