06 November 2004

Be Silent Before the Lord

When we know the words of our God and our Father then we know him because he is word and the deluge of it - and he is the one who gives us the right of birth and the birthright of the firstborn son – but the immoral have sold their birthright for the food of the world and there is no recovery there is no repentance even though they may weep bitter tears -
For the full and complete word of God and its Spirit fights against that which comes from its seed but which has been corrupted and desires with a corrupted delusion that it can have its own separate existence apart from its true Creator and be able to manufacture out of its heightened pride and greed and total disregard to God – manufacture and cultivate and multiply a kingdom using the basis of word which was given by God – given by God but then misused in corrupted ways as the desires of self rose up against the desires of God and his Kingdom, as the wicked and vile and immoral and unrepentant work to replace God and his Kingdom and his words with their own gods, and their own kingdoms, and their own distorted version of word – but word belongs to God, and Jesus, God’s expose of the infinity of Word, and the Holy Spirit God’s power and Spirit of the Word came and destroyed the works of the devil and to set free all that belonged to God – and to be rid of what was now abnormal structure and use of word which brought deceit and death and delusion and chaos, because its creative and divine purposes were tarnished and infested with sin – for when the use of word is moved from its original status of good and moves with rebellious intervention into evil - then it has been stolen from God and taken from its rightful owner and removed from its true purpose - and God has always seen that everything that he gives us, that we always want to take its original purpose and twist it and make it our own – for word has been used to defame and ridicule God and used outside of the sanctuary of the Lord -
For all word came from God and belongs to him and we rob him of his word which is his glory, when we take it and use it for own self promotion and glory and gain, and do not use it for God’s gain and for God’s glorification - we insult its worth and its grade of perfection as we use it in a derogatory and blasphemous fashion - for the words of men are not pure - are not powerful - are not of any grade which would rate on the scale of perfection - but all word originates from God and we are to take back what belongs to the Kingdom of our Lord – to the kingdom of Word – to the empire of his dreams – and what belongs to what he has placed beyond any visionary concept we may have - and as we were set free from our sin and the hold death had over us by Jesus Christ who is the original Master Word - and so is word to be set free from sinful men and to have its true purpose reinstated because resurrection and life has come to all that belongs to God -

For in the beginning men imitated God and his pattern as we used the power of speech, and as we used his words that he gave us, as he instructed us and showed us the ways to communicate with him and with creation -
For the best results come when we not only do what is best for our life with the Lord but what is best for all of which is of the eternal creative word of God –
But we do not reason what will bring the best results and what is robbery to God and what is not - just as Jesus reasoned that it was not robbery to God to declare himself equal to God when he found himself in the form of God on this earth – as we reason that it is not robbery to Jesus for us to declare that we are co heirs with him of all of which he is heir to -
But Jesus did not follow a substitute pattern and ignore his Father and his teacher and the words given him – but many do – and go their our own way and follow a substitute pattern and ignore the Father and Teacher and Master and so disengage our words from any power or any truth or any wisdom they did hold - as hardened hearts change the motivation and the desires behind the use of the word - as our speech and communication with God and all of his creation disintegrates and is left abandoned - for even God’s correction just rolls off us and so now we are condemned or acquitted by the words we have by our own will chosen to speak -

For word and the use of it was a powerful and fruitful gift given by God to endure- and whether it was a dialogue with the Lord which stays within our hearts or a dialogue which was verbal with him - it would keep us right with him and in full and flowing over blessings and abundance which would pour from God as we stayed true to him and his word - for word helps us humans to remain in fellowship with God because he is so much more than us, and there is so much more to him for us to remain true and faithful to - and so he gave expression of himself and communicated with us in the ways He does, and gives it to us in a form of understanding which makes it that we have no excuse not to know how to stay aligned and in balance with his ever increasing glory and knowledge and all which is of the eternal Spirit – For it was an eternal gift which would allow us to communicate in a language of the Spirit to God himself, and in a language of the flesh to those in the world : so as to spread the glory and knowledge of God throughout all of his creation and so give multiplication to the knowledge of him the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom the knowledge of good and evil the knowledge of his glory as his creation abounded in him and for him.
For however word is used - it is nevertheless all word and it all originates and comes from God just as we, whether slave or free all originate from God -
But in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God – and he owns it and takes responsibility for it and he is faithful and true to it, just as those who misuse word and take possession of it as if it is theirs to do as they please do not reason that they have to take responsibility for how they are using word and so they become unfaithful to it and do not remain true to their word because to them it is a throw away accessory - but that expendable accessory as they so deem it in their hearts will be taken from them and then they will surely show how they communicate with the world without using anything of which the Lord has given – and then what they hold up in their hearts before God will be ridiculed and given over to the truth for destruction –

