10 January 2004

Inside God’s Quietness – Inside His Voice

The stillness that abides in the inner true realms of God’s quietness - is a stillness that holds in it the knowledge of knowing that He is God –
For God tells us in Psalms 46:10;
‘Be still and know that I am God’ – he is saying to us stop striving; let it be, and be still
It is a stillness you have been brought into because the revelation of the truth of life brought you to a halt in the world, and God’s stillness then swept you up and carried you away from the chaos of the hostile world, and set you in the life you have when you repent and accept Jesus as Lord, living by his word and obeying the will of the Father; and it is the quietness of knowing the eternal true God, and knowing the gift of eternal life which he gave us through Jesus Christ; who is the firstborn over all creation, the living one who died and who now is alive forever; He is the Amen- and the Lamb of God who was killed -

It is through the Spirit of Wisdom that we can come into a stillness, which will give us entrance into God’s repose; where we will lie at rest in calm composure placing our trust in God alone, and while resting in stillness and quietness we are able to work at God’s speed; for now we have been stilled and quietened just as a small child is quiet with it’s mother; just like a small child, is our soul within us; and it is in this faith which is of a child-like nature that we are able enter into the kingdom of heaven, where God waits to have perfect fellowship with us. (Psa 131:2)

It is within the ancient caverns of God’s immense quiet stillness, where we will find his audible voice; for out of the quietness and stillness he speaks; and when his voice projects his words nothing is impossible; for when he spoke we came to be; and at such times as his voice goes out all things stop in stillness and quietness so they can recognise his power.
But within God who is opera and who is full of symphony and harmony, comes a voice which also echoes above the sea and thunders like mighty waves - it is so powerfully majestic that it splits the cedars and twists the oaks and strips the forest bare - his voice strikes with lightning bolts and when he utters or lifts or raises his voice, the earth melts; and yet where his voice resides, is at the same deep level as the marvellous and tender dream of his heart -
Every word he speaks out is to bring into position all things leading us back to him, so he can be our God and we can be his people, sharing with him in a relationship born out of perfect unconditional love.
His voice sends forth his word and his expressions, indicating his feelings and his character as he gives utterance and declares and asserts each word, which is so vital to the continued existence of his much loved creation.
But within all the dimensions that his voice is sent forth, there is a place where it is assigned to also play out with the beauty of a stringed quartet; For held in the voice of God is the manifold dreams of all three persons of the Trinity, and also the lost dream of the fourth person - the lost dream of mankind – lost to men’s depraved minds and hearts but never forgotten or lost to God – for it is often sung out by him to us as his longing to gather his children together as a hen protects her chicks under her wings, rises intensely and unrestrained within him. (Matt 23:39.)
It is only when our quiet stillness is the quiet stillness of God, that we can hear his voice in a way which will not only wonderfully swallow us up; but which will give us total enlightenment with each thunderous roll and with each soft melodious note – for all is to be put together to bring the full opera to its conclusion; to bring the fullness of God, to its glorious final unveiling, where he can say ‘IT IS DONE.’

