07 February 2004

Blue is the Colour of Justice

Blue is the colour of justice. The Lord is known by His justice, for it is from Him that men get justice.

Justice is the canopy which fills the skies and covers all the earth. The sky is set the colour of blue, and when we lift our heads, lift up our eyes, soul, hearts and hands towards the heavens, and watch as our redemption is drawing near, we can see that His righteousness shines like the dawn and the justice of His cause like the noonday sun (Psa 37:6).

The oceans are a colour of blue. Since the first day the Lord let all the springs of the great deep burst forth and opened the floodgates of the heavens, He let justice rain on the earth 40 days and 40 nights to punish the wicked and saved them from further sinfulness, except Noah and his family for He found Noah righteous in his generation. He showed us how He loves justice (Is 61:8), in what way He chooses to exercise kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these He delights (Jer 9:24). It is to see how priceless His unfailing love is, but justice did come at a price to the Father whose Spirit was grieved and could not contend with men forever, and to ask Him just how defiled the earth was that He had to destroy all life under the heavens, every creature that had HIS breath of life in it. He is God, and though heaven is His throne and earth is His footstool and He does whatever that pleases Him, He takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked, of anyone- rather that they turn from their ways and live. He will devise ways so that we will not be estranged to Him forever, and it is for us to see discover His ways and habits, His timing and reasons. And He has set His rainbow in the sky to remind us that His covenant is life-giving, so that we may know that the forgiveness of our sins have been freely and willingly poured out by His Son who laid down His life for His Father and the world whom He loves, and those who have turned and renounced their old ways may take hold of a life that is truly life. For only eternal life, which is coming to know the Father and Jesus through being with the Holy Spirit, is a life truly worth living, and a life outside of Christ is not life, but masquerades as despondent ways of existing ending in desolation, each breath a time-bomb until the last breath when you will have to give account of what you achieved with the Father’s breath of life sustained in you and any injustice you have committed against His breath of life. Just because one is living does not mean that there is life in its fullest in him, and just because one is dead, does not mean that he won’t live again. For He who believes in Jesus will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in Jesus will never die.

Justice rolls on like a river, righteousness like a never-ending stream (Am 5), like the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb (Rev 22:1), it flows from His throne to fill the ocean deep. The waters sparkle as the sun catches glimpses of justice and its translucence shows us how our God’s eyes shine as He loves to work righteousness and justice, and governs the people with justice. Look at how the oceans have covered the land, look at how His justice reigns across the earth, stretching up to high heavens. The seas have lifted up, the seas lift up their voice; the seas have lifted up their pounding waves to declare the majesty and glory of Jesus Christ the Beloved Son- the seas churn to cast up its waves of blue, righteousness like the waves of the sea (Is 48:18), for He is the Lord our God who churns up the sea so that it roars. The roaring of the waves tells us that the Lord is passionate about justice, that it is not something about Him that can be hidden or ignored or quietly tucked away, but is proclaimed amidst the almighty winds of the Holy Spirit. The wind blows wherever it pleases, and where the Holy Spirit goes, true justice is constantly decreed in perfection, for He convicts the world of guilt in regards to sin and righteousness and judgment. The Holy Spirit stirs up the tempest that lifts high the waves, and then He stills the storm to a whisper so that the waves are hushed. When the waves are hushed, and the seas grow calm, those who have been resting in the Lord will be guided to their desired haven, His wonderful deeds in the deep (Ps 107:24), for His righteousness is like the mighty mountains and justice like the great deep (Ps 36:6). How else will we find our sanctuary in the heart of God and Him in us, unless the Holy Spirit calms the storms of hostility and disobedience that arise in us, so that we may be still and know that He is God? How can we journey to the springs of the sea or walk in the recesses of the depth of our Father unless His hand takes hold of our hands, and our hands tightly intertwine and clasp His in loving- response? Deep calls to deep in the roar of His waterfalls, and His waterfalls are the meeting place of all His goodness, His grace and peace, His justice and righteousness and loving-kindness, His wisdom, His beauty, His mysteries, splashing and crashing and roaring at the heights and intensity of our God’s pleasures and passions, exalting His Name, creating a scene of wonderment and delight, and an symphony of musical enchantment.

As the heavens are high and the earth is deep, so the heart of our God the King is searchable because Jesus came and He is the way and the gate to reveal to us the Father who is in Him. He shows us the Father as He knows the Father- and He has given us the glory that the Father gave Him, that we may be one as they are one (Jn 17:22) Jesus in us and the Father in Jesus, the Father in us and us in the Father, as the Holy Spirit guides us into all truth. His justice has become a light for all nations, for Jesus is the light of the world (Jn 9:3). He has told us that we too are the light of the world, whoever follows Him will never walk in darkness, but will have the life of life (Jn 8:12), and may walk before God in the light of life (Ps 56:13). He has received authority to rule all nations with an iron sceptre (Rev 2:27), and His throne will last forever and ever as a sceptre of justice is the sceptre of His kingdom (Psa 45:6). In the name of Jesus, we all put our hope (Mt 12:18) for it is He who does the Father’s will to the end, and it is now us together with our brother, who are doing the Father’s will to the end and to the beginning again. I will sing of your love and justice; to you, O Lord, I will sing praise (Psa 101).