For The Lord, and the Lord, and the Lord own it and want it back in full healing and restoration and resurrection – they want it back in its true form even if they have to shut down the power of speech and shut down the hearts and minds which refuse to stay true to God and his word, and refuse to release the words they have captured, from its prison of corruption and falsehood keeping them twisted and tortured in the prison of unrepentant hearts and minds that do not care about God’s possessions - as they hold what belongs to God captive by an untamed tongue which is set amongst their members staining the whole body and setting on fire the whole course of their life as it is set on fire by hell – for even though God’s pure word cannot be chained and can never be held down, the misuse of all word has to stop – for God has power over all things and he is going to power up those words which were once used against him by the will of men and he is going to set them back on those who persist on making them vile and a travesty in God’s hearing - and they will taste the perversion of their rebellion as the Lord uses what they have used against him and takes possession of it and now uses it against his enemy -
For the power of speech was given so we could enjoy communicating with the Lord and so we could take proper dominion over the earth – so we could be a creation that not only revealed God through all of its diversity, but could be grown in wisdom and into full stature to not only reveal God, but to be just like him - as we all individually rose out of the sea of creation into individual beings just like God - for creation in all of its array of splendour and complicated and detailed structure is only the basics of God and his word - but what he wanted to raise out of it - what he wanted to reveal out of it was the wonder of all being not only made in his image but now living the truth of that image and for his image in us to be of his depth and height and width and to expand in heart and mind to reason with the reasonings of God – and for him to hear come back to him word from different hearts but of the sameness of the heart of God – to hear it come from different voices but of the sameness of the voice that holds in it the beginning and the end - and to hear different interpretations of himself because God is open to us giving back to him his word in the interpretation which comes from our hearts if they have remained faithful to the truth of which empowers them to come to know the one and only true God and Jesus Christ –

For we were once locked out of life, but Jesus brought our life up from imprisonment and we were born again not of corruptible seed but by incorruptible seed by the word of God which lives and abides forever – because Jesus who is now alive forever is the pure original Master Word and he is the Master of all word – and when the blood was poured out for the forgiveness of sins and the mortal flesh was cast off exposing the powers of evil as he put them openly to shame by his victory over them on the cross of Christ - then what remained was the Spirit of the Word because word is of the eternal Spirit and is the core factor of immortality - and when the action of resurrection came to the person who is The Resurrection word came into glorified flesh which was as eternal as the Word itself – because the flesh was as incorruptible as the Master himself and as mysterious as the Master and the word which consumes him -