No one hears the fullness of what He is really saying because of the shallowness of our own quietness and stillness - for we have no quietness and stillness; we have no rest - unless we have entered into the rest of God.
And because we fail to see and recognise the power of his voice, and the voice of God in his power, we cannot reconcile all the ways his voice manifests – we run from one in fear, and then we misconstrue the other – they all have to be merged to know what he is saying and to know what it means from God’s point of view – for his most tender moments may not be in a beautifully held angelic soft note, and his most wrathful moments may not be when his voice is enfolded in thunder and in the strike of lightning; we do not know because we do not sit and rest in his quietness and stillness to listen, but instead run from him because we misunderstand him; as nearly all run from his discipline and do not stop to understand and know from where in his heart his discipline and correction and conviction is coming; and in doing so we hear and understand but fragments, and we think that the fragment is the full verse – that it is the fullness of who God is and how he operates, and how he feels – and we believe that this fragment is the full counsel of God – and that is where we stop.
And when we stop here, we then have a heart full of broken pieces which has led us to a misunderstanding of God, and we are left with a heart not completely soaked and marinated in his seasoned love and wisdom, given to us to bring out of us his very own attributes and his entire nature.
Our minute times of quietness and stillness reward us with the same measure of intake of God’s majestic beautiful resounding voice, and no matter which way it comes forth from him, it will always express and reveal the mysteries of both the joy and pain of life;
for there is no other voice which holds in it the beginning to the end; so how can it not be thunderous and melt the earth when it is raised; and how can it not reached the melodic heights of a symphonic masterpiece when it is released from him; for it is carrying the alpha and the omega, and it is full of all the majesty of the three persons of God, in all their splendour and in all their eternal glory …how can his voice not express who he is – when he is everything that is good – and righteous!
His voice expresses the One who is, who always was, and who is still to come - the Almighty one – He has a voice which holds in it all words and expressions and all things which are, which always were and which are still to come -
His voice is the mighty source of all our vocal ability; his voice like all voices put together; a supernatural version of how our voice was meant to sound like before it was marred and changed by sin and pride; for God’s voice encaptures all expression and all emotion and all truth and all word; he holds in his voice all the deepest understandings of life, and as he speaks he carves it out through and into this realm of time; and the flow of it continues onward unchanged into the eternal timeless realm of New Jerusalem;
As he spoke the commandments, his voice powerfully carved into the tablets of rock with such ease, with such grace, and with such pleasure – for he loves to write; and his voice is also used as an instrument with which he can write with; For as he causes men to hear his majestic voice, his hand responds to his heart and his brilliant mind, and all is put into eternal script; Words, feelings, expressions which have come from the depth of ages past, drawn upwards into existence through the powerful utterances of he who is the Ancient of Days.

For all scriptures are God breathed, carved out into the hearts and minds of those who were his witnesses - all scriptures coming through all three separates persons of the Godhead – for each of their hearts is a doorway into the hidden treasure of the who is from ages past - for out of each of them the ancient treasures pass, each coating them with molten talents of gold; defining and then redefining their glory, and their place of honour in God’s royal kingdom.
The holy scriptures were breathed out of the Holy Spirit as he inspired God’s word to be written; the ink carving the word of the Lord into loose manuscripts and then into books with their pages bound together, so that the full counsel of God would not be separated and be read and heard only in disjointed fragments; It was perfectly joined together so all creation missed not one word of life and truth.
Mk 13:11 KJ - 16:15 AMP
The gospel must be first published among the nations; Jesus said - so go into all the world and preach and publish openly the good news to every creature.

When we find our rest in God we will have a supernatural quietness and stillness, and even as we move and have our being in the flesh, we will still be able to maintain it, if we have given ourselves over completely into submissiveness to God, who has a nature which never changes in regard to his attributes, his perfection and his purposes for mankind.
He wants to speak now in full voice of the Alpha and the Omega, whether it comes to us amid thunderous crashing of mighty waves, or whether it is soothing and symphonic in nature - the Lord wants it to be in its full capacity, coming also out of vessels who can withstand and remain unmoved by a voice that has so much power that it can melt the earth - our form that we were made in is now desired to be so wonderfully usable by God, that even our imperfections are no barrier because of the total commitment and submissiveness he is calling for, which in turn removes all our resistance to him, which allows our imperfections to be set aside – not separate from us, but not anymore interfering with his work in and through us; which in turn will increase our accuracy as we aim for perfection.
And a part of our aim for perfection in our present form; is our imperfection being overridden by our devotion and giving of ourselves over in sacrificial love to Christ, as he now moves in closer to take over our lives completely and to set into full unhindered motion our full calling with the majestic command of his voice;
Our giving ourselves over to Christ demands that our hearts are not centred on rewards and gifts; not centred on God’s blessings or his power – for our thought life; the thoughts which come out of hearts not centred only on Christ, is what defiles us - our sole commitment is to Christ alone, based on our acknowledgement of who he is; and coming to want to know and understand him and what he really did do for us – what he really did do for his Father and our Father, and then having an undeniable agape love for Him – only this will put us into a position where we are usable by God to the degree with which he wishes to use us, as he so beautifully could use Jesus, and to a degree where he can receive long awaited pleasure, as the full truth and understanding of the sacrifice of the Lamb of God; the full truth and understanding of what Jesus willingly said yes to, is acknowledged by hearts which have been seasoned not only by God’s blessings, but by hearts which have been also seasoned by the cutting and confronting revelations of the full depth of God’s word to us, the full depth of seeing all which was lost to him, the full depth of the understanding of the sufferings of Christ, and all the deep truths held in the full humanity of Jesus Christ.
God has permitted knowledge of the unspoken feelings of Father and Son and of the Holy Spirit, allowing us to search and explore and to come face to face with his heart and his mind, which opened the curtain to us on the revelations of the three persons of God -
And what he has so graciously revealed to us is now going to be put to the test to see if we can now take the knowledge and understanding of these truths of him to a higher level –
If we will allow all that has been revealed to us, and which has been absorbed by our spirit into our hearts and minds, if we will allow it to really change and mould us into what God holds within himself for us – and for himself – that is where the core of our true calling is – will we allow God who created us for his own pleasure, to now have that pleasure he desires come into existence – and for this to manifest, it is us who have to speak the creative word to him - it is the declarations that our voice projects that God is now listening for – it is our voice which now has to thunder and twist oaks and split cedars and melt the ground under his feet; it is our voice now which has to hold in it the pain and joy of the truths of his word; for his pain and joy cannot be separated- for they are One, just as the Lord our God is One; it is our voice which has to hold in it a good measure pressed down and running over of the Alpha and the Omega; it is our voice which whether heard through flashes and peals of thunder, or through celestial harmonies, which now has to project the true heart of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit ~