If it is in your heart to build a living temple for the Lord, a house that bears His Name, for as we come to Him, the living Stone, we too are like living stones. We are like rows of precious stones with our new names engraved on it- ruby, topaz, turquoise, onyx, mounted in gold settings- and out of the hardest stones (Eze 3:9), God raises up sons and daughters for Himself. Living stones that are built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, an altar of uncut stones refined purely by the hands of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Sonship and Fear of the Lord, and offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus (1 Pet 2:4).

Remember what Jesus taught us - (Matt 7:24) “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.” So continue to dig deep into the teachings of Jesus Christ and lay the foundation on the Rock, who is Jesus, a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation (Is 28:16), the sure foundation for our times (Is 33:6). Jesus speaks just what the Father has taught Him, and every word Jesus gave us came from the Father, for everything He learned from the Father Jesus has made known to us, and the Holy Spirit takes from what belongs to Jesus and gives to us- therefore dig deeper into the teachings of Christ by the counsel of the Spirit of wisdom and knowledge, and drill into and beyond the foundation, and right into the emotional core of the humanity and sovereignty of the 3 persons of the Godhead. For even New Jerusalem has 12 foundations- how many foundations of the ALL truth will we need to place down in ourselves?

Revelations about God as He disrobes them for us, is like holding a precious stone, marvelling and looking into the brilliance and flawlessness of a diamond. As you closer, you suddenly discover a sapphire hidden within the diamond. It was concealed at first sight, but its radiance is caught by the stream of light shining out of you, fuelled by your desire and love of knowing God in unfailing love and faithfulness. And as you turn the diamond around to catch more light, suddenly the sapphire reveals to you more about Jesus. Then at another angle, the sapphire turns into the deepest shade of blue, and there the Holy Spirit shows you something of Himself. By looking into the diamond and sapphire, we come to know and cherish the finest details of our God which makes up His perfection and His complete love for perfection. Our Father is a perfectionist, and He is a perfect perfectionist.

But this is only for the heart of pure because only the pure can see the pure, and only those who have allowed themselves to be purified can understand and appreciate He who is perfectly pure. And when the Holy Spirit continues to unveil revelations to us, our hearts made pure by the all-revealing, powerful truth can contain and bear and release what others could not, and we know that each diamond or precious stones set in place is not there only for decorative purposes. The revelations God gives us about Himself is not only for amusement, but it helps complete the tasks the Holy Spirit has set us aside for. For truth is our weapon and there is no substitute for truth, and it is the ALL truth which will lead us to fulfil our calling to be sons and daughters of the Most High God, to be just like Jesus, with a nature and heart just like the Holy Spirit, for we are being taught by the Best to serve and honour He who is the Absolute Very Best.

Only hearts of pure will not smash the diamond to pieces to take out the sapphire, nor will it enter their minds, to show the world what God has given you and how favoured you are in His sight. For if you violate any of the Lord’s holy things (Lev 5:16) or if you are unfaithful to something entrusted in you or if you cheat God (Lev 6:5), you will have to make restitution in full. God is watching to see what you would do with an insightful revelation of Himself, not only where you would take it and store it for safe-keeping, but how you would use it to further His causes and glorify His name, just like Jesus always does. It is for you to find out about yourself, whether you would sell it or hoard it, prostitute it or return it indifferently, refuse it or dump it, or if you would treat so well, just as Jesus would treat it, or even better, for the greater things shall we do, and go the extra extra mile with it and reap a hundred-fold profit for the Father.

And there, at your relentless pursuit for the glory and pleasures for God, the Lord will let you see the drop of pink diamond within the sapphire, and how it turns lilac when the Father is smiling back at you. To realise that the revelations the Holy Spirit gives us are living Truths- treasures set in each part of the body of Jesus to adorn and exalt Him. It is indeed a treasure hunt, for the Father has put each treasure strategically in place, be it spiritual gifts, revelations, music, a prophetic word or just a cool breeze in a hot afternoon. And the Holy Spirit guides us to its hiding place, and how excited they get whenever we step in closer into His presence. But the process of our search and His counselling is just as important as the treasure itself, for it enables us to learn to listen to the Spirit of Truth, and what it is the Father wants us to do with the treasures, and then to give the Holy Spirit the satisfaction of a job done perfectly. And we learn that they are unceasing Truths, as it motivates us to keep seeking Him who guides us into ALL Truth and not be satisfied and complacent, but be grateful always and strive to know and bear the ALL truth as the Holy Spirit does so well.

