15 May 2004

Resurrection Beauty

(How can you not love Him?)

The beauty of the Lord is the “can’t take our eyes off of” beauty of His Majesty as the Psalmist says in 27:4 “One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord..”

It is the beauty of the Glory of His splendour (Ps 96:9), and the beauty of the aura which surrounds Him (Ps 96:6)– the way He walks; the way He talks; every gesture He makes and every action He takes and does not take.

Then there is the beauty which is not so obvious to those who are satisfied with belief in God,. Those who love Him deeply, madly, deeply have fallen in love with these facets of Him – and continue to fall deeper and deeper and deeper in love with Him who is Perfect in Beauty…. as the Psalmist says in 50:2 From Zion, perfect in beauty, God shines forth.

The beauty of His Creations Eccl 3:11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

The beauty of His Life ..
The beauty of His Love
The beauty of His Grace ..
The beauty of His Generosity
The beauty of His Goodness
The beauty of His Kindness
The beauty of His Gentleness
The beauty of His Faithfulness ..
The beauty of His Righteousness
The beauty of His Truth
The beauty of His Holiness; Ps 29:2
The beauty of His Motives
The beauty of His Passions
The beauty of His Opera
The beauty of His Integrity
The beauty of His Purity ..
The beauty of His Peace ..
The beauty of His Forgiveness
The beauty of His Sacrifice Is 53:2–12 ..
The beauty of His Zeal
The beauty of His Honour
The beauty of His Pain
The beauty of His Long Suffering
The beauty of His Self-Control
The beauty of His Discipline
The beauty of His Silence
The beauty of His Discretion
The beauty of His Humility
The beauty of His Patient Endurance
The beauty of His Determination
The beauty of His Prudence
The beauty of His Strength
The beauty of His Victory
The beauty of His Eternity
The beauty of His Resurrection
The beauty of His Glory
The beauty of His Wisdom
The beauty of His Knowledge
The beauty of His Power
The beauty of His Authority
The beauty of His Justice
The beauty of His Judgements
The beauty of the Fire in His Eyes
The beauty He is a Warrior
The beauty of His Instructions
The beauty of His Counsel
The beauty of His Understanding
The beauty of His Thoughts
The beauty of His Revelations
The beauty of His Designs
The beauty of His Joy
The beauty of His Delights
The beauty of His Pleasures
The beauty of His Treasures
The beauty of His Son of man
The beauty of His Son of God
The beauty of His Kingship
The beauty of His Majesty
The beauty of His Fragrance…….

For which of these characteristics have you not yet loved Him? Who and what have you found that you have in your life which takes precedence before the Lord in your life? They are but as filthy rags and rotting flesh covered in maggots having their fill on those things you have chosen to run to and fro from away from the Lord’s presence. What is the attraction that you would run after white-washed walls and empty tombs which rot and decay even as you hold them in your hands and which bring decay to your flesh as you partake of them? How CAN they compare with the ONE who is Lord of Lords and King of Kings who is Perfect in Beauty, fully man, fully God?

There is only ONE WAY, ONE TRUTH and ONE LIFE! Choose now who you will serve for there will be no peace in any other way, there is no other truth and there is only death where THE LIFE is not the Lord of your life.

IF He is not the ALL of your life and THE LOVE of your life, you may partake of the food for He is gracious, but you will never enter into the ALL of our God as He has begun to reveal to us and continues to open up to us.

If you do not have a hunger and thirst for He who Is Perfect in Beauty; and if you have not yet grown an obsessive jealousy for all things regarding our Lord’s needs, then…. you must repent, repent, and REPENT!.

If you are young in knowing the Lord, but you would like to know more, - simply follow Jesus, Listen to Him and ask for the more - for as Jesus did say in Matt 7:7,8 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened ”

BURN with a consuming FIRE for the Lord that not even the River which flows from The Throne of God could put out!

For this is to be the standard of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ in these later days – For HE IS WORTHY, WORTHY IS THE LAMB who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honour and glory and praise! Rev 5:12

Rev 7:17