Will we allow our Lord and God who has revealed so much to us, to be still denied the pleasure of his creation, and be pained by our resistance to allow what he gave of himself to us to change us so radically, so that we are now the true image of him.
Will we just let treasure after treasure - revelation after revelation – sit dormant in us without letting it do its specific job which God released it for – will we allow what we have heard and seen - witnessed and felt now change us in Godly supernatural proportions; so that the fruit we are producing is now in the proportion of the fruit of the garden of Eden - making it now truly worthy to present to our Lord - so pleasing to him that the vine will permit our growth into places which are still closed off, because rich fruit only comes from a total commitment to God’s truth – and the commitment to giving his truth the right of way in our lives – moving all things out of its way so that God always leads and we always follow the path left by the weight of the voice of the power held in the full truth of the alpha and the omega ~ and it is a rare find indeed to the sight and heart of God to see fruit bearing trees which are of the quality and quantity of the garden of Eden -
For there is joy and pain for God as he sees in us the manifested results of the greatest sacrifice ever made, out of the greatest love which ever was, and which still is, and will always be – for it was a sacrifice which held in it the complete love of God for his creation, and the complete and perfect love of a Son for his Father. ~
And even though we are not perfect, God is, and he can use us to perfection – if we come into his rest and let him teach us and confide in us in deep quietness and stillness, to bring out of us the rich fruits required – to make us just like Jesus.
For when we are completely trained we are re-adjusted, restored, set right and perfected and we then become just like our teacher who bears all the precious fruits of eternal life.
When perfection comes the imperfect disappears – when God comes to us in full capacity of voice and power and might; in our total submissiveness our imperfections are overshadowed by his perfect total control, if we allow him to have his way in us; working through us at full measure, so the timely return of our Saviour and King, can be perfectly and righteously prepared for -
The power and strength needed for the maintaining of supreme inner stillness, which results in an inner quietness, is only natural to God – and it is what will maintain our rich and abundance fruitage and our correct speed and momentum physically and spiritually, as we now have all our life completely given over to God’s will – the willing ability to give all as Jesus did comes from feasting and living inside of God’s word…and inside the voice of the power of his word.

Inside of God’s voice is to be held motionless, amid the alpha and the omega – where the beginning and the end have not yet met – which gives rise to the extremes of the manifestation of his voice – for each word is called forth from each end of the spectrum, and each expression and feeling from out of his heart joins with it– the combination giving rise to a wide scope of the way his voice is projected, for the beginning and the end have not yet come to its final meeting place. It is at their meeting together that the full score of the opera inside of God – the opera which is God, is made manifest and visible through his voice, as it reaches out to the very limits of its designed and desired purpose – to the very horizons of where the earth meets the heavens; where the division between heaven and earth is no more as time come to an end.