The word of God is our riches and our wealth and the key to all things of God and it is our inheritance and we have to be full of care and full of mastery with what we are entrusted with and flee from empty echoes and from the perversion of false science – because we already have it all, and we have no need to listen to empty echoes or take part in the perversion of false science - for all of the truth is already in us if we have the Holy Spirit dwelling within – we may not understand all of it, or know all of it, but we have it in us and it is living and active and sharper and wiser then all the weaponry and knowledge of the world – for knowing and understanding God is the weapon of the co heirs of the Kingdom - the co heirs of eternal life know what are the weapons of life even when they are used to bring death - and we can only have the weaponry of God when we are clothed with a brand new nature that is continually being renewed as we learn more and more about Christ who created this new nature with us – The nature of God in us so we can know that the worshipping of God is not for worldly gain – not to make the world go on indefinitely and for all to aspire to have their dreams realised and their unnecessary wants fulfilled – for it is now a time of unfulfillment – of restlessness – of uneasiness – of feeling our distance from the Lord – a time when all are not filled, when all dreams are not realised, when all wants and cravings of a heart which is separate from Jesus are left cut off midway – so our distance from God is felt - and it is magnified - and it is brought to our attention – and it is made the sole focus of our life – made the sole and whole focus of our life and to finally put our complete attention on the fact that we are at a distance from God and that it increases with every word we say that is not of the nature of the original word – increases in every way we turn when we turn to the world for compassion and relief from this very uncomfortable and confronting position - for it is a position he has put us all in so we may realise that our reasonings on life and on ourselves are not valid and are empty echoes and do come from the perversion of false science – and it is a sadness God endures that it is the only position that will bring us back to him and back to crying out for understanding and back into a position where we can acknowledge our salvation and the name of Jesus before the great chasm - the irreparable rift comes eternally between us and God - and even eternity cannot change then the distance we are from the presence and perfect word of God ~
For we do not worship God for worldly gain – but for Godly gain as we submit ourselves entirely to him in the greatest and most reverent act which is honouring and loving and praising and glorifying the one we came from – the one we love and the one our soul pants longs and waits for – the one we will spend the eternity of our life with – for to worship God it is not to bring us gain or glory from the world or its false riches – because it is the worship of God and from that we gain greater contentment - for he is all and everything in its pure and eternal form - for when all is in its pure form there are no hidden traps – no underlying current to deceive us.
For we brought nothing into this world in the material form when we came in flesh and blood, and it is certain, that we can carry nothing out which is not of the eternal nature – and we might have come into this world with nothing but at the same time we came with everything - because we came in the image of God and with God backing us to go all the way to where we are just like him - and he is Spirit and wants to give us all the spiritual riches that we can carry with us and leave this earth with - for it is certain that we can take out of this world not only his image in its full and intact glory, but also the fullness of the stature of Christ - the fullness of the stature of word - the fullness of the stature of the Holy Spirit and the fullness of the stature of the Father which is held in Jesus Christ - for God has set this in our hearts to choose and to achieve – just as he set eternity in our hearts for that is where we take all our treasures God has given us to so they may glorify him for days that never cease –
For those who live for wealth of the world only come to the end of their lives as naked and empty handed as on the day they were born – but those who live for the wealth and riches of the word of God – for the kingdom of God – for the voice of God – for the presence of God - leave not naked but clothed in the rich garments of salvation and the honour of Sonship and Daughtership and are gowned in the glory that co heirship brings to God –
And we do not leave this world empty handed but abounding in the treasures which have come because God has backed us all the way – treasures which have come from the trials of a life on earth –because they are the treasures in which we will find the Lord and are not false treasures that only reveal the men of the world and do not reveal the Lord of the heavens and the earth –
The eternal riches and wealth that we can take with us have come from a life which was lived firstly as a sinner who misused word and misused God and misused the art and science of communication and fellowship, and misused the God -given delicacies of desires and dreams and hopes and pure imaginings - and then by the grace and mercy of God we are able to live the rest of our life on this earth in the exclusive and inclusive pattern of Jesus Christ in whom all of which God endowed to us was placed - so everything that was his was now ours and living in us –
For what we came into the world with is God – it is God who was and is on our side, and so he gives us the ability to leave this world with not only what we came into it with – but to take out of it with us the multiplication of what he planted in us of himself and to make that measure as least or as much as we want and for us to take it with us -
For we certainly can leave with more of God if what we were first given we have held on to and been faithful and true with for to those who have, more will be given and they will have an abundance -
For life on planet earth was where God was going to grow and form what was going to fill his new earth and his new heavens - and he planted the seed when we were born and made it in his image for that is what he was going to reap - for all was to be in the image of God - for the new earth and new heavens and New Jerusalem is made in the image of God and is to be filled with the image of God – and we will not leave this earth with empty hands and hearts held up to the Lord with nothing to fill them and nothing to show him and nothing to offer him that can be taken into the new life in New Jerusalem – but it will only begin from having our hands full and running over for it will be all parts of our being which God has so formed, which will be filled to the excess with the richest of harvest for our God – with the richest of eternal wealth that we will be taking with us when we depart this earth for when we go what we take is what we bring into New Jerusalem - for we are meant to take out of the world when we leave the more of what we came with into this world - we came in with God the Father and with God the Son and with God the Holy Ghost and we are to leave in the fullness of the stature of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost – for this is what the pure word of God does in us and does for us - for God came into the world as one man and left the world being the Saviour of all men – we came into the world as one person and leave the world full of the stature of the three persons of God –
For our life now is hidden with Christ in God – for if we have died with Christ we have also our life hidden in Christ – and when Christ who is our life appears then shall we also appear with him in glory – our life revealed when he appears over Jerusalem, and our life revealed when Christ appears in this world now fully uncensored through ones who are not leaving this world naked and empty handed because Christ in us, - co heirship in us – having hearts in us which are the heart of a son and a daughter of the living God is what clothes and saturates and attires us with God in his full form - where his words are not of an issue to us to hide from but his words just flow in their perfect and pure form - for to those who are co heirs with Jesus – then the all of the persons of God have to be in their uncensored form to us – for we who are co heirs with Jesus - co heirs with the Word have to know him - and have to have seen him in uncensored form for that is the only way he can be straight down the line with us and for us to not only receive revelations - but for those revelations be in their complete form so we know exactly his position and ours - for when we get to full stature we have to remain there – when we receive from him we have to be able to keep it and for it to not be shut down or lost or stolen - because co heirs of a Kingdom which is beyond worth and beyond all else which we have ever known or has ever been revealed in its entirety to those of this earth – are ones who are now responsible for all of the things of the Kingdom which are given to us now in this age.

