21 August 2004

God is Humility

What shall I say the kingdom of God is like, or what parable shall we use to describe it? He who has ears, let him hear what the Holy Spirit says to the churches.

The word 'diamond' derives from Greek adamao, meaning 'I tame' or 'I subdue' or the related word adamas, which means 'hardest steel' or 'hardest substance'. The structural unit of diamond consists of 8 atoms, fundamentally arranged in a cube. This network is very stable and rigid, which is why diamonds are very hard and have a high melting point, and is the hardest natural material. Diamonds form about 100 miles (161 km) below the Earth's surface, in the molten rock of the Earth's mantle, which provides the right amounts of pressure and heat to transform carbon into a diamond. [Ref: How diamonds work and Bvlgari] On the day of Noah’s lifetime when all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and all the floodgates of heavens were opened, diamonds exploded into the scene onto the surface of the earth when it caused the movement of the earth's crust around the earth. Therefore, diamond is not a product of sin because it existed in the foundation of the earth, but its introduction into our lives from the after-effects of the flood is one of the Lord’s parabolical ways of showing us that though every inclination of the thoughts of our hearts are evil, it is possible for God to even turn the most element of carbon into a diamond which is a perfect, clear crystal.

Jesus is the apple of His Father’s eyes- His Father’s treasure because His heart is always with Jesus. Jesus is the perfect diamond solitaire brought forth by the hands of His Father. Ezekiel testifies to Jesus’ appearance- what appeared to be glowing from the waist up He looked like glowing metal, as if full of fire, and that from there down He looked like fire; brilliant light surrounded Him. Like the appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the radiance around Him. This is the splendour and beauty and brilliance of the perfect diamond of the Ancient of Days.

Now, to man- the perfect diamond consists of the 4 Cs: 1. Colour; 2. Clarity; 3. Cut and 4. Carat.

1. Colour grading represents a fundamental element of the diamond. The more colourless a stone, the greater its rarity and value. Even if many diamonds can appear colourless to an inexpert eye, the majority of stones have a colour lending slightly towards yellow or brown. The value of a diamond can vary considerably with the slightest increase in the shade of colour. Nature also offers us fancy coloured diamonds - yellow, green, blue, pink - but colour of the diamond signifies the splendour of purity. Truly colourless stones are extremely rare and precious. This is because their beauty lies in their incredible optical properties. A diamond acts as a prism, separating light into a spectrum of colours and reflecting it as vibrant flashes, called fire. The fewer colours in a diamond, the more colourful the flashes of fire will be. In colourless diamonds, all the colours of the rainbow are reflected back to your eye. The different colours are formed when a diamond is under extreme heat and pressure, and traces of other elements are incorporated into their atomic structure, causing variances in colour. [Ref: Diamond colour treatments]

Jesus is of the exceptional grade of perfect colour – He is the radiance of the appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on any given day. These traces elements may be tiny, but it is what causes the diamond to be unique- which is what we are in the eyes of the Lord- gemstones that are unique because of the traces of elements which arose in each of our lives. No two diamonds are the same- and no sons or daughters are the same to my Father. The colour of the diamond that you are, determined by your personal life’s circumstances, how you react to them and how you overcome them- is the variety of your Father’s collection of precious family jewels. The splendour and beauty of God is in the way He uses colour and light in the designs of His creation- though it may be pre-destined what colour you are- it is what colour you are striving to be which counts- and how you grow to be an overcomer like Jesus despite yourself and your weaknesses which makes perfect the power of the Holy Spirit.