Jesus is the Word whether he speaks it out or not; and Jesus too sits in supreme quietness with the Father, and in his superb unfettered stillness fellowships with him in perfection and to perfection - and that is what we are aiming for ~ to have perfect fellowship with God ~ and to do so we must know and understand that if we wander beyond the teachings of Christ we will have no fellowship with God whatsoever ~ 2 JN 9

SCRIPT; Luke 4:32
When Jesus spoke the word to us it was spoken in authority – ability – weight - power and strength – which came from his perfect fellowship with the Father, and he maintained it all within a inner quiet and gently stillness as he walked the earth as the Son of Man-and the Son of God ~
And he has given all he has to us, including physical and mental strength and ability over all the power the enemy possesses.
For him to engulf us with all he has, and all he is, is for him to now walk the earth through us, doing his work in a way which defines and magnifies the power of his perfection; and the power of his love - the reality of which is on the verge of increased manifestation –
There will be times when the Lord will be so manifest in this world through one or ones who can carry and sustain his presence in their body which is his holy temple; that they will feel Jesus manifesting through them and will feel his whole being moving and taking precedence; as his persona comes to the fore – and then it will be like they are inside not only his word but have been permitted to venture inside the resonance of his voice to hear the alpha and the omega speaking together - to hear the beginning and the end conversing in unison.
Godly attained quietness and stillness is to be a permanent state of existence so we are always ready and prepared to be used by God as Jesus was; and so we can hear and also bear the unleashing of his last day commands as they come into existence.

His eternal voice to us is a treasure beyond compare and when he is ready, and when we are ready, it will be directed from him to reach ears opened by the fingers of Christ, to reach hearts cleansed by the waters and the fire of the Holy Spirit; to reach hearts which have the full gospel of Jesus Christ flowing through them, and the complete burning counsel of God Almighty refining them – hearts full and bursting with his words of life and truth; words and truth now ready to have his voice pick them up and give them commands of unfailing righteousness and justice – to give them commands to bring about unheard of miraculous events, which to God is just bringing all things up to his speed, and bringing them all back to being pleasing and natural in his sight.
He desires ones who are merged so close to the Lord that he can do anything through them for they have their immense strength, power, ability, authority through their Godly attained quietness and stillness, afforded to them by their sheer obedience and faithful endurance to his word; out of which has come to them God’s way of understanding – an innate understanding of the complete heart of God as seen and understood through all three persons of the Trinity.
For Father, Son and Holy Spirit operate from different parts of the complete heart of God and they all have deep hidden truths to reveal to us; each one a miracle in itself as it surges upward out of the realm which is ageless, into a realm which needs its ageless wisdom and knowledge, but at the same time will suffer it not ~

Within God Almighty, the heart of the Father shook as his wrath was dispensed on the flesh of Christ; punishment for our sins was cast out upon the body of flesh he had prepared for this purpose – the body in which his son was manifest.
The one the Father had chosen for his own, was now rejected and willingly killed by the ones he had created for his very own pleasure;
His own creation killed their only true and faithful brother – The only true and faithful Son over God’s household.
But our never ending lifeline is held in the heart of the Holy Spirit; for his heart contains a non ceasing ache which he has for God’s creation, as he constantly pursues men to lead them to the Son; throwing out to them the lifeline of unconditional love and mercy, which he holds onto them with, until the Father draws them to Jesus;
By no one else but Jesus Christ do we have reconciliation back to the Father; a process which could only be done by the sacrifice of God the Son who made himself nothing, and took the humble position of a slave and appeared in human form; and in human form he obediently humbled himself even further, by dying a criminal’s death on a cross – Phil 2:8

Because God’s children are human beings made of flesh and blood, Jesus also became flesh and blood, for only as a human could he die, and only by dying could he break the power of the Devil, who had the power of death. If Jesus hung on the cross as only fully God, and not fully man, he could not have suffered death at the hands of hostile men – but he stripped himself of all privileges and rightful dignity and became the source of our eternal salvation – He was despised and rejected – a man of sorrows, acquainted with bitter grief. We turned our backs on him and looked the other way when he went by. He was despised and we did not care. Yet it was our weaknesses he carried; it was our sorrows that weighted him down – and we thought his troubles were a punishment from God for his own sins. But he was wounded and crushed for our sins - He was beaten that we might have peace – He was whipped and we were healed.
We all have strayed away like sheep - we have left God’s path to follow our own. Yet, the Lord laid on Jesus the guilt and sins of us all.
And even though he looked powerless, the mighty saving power of the cross was held in perfect quietness and stillness within him; The cross of Christ was bearing the weight of all sin which was held in his body ~ and all sin was now going to bear the weight of eternal punishment which rebellion against God brings ~