We want to be sons - we want to be daughters - we want to be kings - we want to be co heirs - we want to be in full power - we want to stay for the millennium and we want to be inside the gates of New Jerusalem and we want to explore the eternities with God – then we have to get to full stature of the Kingdom and remain there no matter what, if we want now to be active in its welfare and not only a recipient of its great riches and its eternal promises – and so be full of Kingdom power and Kingdom secrets and Kingdom knowledge and Kingdom glory while on this earth and awaiting with patient endurance and the wisdom of God, for the Master to return in the flesh and to take full reign and full rule over that of which he paid for through suffering which brought perfection to all –

For out of perfection did come the greatest of God’s plan of which he generously made us a part of – and not only a part of it but out of it comes the greatest wonder for us and that is co- heirship with the Lord of lords and the King of kings –
And when our salvation and all it entailed was announced on the earth it was held in vast wonder and amazement throughout the heavens - for the strangeness and the wonders of the workings of God’s mind and the over flow of his heart has given this to us – the greatest plans of God which fill and refill all of the universes made heralded and to be made complete and come into their accomplished on this earth - which is but a grain of sand in comparison to the universal extravagances of our God - and which would bring what seems of little significance in the scheme of his wonders, into such glory for him and we would share in that glory for he poured his heart and soul and Son and Spirit out in great abundance - so as to bring his vision for men made in his image into the great expanse of eternity which will be filled with the completion of the greatest plan of God - which he delights and desires to share with those who are so small in the eyes and hand of he who sees all – he who sees all and then sees into the beyond of all vision – and what he sees in what is beyond all vision, is what the Holy Spirit works constantly with the knowledge and understanding and wisdom of – what he works at constantly in us and with us as he drives us into what and who is in the beyond of all vision - and for us to take up our mantle – our great mantle of humility and adorn ourselves with the greatest of riches which the Father is permitting for us to have and to clothe ourselves with and take with us when we leave this earth and this age - so the more of him in us is what fills his eternity and powers it into a Kingdom bursting with all at full stature of Father Son and Holy Spirit - and the Holy Spirit challenges us at all times to give more manifestation to the stature of Christ in our lives for him to work through – as he now challenges us with his spoken words – the final and great challenge of word which will come to us before the return of the Lord –