For if we were one who did not have the wisdom and zeal to look past the diamond to see into the pink diamond, or if we were one who would smash the diamond to extract the sapphire, placing one part of God as more valuable than another, discarding the surface things of God as insignificant, then the Holy Spirit will not be able to hold your hand and take you a step back to look at from the micro to the whole picture, and let you see that the whole jewel in encased in a gigantic topaz, and show you that indeed that you are standing in God’s own jewellery box which He opens and closes to let the light of His face shine upon them (Ps 4:6), and He visits it whenever He wishes because it brings joy to His heart. And He longs that the ones that He shows you, you will bring to reality His dreams and desires, just like your looking into His treasures and understanding Him through them was fulfilling a desire and dream of yours. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. And if the Father’s treasure is with you and has placed it in you, there His heart will be also.

When Moses saw God, under His feet was something like a pavement made of sapphire, clear as the sky itself. When Ezekiel saw the Lord, he saw over the expanse a throne of sapphire (Eze 1:26), the likeness of a throne of sapphire above the expanse over the heads of the cherubim (Eze 10). Righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne (Psa 97:2), and justice paves the way when our Lord comes to us. Jesus is the chosen one in whom the Father delights, and the Spirit is on Him to bring justice to the nations… in faithfulness he brings forth justice. He will come on a white horse, and He is called Faithful and True, with justice He judges and makes war, and the armies of heaven follow Him. And he will send his angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens, so that with justice too we will judge and make war, and together, we will lead justice to victory! So when the Son of Man comes, heaven standing open and coming in clouds in great power and glory, what will be the opening act and design of His grand entrance for His final showdown on earth?

The colour combinations of God are endless, and it is for us to seek out what each colour represents in His mind, and why He has chosen this bird to be this colour, and why tulips comes in many different colours, and why the colours of the rainbow is so splendid to watch. Why the petals of a flower is pink and white on the outside, but when it blooms it is surprisingly vibrant yellow in the centre, as if it is singing praises and worship to its God just by its ordained colour. It is for us to be in awe of a blue sky that transforms to pink and purple as the sun sets upon the horizon, and why He set stars in the expanse of the night sky to give light on the earth.

Just as there are words that match His songs, so there are colours that match His words, and how He has colour-coded His creation displays how He has also colour-coded His words, for the Word of God exists not only in a single dimension and narrow facet, but He is a God of abundance and His ways of communicating to us are infinite as they are interesting. The earth is indeed a rich store of the knowledge of our God, wonderful, amazing, remarkable Creator, and the earth is full of the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea (Hab 2:14)- it is all around us if only we would take the time, stop and look around and ponder the ways and the manner in which the Lord has created first earth, and not take anything that is from the Lord for granted, and use it as a tool to reflect and see how He works, so that we would come to an understanding of how He would like new earth to be. It is for us to marvel at all the professions God takes form in- He is the greatest Builder, Designer, Architect, Doctor, Accountant, Technician, Lawyer, Judge, Warrior, Producer, Gardener, Teacher and Father- and how He disperses knowledge about Himself all over His creation, so that His creation will recognise Him in it, and learn to seek Him and love Him in Spirit and in truth. It is also for us to ask why we find ourselves irresistibly drawn to certain colours, and what those colours mean to the Lord- why He has instilled a love of the colour pink in you, or blue precious stones, and what that shows you about His unique and personal relationship with you, and the practical yet romantic side of our God.

Did not the Lord say to us, “You are the light of the world”, and told us to “Let your light shine before men” so that the Father is praised- so what better object to capture, trap, reflect and radiate project light than diamonds? And we do not have to look far to know that the Lord loves colour, for that is why we love colour. As the Lord has colour-coded His opera of Word, emotions, dreams and desires, thoughts and movements, and He has instilled parts of Himself and His nature in us, how colourful the light that is radiating out from us to Him as we embrace and accept the ALL of Him! How the sky lit up in an array of colours the night Jesus was born for our Saviour did come, and even the stars and moon sing His praises! How colourful Jesus was everyday while He walked the earth to do the Father’s will, absorbing the light of life from the Father and projecting it onto men so that men saw His good deeds and praise the Father in heaven! How beautiful were the colours of Mary Magdalene as she anointed the feet of Jesus, glowing with all the different colours of love, adoration and worship! And how much more stunning will New Jerusalem be, shining with the glory of God like a very precious jewel, where there will be new words, new colours, new emotions and new songs, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband!

If we don’t strive to welcome and study every minute detail that the Lord has placed on this earth now, as our training ground for the next age, then how are we to come to know His tactics, ways and mannerisms? Does not each part of creation reflect a part of our God that may open doors to deeper ravines and higher mountains, which reveal more about Him than we could ever imagine? Let us look at the colours of the world and the styles as the Father has created them, and ask questions with the innocence of inquisitive children and let the Holy Spirit to teach us what building and designing for New Jerusalem really means, where EVERYTHING is being made NEW (Rev 21:5). And we get tips from Him as to what the Father and Jesus would like, for the Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God- so how much more as imitators of the Holy Spirit are we to search the deep things of God to assist in the recovery and fulfilment of His hopes and dreams?

And how excited is the Father who is thinking about His gift to Jesus, the bride who is being prepared for His beloved Son, whom He loves and is perfectly well-pleased with? Since it is something which is always on the Father’s mind, then should it not be on our minds as well?