God the Holy Spirit is holding the family of God together with his unimagined power of love, and continuously holds on to those given to Jesus by the Father so they may be raised up on the last day; and this can only come to pass by the sheer brilliance of God; but our God is way beyond brilliant and it is now time the whole world sees it, and time for all to confess with their mouths that Jesus is Lord, and to believe it in their hearts that God raised him from the dead -
It is now time that the whole of his creation sees and acknowledges his unsurpassable love – his unchanging nature, and his unblemished character –
That they see and hear his voice and know his sublime power as his audible voice echoes and thunders and powerfully splits the cedars and twists the oaks and strips the forest bare - let the earth melt under their feet and the lightning bolt of his word reveal their true condition – let them see his unswerving immense determination to see all men saved, based on his love of his creation; let them be broken, and their tears fill the outstretched hand of the Lord as they respond to his gracious flowing mercy that rises up in him, when he looks at our now debased nature and character and still loves us; and without ceasing finds ways to bring us back to him when we have been separated from him; for he does not sweep away the lives of those he cares about but finds ways to save them, so they will not remain estranged from him.
(2 Sam 14:14)
It is time the world knows that he is irreplaceable and unequalled; and to give up our worldly lives to follow Jesus is a privilege and an undeserved honour – and is not a burden or a begrudging effort which God has laid on us to take us away from anything else which is more worthwhile – for there is nothing else worth pursing than the Kingdom of God ~ and we have received our inheritance because of the love of a Son for his Father; for Jesus loves us and became the source of our eternal salvation because he loves his Father – and will do anything to bring joy and pleasure to the Father and God of all creation –

It is the Holy Spirit of God who lifts our hearts and holds us in quiet stillness as his power is directed out according to the movement of God’s heart.
And when we who are far away hear what he has done, and when we who are near acknowledge his power, a door is opened for us to come into an understanding of his feelings, and his character and what moves him – when we acknowledge his power and pursue its very makeup, we are then can see from where it came, and this knowledge will lead us back into the regions of the heartfelt and disregarded feelings and knowledge and wisdom, of the Holy Spirit of God, regions which are the source which gave his power its direction, its speed, its purpose, its destination, and its outcome –
What he does and how he does it, will tell us what part of the complete heart of God he is operating from; whether from the movement of the Fathers heart; or from the movement of the Son’s heart; for the Holy Spirit is the complete Power of all persons of the Trinity and when he directs his power out from his heart if we have the ability to hear and understand the voice of perfect power; then the perfection of the heart and love of God, has been revealed to the heart and mind of men as well.

The heart of the Holy Spirit protects and watches to see who strays from the fold. He takes the earthly life experiences and all the words spoken by Jesus the Son, and ponders and holds them, as he inspired Mary the mother of Christ to do – and as he inspires us to do - always watching over and protecting the pearls of wisdom given to men by God – watching over and protecting all God’s sons and daughters with the power held in the mighty name of Jesus - always giving us boldness to stand and speak about Jesus; helping us when we do not know what to say; empowering us without limit when we speak the very words of God, out of the same heart as God and from the same mind as God;
And he gives us an indwelling holy and righteous fear of the Lord - and at the same time supplies the comfort and counselling and teaching we require to remain faithful to our Lord, so Jesus will find faith on this earth when he returns! – The Holy Spirit will make sure Jesus finds faith on this earth when he returns and is seeking and searching and preparing hearts and minds, and even changing flesh, so that we have no excuse not to be able to sustain our walk in faith with powerful strong strides, which will keep us planted in his word, and will give us deep roots which will go down into the soil of God’s marvellous love - making Christ more and more at home in our hearts as we trust him more and more, and ourselves less and less. (Eph 3:17)

The Father spoke out of his heart words of creative truth;
The Holy Spirit’s heart responded and brought creation forth in the way he knew encaptured all which the Father was desiring and hoping for– and all that Jesus was going forth into the world for; for the Holy Spirit holds deep in his heart the core of the heart of creation; the finer essences of our make up.
He brought into existence not only what the Father spoke out, but all that remained unspoken – For he was ready to bring into existence the very finest and most sensitive of details that would remain unsaid, and which went into making up the larger structures, which are also in the desires and wishes and thoughts of the Father and Son; for it is God’s power which has no beginning and no end, which works to put in all the final touches, to perfectly bring into existence creation in its entire fullness, with all its glorious secret underlying traits planted as seeds, which will grow as they are carried forward through the ages into the millennial reign of Christ, and then into New Jerusalem where they will reach their supreme maturity.