The Holy Spirit challenges us who are co heirs to see if the full word of the Kingdom can be sustained in us – if the Spirit of the Word is not too heavy for us for the part of the Kingdom which we are now being challenged with as co heirs - is the part of the Kingdom which has to come for the Heir himself to appear in the flesh again on this earth – for God chose this earth to reveal himself to in the most intimate of ways –
And so the Holy Spirit has to challenge us without ceasing because our Lord and God has unveiled himself and revealed the most intimate parts of his heart and we have seen and we have heard what others long to see and hear - and that will not be permitted to be cast by the wayside by anyone and to be thought of as being what we are rightfully entitled to – for those who are permitted to view God in this way will be challenged and then challenged again by his eternal Holy Spirit for we have seen parts of God that no one of this earth is fit to have revealed to them - but the Lord did reveal himself to us and so to us much has indeed been given – so much that we will not know at this time its depth or its true eternal value or the richness of its glory - because it extends beyond the point of vision and beyond the point of understanding – and moves into the unspeakable – and the incomprehensible – and what is kept within -

For the Holy Spirit shows us that what is displayed verbally is a fraction of what is of the non verbal dialogue - for if in men what we display of ourselves is only 7% verbal and 93% non verbal then what is the percentage in the Lord who is all word having no beginning and no end – having no corruption and no lie – no sin and no imperfections -
For dialogue is more revealing in the silence for the Lord speaks to us so much in what he show us - and the more of the greater parts of God is what is in the inner dialogue of him and which is unheard except to the wise and understanding and which is kept contained until the Holy Spirit gives it His deciphering as the final parts of the Kingdom are formed in us as our
co heirship becomes fuller in its measure as we come now into the fullness of the stature of the Holy Spirit -

For there are words given by God to be released and to be made known for the purpose of giving announcement to what to God, may be the basics of God, but given to us to prepare us for what is the extremes of God - and they are an extract from the total measure of his Word – the verbal and written words were given in precise and articulate and in specific dimensions of their truth and their specifications in regard to what they hold and reveal about God and his Kingdom – and revealed for specific reasons and at specific times -
For what was spoken and written was a condensed version - if compared to the fullness of the word in God – and was an intense and published copy of the manuscript which revealed God – and edited by the Holy Spirit - and it announced as only God can announce - and that is with perfection and precision and certainty that there was also a non verbal dialogue going on as well which would take us into his infinite pattern of eternal life - and we can know this if we listen with trained ears and understand God’s nature which is hidden within his Word who is Christ who is then hidden in God - and we listen with the nature of Christ who is an avid listener of the Father as is the Holy Spirit an avid and attentive listener - who is the listener who has now become the speaker -
For what is not published by God in written script is now only being captured by the voice and sound of the Holy Spirit - as he reigns in with his infinite power the infinite word of God as it now lays claim to all of which belongs to the Godhead -
For his words are of the nature of the last days – and of the darkest times and of the unequalled distress – words that bring to us the weariness of God as he moves in the final stage of his plan - unstoppable and irreversible word now in position for within the silence is the Lord the Holy Spirit – for within the silence is the devastation – for within the silence is the distress – for within the silence is the weariness and within the silence we hear the voice of God the Holy Spirit –
For as we put on the new life which is renewed in knowledge and is after the image and pattern of its Creator - we come to where it is now not only after the pattern it was originally created - but is now back to the original pattern of which all was created - for they were not created Jew or Aramean - Greek or barbarian, slave or freeman but created for Christ to be in all because Christ is all – because Christ is all that matters –
And the Holy Spirit is going to drive that home with the full power of God – irrelevant of his weariness – irrelevant of the darkness which is consuming the world – for the Holy Spirit is going to bring what God foresaw in eternity past – and he is going to bring it into the eternity to come because God’s word – and all of his word which was lost to him and taken out of context and taken out of the sanctuary and holiness of his Name, is now being repossessed by him and all the world will now know that God is raising himself from his holy temple and that all flesh is to be silenced before him –

That all the world be silent before the Lord for the day of the Lord is near when there will be many many bodies thrown everywhere and then silence!

So Be still and know that I am God!
I will be exalted and honoured by every nation!
I will be exalted and honoured throughout the earth!

For The Lord Almighty is here among us –
And we Praise you Lord, the God and Creator of the heaven and the earth!
We praise you Lord, The God and Creator of the New Heavens and the New Earth and New Jerusalem –
We praise you Lord, the God and Creator of all things new!

So be silent before the Lord all humanity, for he is aroused and risen from his holy dwelling!