2. The second C: Clarity is determined by the number, position, kind, colour and prominence of inclusions contained in the diamond. Jesus is the eternally flawless one. Truly clear diamonds are extremely rare- and so that is why we must persevere and remain faithful to be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect- to let Him bask in the glory and the praises He deserves. Clarity pertains to the blemishes on the surface of the diamond and the inclusions within it. May it be chips, cracks, pits and scratches- it is our attitude, faithfulness and humble submissiveness to the Holy Spirit our Counsellor that cause it not to affect our natural beauty- the beauty that is the image and likeness of the Lord, the Lord the Lord. And though it is a beauty that is not visible to the eyes of men, nor would it valued by them- it is your Father you are striving to please- the purist and the perfectionist- and the Spirit of truth who searches the heart of God and the deep things of Him- knows that it is the fullness of truth and grace that make perfect clarity possible, which leads us to the next “C”.

3. The cut enhances the diamond power to pick up and reflect light. The stone is revealed and the diamond shows itself in all its splendour and brilliance. In order to reach perfection, the diamond cutter, with an accurate technique and great ability and precision, determines every facet and angle of the stone following a precise reciprocal geometric relationship. The diamond, mirror of light dispersion, thus obtains its maximum importance and greatest brilliance. In a brilliant-cut diamond there must be 57 or 58 facets lined up with precision. The expert diamond cutter is the Holy Spirit- who we need for us to be perfect vessels to capture and radiate the light of the knowledge of the glory of God. This requires humble obedience submissiveness on our behalf to not interrupt or interfere with His work in us- to just sit quietly before Him in agreement and in love- to trust in Him and listen to Him- to keep our eyes on Him as He looks into our eyes to search our hearts and examine our minds. The Holy Spirit is the one who decides if you are best-suited to be cut into a heart-shaped diamond, or an emerald cut, from the raw mineral ore that is presented to Him when we come to Jesus in repentance and He is baptized into us. Each facet is the plane, polished surface of a diamond- and the basic 12 facets are the 12 fruits of the Holy Spirit which is love, peace, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control, righteousness, truth and praise. The additional facets emerge when God permitting, we go on to maturity when we are enlightened, tasted the heavenly gift, shared in the Holy Spirit, tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age. The next set of facets are fruits we bear- praise, glory, wisdom, thanks, honour, power, strength, understanding and knowledge. Anything beyond these fruits is in the personal relationship between you and the Lord. The ALL truth that the Holy Spirit guides us into is like laser-sharp double edge sword which cuts and refines us- and though each rebuke, correction, revelation, and rebuke may sting and hurt, and when he cuts, we may bleed and want to resist the change He is trying to bring about in us- we must endure patiently- we must go through it to grow- we must be in constant repentance and continual forgiveness- because it will lead us to the fourth “C”

4. The carat represents the unit of weight of a diamond. The size of a diamond increases its value and rarity, but has a lesser importance if it is not matched with a good grade of color and clarity, and proper proportions cut. Two stones of the same carat weight will have, in fact, very different values depending on their other characteristics. Nevertheless, size does indeed contribute to increase the value of a diamond, as large stones are rarer than small ones. We need to grow in terms of carat- representing our wisdom and stature in Christ- the one who the Father loves and is well pleased with. The Father is looking for sons and daughters who shine in oneness, sameness and togetherness as Jesus- for the beloved firstborn Son of God did die to bring many sons to glory, for He knows it gives His Father much delight and pleasure, glory and honour to have regally coloured sons and daughters of the First Resurrection who are not only flawless and brilliant, but who speak the words in the prescribed ways which carry the same weight of truth and grace as Jesus- whose blood flows as thickly and richly as Jesus- and whose destination of everlasting love is set in the same eternity as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