All set in perfect place, carried into existence on the wings of his power which touches the corners of God’s complete heart, and draws out all the finest of wares the new with the old, just as Jesus did when he came to deliver the message and words and power of the Father and the Spirit – just as he did when he brought the written word of ages past into the hearing of the Devil as he tempted him for forty day in the desert –

Sin was going to come – and they all knew it – but still every fine sensitive thread of everything which is ever needed or required, was to be tenderly put into its carved out place as ordained and purposed by God Almighty –
The Holy Spirit is poured out to us by a merciful and compassionate Father, with all of God’s attributes flowing generously from him -
Poured out to us because his heart is full of the sweet essence of creation that fills the earth, and which will deepen in fragrance as it fills New Jerusalem – that sweet essence is the powerful fragrance of the full knowledge of God -
the full revelation of Jesus Christ - and when time runs out and we are no more in the physical realm, there will be no more time to advance and grow in Christ, and the way we know him while on the earth, will be the level we are at in all eternity.
Matt 19:30
But know that many who seem to be important now, will be least important then, and those who are considered least important now will be greater then ~
For we are not to aim to be important and held in high esteem by men as we live on this earth, but by God who is enthroned above the circle of the earth, and who stretches out the heavens like curtains, and spreads them out like a tent to dwell in; he is the one in whose sight we are to be pleasing and righteous and true.

It is Jesus Christ who is the manifest dream of the Father; he is the manifestation of the perfect relationship with God; but what the Holy Spirit adds is the extra assurance and majesty of the outcome of the Father’s dream - he adds the extra essence of drive which pulls us forward with a hunger for the Lord our God; with a hunger to be just like Jesus; with a hunger for his word; he inspires us to have a heart which longs to see the Lord face to face, and secures our footing so we can hear and respond to his majestic voice - he gives us resolute determination to keep going until we know and understand as Jesus knows and understands ––
His essence gives us the wisdom to plan for the return of Christ; and a heart set on remaining on earth to reign with him; he has given us his wonderful traits of patience and perseverance and a longing to be right in the middle of the action when it comes to participating in the work of God – the strange and magnificent work of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

It is Holy Spirit who sprinkles on us absolute pure droplets of the unequalled passion of Christ - The extra drops of essence he added is what is now driving us to the Mount of Olives - to meet our brother - our Christ, our Lord and Redeemer - to meet our Saviour and King - it is what drives us to know and understand and love our God to the measure he knows and understands and loves us -

What drove Jesus to the cross for the Father; is what will drive us to the Mount of Olives for Jesus;
It will be the love of a son and a daughter for their Father and for their brother. Jesus, and the ones he makes holy, have the same Father;
That is why Jesus is not ashamed to call us brothers and sisters; as we are not to be ever ashamed, or denying of the name of Jesus Christ; who is the brother and the Son who willingly shared his entire inheritance with all who come back to the Father through him.
The Holy Spirit holds and binds us – Father to Son and Son to Father –brother to brother – sister to sister – brother to sister - and daughter to Father –
And when the Holy Spirit spread his wings and manifests the liquidity of his love which pours out of the recesses of his heart; its intensity is unequalled –
The power that comes out of his heart flows like liquid – for it is sweet perfume – it is the sweet fragrance of the sacrifice of Christ as it went up before God, and which he now holds and protects, for it is precious and beyond value, and it fills the Father’s heart always.
The opera of God, who is the Ancient of Days, takes on a different dimension when His Spirit moves in to expand it, just when we think it is finished – he adds to it, its beautiful dimensions, as he brings the unseen beauty of ages past into our midst. God is a complete opera – he has true feelings - and his sufferings are real – he has a flawless character and an unchanging nature we can trust in – He has true loves – and his love is true and real - and it is the Holy Spirit who brings out all the endless unnoticed superb, yet natural features of the One who has no beginning and no end; and at the same time is the beginning and the end.
Why can’t we see that we have been given everything that we do not deserve; That to be able to come to know the one and only true God and Jesus Christ whom he sent to us – is already beyond what our own minds would ever ask for or our hearts ever dream about;
Why can’t we see that it is not us who brings anything worthwhile into our lives, but it is Christ living in us, who allows the essences of the Holy Spirit to flow so profusely through us?
So what are we striving for within our own selves for God to tell us to be still - What are complaining about within our own hearts – for God to say to be quiet- And what are we not hearing - for God to say he is coming in full capacity of voice -
We are to stop and be quiet and still, finding our rest only in God and his word. Allowing ourselves to be then absorbed into his voice as he expresses his word to us in the way we need to hear it;
He wants, and deserves to come first in our lives;
And does not deserve to have to watch as we step clumsily over what he has placed in front of our feet to stop us going in the wrong direction, and then have to watch as we will not humble ourselves to bend and pick it up to even see what it is that we he has so wisely placed at our feet –
When God gives us anything it is given to us through his perfect will, and our denying of what we have received from his hand and his mouth, is an insult of proportions we can not comprehend.
For we are turning from the greatest power source which ever was, which still is, and which will ever be - and it is only in God’s huge mercy and grace to us that he restrains his power which moves in him - he restrains it because if it was released each time we deny him, it would pulverise us because we continually keep from him the love, honour and the respect which is due him, and which is truly his.
We dishonour him as we pursue the defiling of the outside as well as the inside of our bodies; which really represents how we dishonour him not only on the outside of his church but on the inside as well.
We deny him inside his temple when we stand righteously at his pulpit and yet have refused to listen to what he has prepared for us to speak; for when we open our mouths to speak our words, we have closed his mouth to what he wants to say; for what alone we have planned to say is not going to please him just because we used his name - because by what authority did we use his name on that day called today, if we have first neglected to ask him what he wants to say; for when we fail to inquire of him, we miss his perfect timing and his perfect sequence of words and power –
It is now past the times when he will tolerate our ignorance and lazy attitude in coming to know his ways – he wants his words which teach, and his words which spread his gospel, to be given out on the day he has decided on, in the way he has prescribed, and with the power he has given us.

The Lord calls us to come into his rest and to abide in his quietness and stillness so he can show us the new ways, and fill us with the new wine – but when we come to the entrance of the new things of God and can only see our own reflection, and surmise that we must already be good enough to now take our leave from the Lord and walk on by ourselves, is indicative to what Jesus said
In Luke 5:32 – ‘I have come to call sinners to turn from their sins, not to spend time with those who think they are already good enough.’