And for the perfect diamond to be enhanced in all of its sparkle and exquisiteness, to have a delightful nature of splendour that does not pass away as the heaven and earth will- then its setting is as important as the quality of the diamond itself, if not more. For the setting of the treasures that we are for God is now and forevermore, humility. A diamond could be of a high quality of grade, but if it is a proud heart and haughty eyes, its beauty and purity will be corrupted, and it will be cast out of the kingdom into the darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. It is splendour which makes beauty perfect (Eze 16:14)- and for us to God, splendour is in our humility which does make beauty perfect. Like patience, true humility is not the meekness and modesty that come from the weak and the powerless ones- but from the glorified ones. It is the awe and love you have for your Father when He dresses you in the finest plush robes of white and adorns you with a crown of life, when you are given your new name and sitting with Jesus on His throne- and at this time, using all the strength and humility your body of flesh can muster as you strive to be in Him, to be like Him and are encouraged by the Holy Spirit- taking on more of the image of your Father as each day turns- being like He who is true humility. God is humility- for He is the only person in all of which is, was and are to come who does not need to be humble- but yet He is. His Spirit hates pride and arrogance. His Son came as a humble servant to serve and not to be served- and to give His life for a ransom for many. He came to us with a gentle and humble heart yet we exalted and esteemed Him not. But Jesus did say, “For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted”- but we humble ourselves not to be exalted in our own names for we did not come in our name but our Father’s Name which the Lord sent us in- we humble ourselves so that our Father is exalted- Jesus is exalted and the Holy Spirit is exalted. We humble ourselves in true humility that they may be exalted in true love. If we want to learn to be humble, then look no further than our 2 Counsellors, Jesus and the Holy Spirit- who only speak what is given to them by the Father, and who work only for the glory of the one who sent them.

If you can open the eyes of your heart to see that Jesus is the perfect diamond set in the fullness of humility- fullness of grace and truth, that even as the Father hands Him all authority and power, leaving nothing that is not subject to Him, He will be the one who will turn the kingdom over to God His Father when He has reigned and brought justice to victory. If you can accept that- then since you are in Jesus and His words abide in you, and the Holy Spirit lives with you- you too are a unique diamond of a son or daughter which your Father has a special place in His treasure chest- in His heart- for His treasure is where His heart is.

So if you need to repent- repent. If you need to change- change. If you need to forgive- forgive. If you need to speak in tongues in agreement with the Holy Spirit- speak. If you need to testify for Jesus- testify. And if you need to be healed- then heal first the broken heart of your Father and seek first His kingdom and righteousness, and true riches and good gifts will be given to you as well, then it may returned back unto the Father in the richness of the resurrection glory. If you need to fellowship with the Holy Spirit- then do so now for His time on earth will end as His work comes to a completion. So if you need to practise His power- do it now because we have only been given our Counsellor for a specific time, so it is now or never, as it is with the things of God, this is our one-off opportunity to befriend and be close to the Holy Spirit on earth, and be the perfect model for Him to mould and develop us into that we may prepare the earth and its inhabitants for the soon return of the King- that when He returns He will find so much more than faith.

Finally- each diamond is issued with a certificate. The certificate we have been called and chosen to aim for is the stamp on our forehead of official Sonship and Daughtership with our Father. It is issued by the gemmological expert- the Holy Spirit- so that we may be qualified for the First Resurrection, which must be phase one of the goal of our faith. We must not retain the mark of the beast, and we must lose our heads because of our testimony of and for Jesus and the Word of God. Both of which we need the Holy Spirit’s counselling because He is the power which we have received from on high, and we testify with Him as He testifies for Jesus. Just as importantly, we need Him to teach us to hate pride and arrogance as He does, and we need Him to convict us in that regard that we may be refined and spotless until the end of time.

See that you do not become conceited because of the glory of the light that is emitting from you, attracting men of greed and lust to you, and lose the fire of the passion for the Lord and lose sight of your purpose in Him. Jesus is the light of the world- we are only the light of the world because of His words spoken to us which cleanses and sanctifies us. The light you are radiating is not your own light- but the light of life which comes from your oneness with Christ. The moment your pride and arrogance emerge, that oneness is disconnected, and what is coming out of you is no longer the light of the glory of God- but a counterfeit brightness which comes from your vain imagination.

So in all that you do-take this truth to heart: Apart from our Lord Jesus- we have no good thing; Apart from our Lord Jesus- we can do nothing.

AMEN HOLY SPIRIT- you are the true treasure-