He invites us into the deeper things - the hidden deeper quietness so we can hear what is his final messages to a dead world and to a dying church; but we do not come in for our hearing is on what is outside of his temple; and when our benchmark is not the Lord himself, then our footing has slipped and our roots have become loose and weakened – our ears have become deaf and our hearts have become dull.
If God Almighty invites us in, and we do not know of the time of him speaking to us – then we have just become permanently deaf to the last day mandates.
His voice will now not stop at our ears, let alone come in to our place of hearing, because we will now have no ability to understand a voice which holds in it the full extremes of all the pain and joy of life – the full extremes of truths from the beginning to the end ~
Lam 3:39
So why should we mere humans complain when we are punished for our sins; because;
Not one of us deserves to be forgiven by God ~
Not one of us deserves the sacrifice of Jesus Christ ~
Not one of us deserves the unrelenting and fierce determination of the Holy Spirit not to let us go until we come to the Lord Jesus Christ in repentance, and acknowledge him as our Lord and Saviour~
We have already had our reward showered on us the moment God not only looked at us and loved us, but when he turned and healed and saved us; we cannot imagine the power of the Almighty; yet he is so just and merciful and does not oppress us, but shows his immeasurable grace by pouring out on us every spiritual blessing because we belong to Christ, his dearly loved Son –
We have an inheritance from God and the Holy Spirit of God is the one who has identified us as his own, guaranteeing that we will be saved in the day of redemption.
WE are God’s masterpiece – for he has created us anew in Christ Jesus so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago- and we thank him that his word is full of living power, cutting deep into our innermost thoughts and desires to expose us for what we really are ~ ( Heb 4;12)
God saved us by his special favour when we believed in Jesus –
It is a gift from God-
Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done -
We only receive our rewards through Jesus Christ who is the Faithful and True One; for he judges fairly and then goes to war defending the poor and the exploited, ruling against the wicked and destroying them with the breath of his mouth ~ He is surely the answer to every prayer we could ever pray and every dream we could ever hope or desire for!
He is the one who calls to us so we may run to him for refuge; and so we can take courage - for we can hold on to his promises with confidence - this confidence is like a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls, and it leads us through the curtain of heaven into God’s inner sanctuary – where Jesus has already gone before us - and from where he is still urging us to;
Luke 11:8
Ask and keep on asking - to Seek and keep on seeking - and to Knock and keep on knocking.
To be shameless – persistent and insistent - so we will receive; and find; and so that the door may be opened to us.
So that we may hear his voice and his power and his word of truth;
So that we may see him face to face, and heart to heart, and mind to mind;
So that we may know and love all his human qualities as well as all his Godly attributes as he shows us how to bring them into one ~
And so that all which the Lord himself wants us to ask for, and to seek for, and knock for, so that all these mighty doors of unrevealed truths may be finally opened for the glory and honour of our Lord, who is glorious in holiness and so awesome in splendour -
And as each mighty door is opened our hearts should bow in reverence and holy fear to the one who stooped down to us and by his own will, saved us from the power of death as he handed to us the power of eternal life held in only the name of Jesus Christ.
This new life will last forever because it comes from the eternal living Word of God, and it is that Word which IS the Good News which goes out to all creation from the very mouth of God.
But for us, we bow our heads and we bend and bow our bodies to God. but do we always bow our hearts; it is the eyes of our heart with which we can see that which the Lord has put down at our feet for us to find; he gives of himself at all different levels and in all different ways, and it is up to us to find him - and if we are not willing to bend ourselves and lower ourselves, as well as uplifting ourselves, then all that he has placed at our feet will go unnoticed -
And there is the danger that if we move off on our own we will never see it, and we will never know what it was that our God gave us when we least expected it ~ even though he has told us ahead of time to expect the unexpected ~

It was to be mentioned every time the Gospel is preached, the actions Mary of Bethany, her actions being so important to the walk of his church that Jesus told us to include what she did, each time is word is released.
Mary shamelessly, persistently and consistently anointed the head and feet of Jesus with unhindered love as she prepared him for his burial;
So with an anointing of sacrificial love for Jesus who is the Head of the Church, may we shamelessly, persistently and consistently anoint the Church of Jesus Christ – anointing the head which is Jesus; and then anointing the feet of his church so that its walk takes on the strong powerful strides of Christ, remaining forever faithful and true - with feet which will not crumble, but which will take his church directly to the Mount of Olives to welcome Him as he comes back to take reign over the earth for 1000 years – which for God are as yesterday; they are like a few hours – our entire lifetime being just a moment and human existence but a breath. (Ps 90:4) (Ps 39:5)

Let us shamelessly weep, as we pour out the fragrance of the Lord’s amazing anointing of grace, weeping for what the Lord’s church are not going to experience of Him, if it refuses to now enter the rest of God, and submit itself to his quietness and stillness, so that his audible voice may engulf it and expand it’s mind and heart to receive the all of him; with ears which have been touched and opened by the fingers of Jesus himself, and hearts which are set ablaze by God’s wonderful Holy Spirit - not to man’s measure and comfort anymore, but to the measure that the Lord is now calling for; and that is FULL MEASURE !

Is 38:20
Let the anointing and power of the Holy Spirit fill and control all God’s church, so all will sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, making music to the Lord in their hearts right now, and not waiting for the time when we will also sing with stringed instruments all the days of our lives in the temple of the Lord.
(Ps 118:14)

LET it be now that we also acknowledge Jesus Christ as our entire life, as our entire strength, and as the completed and perfect song of God’s entire opera ~

An opera where the beginning and the end meet ~
An opera where we all are finally home living eternally in perfect fellowship with He who is our Father and God, with he who was, and is, and will always be one who holds in him the greatest love story ever told ~